Chapter 44

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"Did he just get taller?" Bokuto-San asked and I titled my head to the side. 

"It seems like it, but that's really just his defensive aura, pushing out. We use it to intimidate, and force our opponent to slow down, or just down right give up. All depends on how you use it and who you're facing." I said as I put my chin on my knees, as I watched as Murasakibara-Kun went on offense. I pressed my lips together as he slammed the ball into the basket. Thor's Hammer. I thought. 

"Whoa! That was so powerful!" Bokuto-San said and I hummed in response. 

"Thor's Hammer. It's a powerful dunk, that I can never do. If he's not careful, he'll pull the whole basket down." I said as Seirin attempted a fast break, only for Murasakibara-Kun to catch up in no time. I watched as Kiyoshi's Right of Postponement was blocked, and Yosen passed the ball to Murasakibara-Kun who dunked it in, flat out ignoring Taiga's attempt to stop him. 

"Taiga!" I yelled as the basket crashed to the ground. I knew it was a basket, but I couldn't help but see my dad in his place. 

"The basket is is three meters up in the air, and he's over two meters tall." Alex muttered. 

"T-That was more powerful than the first one. It's a bit intimidating." Bokuto-San said and I nodded in agreement before I ran off. I threw myself onto Taiga, before he could even walk into the locker room. He stumbled but managed not to fall. 

"H-Hey, it's fine. I'm not hurt." He said and I tightened my hold on him, with a soft whimper. 

"Hey, calm down. I'm not hurt. I'm fine. I'm not going anywhere." He said in a soft voice as I felt him rub soft circles on my back.

"Hey, you need to stay strong. Your dad would raise from the dad to murder me, if he found out you were crying because of me." Taiga said and I let out a choked laugh.

"Mom would get a hold of you first, actually." I said. 

"No, definitely your father." Taiga said in a clear voice before I felt him lean in closer. 

"I mean. I did take away your virginity. What father wouldn't kill over that?" He asked in a soft voice, making me almost not hear him and I lightly smacked his shoulder, making him chuckle before he put my back onto my feet. I dried my eyes, since a few tears had managed to escape. 

"Dammit, why I've been so emotional." I muttered.

"You do tend to get a bit more emotional, around your period." I heard Taiga mutter. 

"Damnit, I hate that." I said and he chuckled before he kissed my forehead. 

"We'll stop by the store if you need to buy more." he said and I nodded. 

"Alright. Let's go talk to the team." I said before we both walked into the locker room. 

"Your late!" Aida-Chan said as she went to hit Taiga with a paper-fan, but I snatched it out of her hand, throwing it over my shoulder into the trash can. 

"It's my fault. When the basket came down, I saw my father and not Taiga causing me to have a slight freak out." I said. 

"Oh." Aida-Chan said and I let out a deep breath. 

"I'm sure you all know this, but you are all playing against tall people." I said. 

"Not much difference for you." Taiga mutter, making me jab my hand into his ribs. 

"Keep it up, and you'll be sleeping on the couch." I said with a smile before I turned back to everyone else. 

"Here's the thing. Murasakibara-Kun, can go into the Zone, like Taiga and Aomine, but he basically refuses to use it, out of fear of hurting his opponents and teammates. He's literally just a giant kid. He throws temper tantrums, when things don't go how he wants to, so he tries to make his opponents give up." I said. 

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