Chapter 60

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Our two weeks flew by, with many laughs, and pictures taken of the views, each other, the food, and the wildlife. I was sitting on our bed, on our computer when Taiga walked in from his shower.

"What are you looking at?" He asked as he started drying his hair.

"Houses in Chicago." I said.

"See any you like?"

"A couple, but we'd have to redo some things. One of them being the bathroom, since the shower head would be to low for you." I said with a shit eating grin.

"Ha ha." He said dryly.

"Some of them, I don't like the color schemes, or the floors. Then the kitchen cabinets are way to high, or it's way to small." I said before I clicked on another house. I looked at the pictures, but shook my head.

"This one is nice, but the hallways are way to narrow, and the rooms look way to small." I said as he started looking over my shoulder.

"I see what you mean. What about this one?" he as as he moved my mouse, to one. We went through it, and I couldn't help but fall in love with it, which Taiga saw, because he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"And it's not to far away from the stadium, and where your new modeling headquarters will be. You've already landed the job for the team as the trainer as well." Taiga said.

"True, the only bad problem would be the high school rating." I said.

"That is pretty bad, but we've got time. Unless there's something you are trying to tell me." He said and I shook my head. 

"I'm not trying to tell you anything, I'm just stating a fact." I said. 

"Okay." he said before we both decided to call it a night. I called the realtor agent about the house. 

"Are you sure, you can handle the paperwork without me?" I asked a couple weeks later.

"Yes, and if I have any questions I will give you a call. Do you have everything packed for your trip?" He asked. 


"Have you, packed at all?" 

"Not really." 

"Really, Snow?" 


"You need to pack. You said you'd be a model for Ally's show, so that means you have to fly to New York. If anything goes wrong on my end, your like a three hour flight away. Same for your end." He said as he cupped my face. 

"I know that, but it's not her show that's bothering more, or the distance between us." I said. 

"Is about those phone calls you've been getting?"

"They're the people behind Victoria's Secret. They want me to be one of the Angels." I said. 

"The lingeriepeople?" 

"Yes, them." I said. 

"It's up to you. Sure, I'll get jealous of the fact that everyone would see what I get to see, but it's up to you. Do you want to do it?" 

"I mean, I wouldn't mind. It's practically the fashion show to do, but at the same time I hear it's more chaotic then anything I've ever done." I said.

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You'd never know if your going to chicken out of it." 

"Okay, now your just provoking me into it." 

"Maybe." He said before he kissed me. 

"Alright, I'll call them and let them know I'll do it." I said a few minutes later. 

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