Chapter 40

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I was in the middle of editing my essay for my English class, when I felt like something had happened. A moment later, I swear I heard the sound of metal being ripped open, before it was gone. I blinked but stood up from my desk and headed to my window. I peaked out, but didn't see a car crash or anything else. What was that sound? I asked myself as I started to bite my lip. 

"You're biting your lip. What's got you thinking so hard?" Alex asked as she walked into my room. I turned my attention to see her sitting down a tray of tea and some snacks on my desk. 

"I was editing my essay when I swore I heard the sound of something metal being torn open. It was weird, and it kinda made me feel uneasy at the same time." I said. 

"Hm. That's a bit weird but I'm sure you'll figure it out later. Anyway, take a small break and eat the snacks I brought you. You can either cook yourself a little something or order take out. I'm going out with some friends." Alex said and I nodded. 

"Don't go to overboard, with the drinking." I said and she sent me a smile. 

"No promises." She said before she kissed my forehead and left. 

A couple days later, I was stirred awake by my phone ringing. I yawned but answered it. 

"Hello?" I asked, before I let out another yawn. 

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Taiga asked and I looked at the time. 

"Yes, but I need to be up anyway. So, don't worry to much. Anyway, what's up?" I asked him. 

"Well, our game with Midoria, ended up in a tie." 

"Oh. No overtime?" I asked as I got up stiffly. 

"No. It's not how the Winter Cup preliminaries were set up." Taiga said and I hummed as I stretched. 

"Damn it, I'm stiff." I said softly.

"Did you fall asleep at your desk, again?" He asked. 

"Yes." I muttered as I walked down the hall.

"I've told you before that's bad for you." 

"I know, but I wasn't planning on falling asleep. To be honest, I don't know when I fell asleep. It's kinda of a bad things, because I need to finish my report on Exercise Physiology." I said as I started to fix myself a cup of tea. 

"Hm, sounds complicated." 

"It is, but it's gonna be worth it, since I'll be able to skip two years of studying it in an actual college." I said. 

"Hm. You're not going to like what I tell you about Kiyoshi-Senpai then." He said. 

"What about him?" I asked as I held my phone slightly tighter. 

"You know how he has a messed up knee?" 

"Well, ya. I knew about it, the first time I saw him practicing with you all on the beach. What about it?" I asked. 

"His knee is getting worse, and we're about to face the school that caused it in the first place. He also said he doesn't care if he destroys his knee in the process." Taiga said and I sucked in a breath, before I let it out calmly. 

"Is there any chance, you could give me a video of him practicing?" I asked. 

"I can try." he said and I hummed in approval before I poured out the hot water for my tea. Taiga and I talked for a little bit longer, before I let him go since he needed to eat before going to sleep. Once I sat my phone down, I put my head into my hands. Damn it, Kiyoshi. I thought before I shook my head and went back to work, drinking my tea. The day of Taiga's game I pulled out my laptop, and went over to the live feed, i would be getting of the game, thanks to John being generous enough to do it for me. I couldn't help but to watch in horror as everyone kept getting hurt, but Kiyoshi was getting the worst of it. I finally had enough and pulled out my phone. I quickly found Aida-Chan's name and called her. I waited and she soon answered. 

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