Chapter 62

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We didn't win the game, but we got pretty close. Murasakibura and Taiga talked, shook hands and shared a smile before heading off to do everything else. Torou grumbled from his spot but got into gear when I shot him a look. After a while we all headed to the house, and called it a night. I was brushing my teeth, when I looked at Taiga who was getting our bags packed. 

"Are you okay? Your quieter than normal." I said after I spit. 

"Huh? Oh, ya I'm fine. A bit disappointed we didn't win, but it was still a good game. He's come a long way from high school." Taiga said and I smiled softly before I rinsed out my mouth. 

"He has. He's still wearily of his strength but he's gotten better at it, since you two went into the zone, and he didn't break the basket, which is a major plus." I said and Taiga hummed before he sat our finished bags by the door. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, only for him to slip his hand through, placing it on my stomach, gently rubbing with his thumb. 

"I'm still pissed he showed up." 

"You? He basically called me fat!" I said.

"Your not fat, your growing our child. You are beautiful. Always have been, always will be, and our child is going to be beautiful and hardworking just like you." He said and I got a bit teary eyed. 

"I love you."

"I love you, and our unborn child." He said before he leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back before he carefully picked me up and placed me on our bed. I shifted in his hold as he laid down, before we both fell asleep, with him still gently rubbing my stomach. We woke up in the morning, dressed and headed down to see Torou and Hajime already in the kitchen. 

"Morning." I said groggily since I was a bit nauseous. 

"Good morning. Want anything to eat?" Torou asked. 

"Just toast and ginger tea. I don't want to risk getting to sick on the flight." I said and he nodded. 

"You sure you want to go?" Hajime asked. 

"You've only traveled as a player. I've got to train you for away games." I said and he nodded though it was hesitantly. Once we were all done, I looked at Torou. 

"You sure you'll be okay with Isamu?" I asked. 

"Yes, I'm positive. If I need any help I'll ask Jasmine just like you've told me. Besides, Isamu's a very well mannered dog, he'll be just fine in my hands. I'm going to take him out on a run here shortly." He said and I pressed my lips together. 

"Oi, don't over do it with your knee." Hajime said. 

"It won't be pretty." I said and he shivered but agreed to take it easy. Jasmine drove all of us to the airport, and I handed her some cash for gas as a thank you. 

"Keep an eye on Torou and Isamu for me, please." I said and giggled but agreed, before we were all walking into the airport. After checking in, and going through security, we met up with the rest of the team. 

"Morning you three!" Coach said and I said nothing as I popped a morning sickness drop. 

"What are those things, anyway?" Hajime asked. 

"Basically life savers for pregnant woman. They are perfectly safe to take and they help with nausea." I said. 

"Convenient." Coach said before we were given the all clear to load up on the plane. Once we were in the air, I pulled on Taiga's old college hoodie.

"You still have that?" He asked me. 

"I have majority of your old hoodies. The rest I donated, same with all your old clothes and mine." 

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