Chapter 5 Kagami

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The next day, we were at Kaijo.

"This place is huge. You can really tell when a school is devoted to its athletics." Captain said and I was a walking zombie.

"Kagami-Kun, the look in your eyes is worse than usual." Kuroko told me.

"Shut up." I said as I turned my head, as I remembered how excited I was.

"I was a little too excited." I said as I pinched the bridge of  my nose.

"What are you, a kid going on a field trip?" Kuroko asked me.

"What'd you say?" I asked him.

"Hey, guys!" I heard Kise yelled as he started to run over to us. He stopped in front of Coach and smiled.

"Kise!" I said.

"This place is big, so I thought I'd come get you." he said.

"Hello." Coach  said as she bowed.

"Hey... Kise." I said only for him to ignore me, and walk over to Kuroko. 

"Kurokocchi, ever since you turned down my invitation to join us, I've been crying into my pillow every night." Kise said as he rubbed his eyes.

"What's wrong with him?" Captain asked.

"Just show us the way." I said.

"Not even a girl has turned me down before." Kise said.

"Are you ignoring me?" I asked him.

"Could you please stop being so sarcastic?" Kuroko asked.

"I'm interested to know more about the guy who's making Kurokocchi sat those things." Kise said as he turned around to face me before he started to walk past me.

"I don't care much about being called the Generation of Miracles, but I can't ignore such an obvious challenge. I'm not mature enough to let it slide. Sorry, but I'm going to crush you with everything I have." Kise said as he sent me a look.

"Sounds good." I said with a determined smile on my face.

"This is it." Kise said as we stood inside the gym a few moments later.

"We're only playing half court?" Coach asked, before we headed to the unused side, since they were still practicing on the other side.

"You're here. Welcome. I'm Coach Takeuchi." Said a fat man with a clipboard.

"Which one of you is the coach?" He asked.

"That's me." Coach said.

"Huh? You? You're not the manager?" The other coach asked.

"I'm Coach Aida Riko. We look forward to playing with you today!" Coach said as she bowed.

"Uh, yeah."

"So, um...What is this?"

"Exactly what is looks like. We've only made simple arrangements for today's game."


"There won't be enough to learn from this game to make it worth watching for the guys sitting out." the other Coach said,.

"I see."

"We're having the other players practice as usual so we don't waste time. Despite the arrangements, you'll be playing our regulars. I hope you won't let us triple your score." The other coach said as he looked at his clipboard before he walked away.

"They think we suck.They're treating this like a sideshow to their practice." I said in anger. 

"Kise, why are you wearing your uniform? You're not playing. I know we've got start players, from all the middle schools, but you're on a whole different level." I heard the other Coach say.

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