Chapter 27

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I was laying on my bed, gently tossing a ball up and down, when my phone rang. I sat my ball down before grabbing my phone to see that it was Tatsuya calling. 

"Hey, Tatsu!" I said. 

"Hey, Yuki. We won our games." He said and I heard someone let out a cheer. 

"Congratulations!" I said and he let out a hum. 

"There's something on your mind. What is it?" I asked him. 

"It's about Taiga." he said and I let out a slow breath. 

"What about him?" I asked him. 

"I heard he messed up his legs in a game." 

"He did. I want to be mad at him. Pissed, is more the correct word for it, but it wouldn't be fair for me to do that to him, considering I messed up my legs those years ago." I said. 

"True. That was pretty scary. I also never seen you look that down, since after what happened to your dad." he said and I let out a choked laugh. 

"Can you blame me? I mean. I love basketball, it keeps him close to me, and I was told I wasn't allowed to play for a month, and take it easy for the next three? It was torture." I said and he finally let out a soft laugh. 

"The rest of the games were boring without you and your team." 

"What can I say? We make them interesting." I said. 

"That is true. You are pretty unpredictable. And even if you could be predicted, you could change it, within a couple seconds." 

"That and I also make you and others learn as you play." I said with a wicked smile on my face. 

"And that's why you have a title." 

"I could careless, about being called a Goddess at streetball. I play streetball, because I love the sport, not for the fame." I said. 

"I know but look where it got you." He said and I cracked a small smile. 

"My face plastered on billboards, magazines, one commercial, and one video, for perfume, sport equipment, heels, and my day to day life." I said. 

"That, but you have support. You forget. Taiga and I know you. You're planning something for the greater good." he said. 

"I'm not planning anything as of now. Like I want to do a lot of things, but I. I just can't figure them out. I tried everything to help me think of something, but there's nothing." I said with a sigh. 

"Well. It'll come to you. Just know that whatever it is, I'm here to support you, as well as defend you if necessary." 

"Thanks Tatsu." I said with a smile. 

"Anytime. I better go get something to eat. I'm about to starve." he said and I let out a laugh. 

"Okay. Just don't over do it." I said and he snorted some. 

"I'll try. See you soon." 

"See you soon." I said before I hung up. I sat my arm over my eyes and sighed before my phone went off once more. I moved my arm to see that it was a text fromNijimura-Kun. 

"Care to play?" he asked. 

"I'm down. Where at?" I asked him as I sat up. 

"The court by the cafe?" 

"Alright. I'll be there soon." I said before I threw my phone onto my bed, and got up. 

Two hours later, I walked back into the apartment, and plopped down onto the couch.

"You okay?" Alex asked and I nodded. 

"Shaun, is still being an asshole, no matter how many times I put him in his place, orNijimura-Kun punching him." I said once I lifted up my head some. 

"People are just like that. Don't let it get to you much though." she said and I nodded before we watched the news, and I saw that the reporters were talking about the devastating storm that happened in parts of Texas and that's when I remembered what Tatsu said. 

"That's it!" I said rather loudly making Alex jump, and give me a glare. 

"Sorry." I said and she rolled her eyes. I made my way to my room and immediately got to work. 

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