Chapter 53 Kagami

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"No, it's not the shooting guard, we need to worry about much. It's their Captain's drive." I said as I grabbed the remote and re-winded the video a few seconds. 

"It's street style, everything else is textbook." I said after I pressed play. 

"Nice, Taiga!" Everyone said and I said nothing only heard my mother let out a laugh, that got me worried. 

"Mom, what did you do?" I asked her only to see her smile. 

"Nothing." She said and I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"I don't believe that." I muttered and grabbed my phone, only to see that she had sent me a text. 

"Called it!" She said and I rubbed my face. 

"Damn it, I should know better than to make those types of bets with her." I muttered. 

"What?" Marcus asked me. 

"A friend of mine back in Japan. He's heading over to talk to my girlfriend, and Snow was thinking that it was about his crush." I said. 

"On her?" Marcus asked.

"God no, I'd had straightened that out before I left. She was right, though. Bokuto is head over heels over another friend of mine, Akaashi." I said. 

"Oh. Well why doesn't he just tell this Akaashi that he has a crush on her?" Marcus asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"Akaashi isn't a girl. And unlike here, it's severally frowned upon to even consider same sex marriage." I said and everyone blinked. 


"Ya, it's driving Snow crazy, because she hates seeing hate about it. It gets pretty bad if I'm not there to stop her." I said. 

"How bad?" Trey asked me. 

"She's banned from a clothing store and she's broken several noses." I said. 

"Oh, those were could times." I heard my mom say and I looked at her. 

"I swear you love her more than I do." 

"Debatable. Though, I wouldn't mind her being my daughter in law. When is that going to happen?" Mom asked in Japanese. 

"Oh gee, thanks. I'll make sure to tell Snow, you really do love her more than me." I said in a dry voice before I saw that Snow had responded. 

"Yep! My lips are sealed though!" I read, before I furrowed my brows. The fuck? I thought before I shook my head and went to put my phone away only to see a notification from Kise. I clicked on it, and it took me straight to Instagram, where I saw that it was a picture of the score from a practice game. I almost clicked out of it, when I saw the name of the school. 

"Shiratorizawa." I muttered before I felt my mom look at me, so I lifted up my phone so she could look. 

"Wait. That's the-" 


"So she-"


"Damn, if I didn't know better she physically played herself. That score, is something she would do." Mom said as she handed me back my phone. 

"She didn't play. That was all Kise. I mean, look how he captioned it. 'GOM Revenge.'" I said. 

"GOM? What is that?" Trey asked. 

"Oh. Generation of Miracles. They were a Junior High basketball team that basically became monsters. Up until recently, none of them knew what it was like to lose. I played against them and won, only losing to Aomine in the Inter-High. Faced him again, in the Winter Cup, and won. I was part of the team put together to face against the Jabberwocks, that went to Japan recently." I said. 

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