Chapter 21 Kise

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"They are finally airing the documentary on Ataru Yukiko." My sister said. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Hai, and from what I've read on her, she seems pretty cool." She said before she left. I looked at myself in the mirror. Her popularity on and off the court, is exceptional. I remembered my manager saying making me sigh before walking out to be greeted by the rest of the crew. Two days later, I was seated in front of the t.v. watching the documentary. 

"Is this it?" 

"This is the building, but we've got to go up one floor. For a model, she's not showing off her money." Taylor the reporter said as the time of arrival appeared on the screen. It's barely seven in the morning. I thought as they walked up and rang the doorbell. You could hear someone stumbling before the door opened. 

"Good morning, Yukiko! How is your morning, so far?" Taylor asked making Ataru blink. She's wearing a guy's jacket. I thought as I took in her appearance. A guy's jacket and grey sweatpants. 

 "I just woke up, not even two minutes ago. Can I have your names?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes. She looks cute, when she first wakes up. I thought.

"I'm Taylor Nova, I'll be asking you about your life, and the camera man is Chris Grey." Taylor said.

"Mm, nice to meet you both. Please, come in." Ataru said as she opened the door. 

"Alex! Make sure you're dressed when you come out!" Ataru yelled. 

"Shut up! It's too early for yelling!" 

"Think of this as payback from Saturday!" Ataru yelled before there was a loud groan, making her laugh. Her laugh is adorable. I thought with slightly flushed cheeks. 

"What happened on Saturday?" Taylor asked, peaking my interest.

"She woke me up before the crack of dawn for training, and then after that I had to help her coach her team before, I had to go to work. I was so tired, that Shelby told me to go take a nap in my dressing room." Ataru said, and I was shocked. Before the crack of dawn just to train? What the hell!

"Would you two like some coffee, tea, water?" 

"I'll take a water, please." 

"What type of tea do you have?" Taylor asked making her smile. Cute. I thought. 

"Follow me." Ataru said before walking off, with Taylor and the cameraman following her into a decent sized kitchen. I watched as she threw open a cabinet and I nearly gasped from how much tea was in there.  

"I have a lot of tea from Japan. My personal favorites are Ryokucha, which is just green tea, and Gyokuro, which has a sweet taste. It is high in caffeine and low in catechins, though. Meaning it's not bitter tasting. I mostly use the Matcha, when I'm cooking though. I've also got some English tea, here, and the American tea." 

"You really like tea." Taylor said.

"Ya. It's a healthier alternative to drink, then a lot of coffee or energy drinks, when you want to start the day, exercise, or just study. My mom used to love drinking tea, so I couldn't help but get into it too." Ataru said as she blushed. That's just adorable. I thought.

"I'm sure, your mom would be happy and proud to see where you are now." Taylor said making Ataru smile.

"I'm sure she would be even more happy when you finally confess to-" another lady started to say only to be cut off. 

"Damare!" Ataru yelled. She speaks Japanese? I asked myself in shock. 

"You wanna go, brat!" A lady yelled as she rounded the corner. Revealing a busty blonde lady with glasses, wearing a white shirt, jeans and a jacket over her left arm. 

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