Chapter 59

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I was sitting at the college house, Taiga and I moved in with a few others during our first year of college when my computer started ringing. I sat my pen down, and answered Oikawa's call.

"Hello, Oikawa." I said as his face came into the picture. 

"Hello, Ata-Chan!" He said before Iwaizumi walked in. 

"Hello to you too, Iwaizumi." I said. 

"Hello, Ataru." he said before he yawned. 

"Same. Anyway, how have you two been?" I asked. 

"Busy, but good. I've been working on studying with the help of your notes." Iwaizumi said. 

"Busy as well. Actually, I decided to call you on another matter." Oikawa said and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Judging from your face, you don't know yet." He said and I saw nervous excitement was written on both their faces.

"I don't know." I said. 

"Japan's thinking about passing a law for same sex marriage. There's several lawyers for it, and a bit more than half the population is with it!" Oikawa said and I blinked in shock before I all but shrieked. 

"Your not pulling a joke on me are you?!" 

"Like I'd joke about this!" Oikawa shrieked at me, before Iwaizumi held up a paper. I started cheering with Oikawa much to Iwaizumi's pleasure. I was still talking animatedly with them when Taiga walked in. 

"Did I miss something?" He asked as he sat his gym bag down tiredly. 

"Japan's fighting for same sex marriage!" I said and he blinked in shock before he smiled. 

"Really?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Oikawa and Iwaizumi are on the video, with proof!" I said and he walked closer. 

"Nice to see you two." Taiga said as he plopped down on the bed with barely any energy left. 

"You too, Tai-Chan!" Oikawa said. 

"How's your training going?" Iwaizumi asked. 

"Brutal." He said as he shot me a look. 

"Your coach asked, and I gave him information." I said with a shrug before the four of us talked before they sighed off. I then got several texts fromKōtarō, Suga, and a few others from Japan about the same thing, making me stop working to answer them back. I finished my homework before heading down to fix everyone something to eat. I brought Taiga his dinner since he needed the nap.

"Thanks, Snow." He said as he pecked my lips.

"Your welcome. Need help with your English?" I asked and he nodded, before he pointed to where his work was. I grabbed it, and sat on the bed looking over it, before explaining it to him. Several weeks passed, and I was on the verge of passing out when my phone went off with several notifications as well as Oikawa calling me on my computer. I answered his call as I grabbed my phone. 

"They did it!" he screamed once it was fully connected. 

"What? The law passed?!" I asked and he nodded as he cried. 

"Yes!" I said before we both cried and fangirled over it before I saw Iwaizumi walk in. He was smiling brightly before I saw him get down on one knee behind Oikawa. He winked at me before he mouthed at me to tell Oikawa to turn around. 

"Oikawa, you need to turn around." I said with a smile. He gave me a weird look before I watched as he turned around. 

"Iwa-Chan?!" He asked in shock before it slowly clicked. I couldn't help but cry as I watched Iwaizumi propose and Oikawa say yes. 

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