Chapter 58

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I went home around dinner, and saw Alex sitting on the couch. 

"How was your night?" She asked with a knowing smirk. 

"I'm not going to give details." I said as I headed to the kitchen. 

"Oh come on!" 

"No!" I said before I ignored her whining. I gave her, her plate, before I sat down to mine, as we watched t.v. The next day, I woke up, from a fitful sleep, and got dressed, before heading out, since Alex was teaching her kids. I walked to the basketball court, where I first met Taiga, to see him lazily playing.  

"You know, you should be resting. You had a tough game yesterday, plus an after party." I said and he stopped for a moment. 

"I had a full day yesterday." he said and I rolled my eyes, but walked onto the court, where I gently poked in between his shoulders.

"Your tense. Why?" 

"Kevin told mom and dad, that you were here, so they are coming back early." he said. 

"Oh. Will that be a problem?" I asked. 

"No, I just. It's weird living in a house with them again, more so when they are gone. I got used to living with you in Japan, that it doesn't feel right." he said.

"Oh. I can see where this is coming from, since I did to sleep pretty fitfully without you. More so with what happened." I said.

"You too?" 

"Yes." I said softly, before he pulled me into a gentle hug. I rested my forehead against his chest, and closed my eyes. We stayed like this for a few moments before he took my hand, so I looked up. 

"Come on." He said before he started walking. We kept quiet for awhile. 

"Where are you taking me?" 

"There's a new restaurant that opened, that a lot of people at school have been talking about." 

"Why haven't you tried it?" 

"Been busy, plus it'd been boring without you." 

"Okay, now your being cheesy!" I said but it didn't stop the smile that formed on my face.

"Maybe, but I honestly have been busy. Between you grounding me, and basketball, I didn't have time to go out and eat." 

"Hey, it got you to pass your exams, did it not?" 

"It did. I didn't like it though."

"To bad." 

"Love you too." He said and I let out a laugh.

"I know." I said as I squeezed his hand. We walked in comfortable silence for another twenty minutes before we arrived. 

"Huh. It kinda looks familiar." I said as I tilted my head to the side. 

"It does, actually." Taiga said before we walked in. 

"Hi, welcome to The Knights. How many?" The hostess asked. 

"Two." Taiga said, and she quickly marked off the spot before grabbing two menus. 

"If you two would follow me." She said before she turned around and started walking, with us not to far behind. We sat down at the table, and she handed us the menus. 

"Your server will be right out." She said with a smile before she was gone. I looked around for a few moments.

"This place is put together really well." I said softly. 

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