Chapter 37 Kagami

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We arrived at the train station and was drying off when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out to see that it was a text from Coach. 

"Coach, is calling us to the gym." I said. 

"What for?" 

"Don't know. She didn't say." I said before we all headed for our train. After our walk, to the gym, and Kuroko's story, I was surprised with everyone else when we all saw Momoi. 

"Coach, what's going on?" 

We all listened to Momoi tell her story and I got lectured by Kuroko and everyone else. 

"This is surprising, since you have a girlfriend too!" Coach said and I looked over. 

"I've know Snow for years, before we even got together. For her, to fix this it's usually ice cream and movies. Then again, most of her emotional breakdowns were different." I said. 

"What makes her any different than Momoi?" Coach asked me.

"Unlike Momoi, I know what to say or do to get her to calm down." I said only to be punched in the head. 

"You two better not have-" Coach started to yell before I cut her off. 

"We haven't done anything!" I yelled at her with red cheeks. 

"My relationship with her, is at her pace. I'm not going to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. I didn't force her to do anything when we were just friends, and I'm not going to change that now. I'm an idiot, but I'm not going to be that much of an idiot to hurt her. I'd be killed, by Tatsuya and another person instantly, before her boss, coworkers, and anyone else gets a hold of me." I said before I shoved a hand into my pocket. 

"Is this the same Kagami we know, or our we all stuck in some sort of weird dream?" Hyuga asked making me grow a tick mark. 

"I think it's sweet." I heard SNow say making me freeze before I slowly turned my head to see her standing in the doorway, soaked to the core. 

"What the hell, happened to you?" I asked her. 

"John's car broke down, in front of the school, and I told him I would come here to stay warm. Only for my umbrella to break, causing me to get soaked to the core." She said as she started to shiver. I quickly got her some towels, so she could cover up, as well as dry off. 

"Kagamin, you're dating Ataru-Chan?!" Momoi asked in shock. 

"You say that, like it's a bad thing." Snow said as she dried her hair. 

"It's not, but it is shocking." Momoi said causing me to scowl, before Snow lightly hit me with her elbow. 

"Lighten up, will ya!" She said. 

"Like you and Aomine-San, Taiga and I, are childhood friends." 

"How's you-" 

"I was giving commentary with Tak-San, at the quarter-finals, where I was given stat sheets for everyone. The stat sheets also had some personal info that helped explain how they will end up playing." 

"That explains, why Imayoshi was acting weird when he gave me that file." 

"Oh, ya. How's his elbow?" 

"It's still injured, and he's pissed I had him pulled from the starting line." Momoi said and Snow snickered. 

"He'll be fine. If he's anything like Taiga, he'll apologize in no time. Anyway, I'm sorry you have to deal with him, and his. Um. Likes." Snow said and Momoi groaned. 

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