Chapter 3 Kagami

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It's my first day of high school. I thought as I continued to lay in my bed staring up at the ceiling in my apartment. I sighed before I heard my phone buzz. I lazily grabbed it to see that it was a text from Snow, saying she would be calling me soon. I felt my heart tighten some. God, I miss seeing her. I thought. Why the hell was I such a coward for not telling her? I asked myself before she called.

"Taiga!" She said and I felt myself smile some at her enthusiasm.

"Snow, good to talk to you again." I said.

"Well, we can only talk mainly once a week, with the difference in time zones, and my busy schedule." She said.

"I know. I still can't believe you became a street ball Goddess, and a model when I left." I said in a joking manner and I heard her laugh some.

"I'm still not a big fan of the title, but it just won't go away." She said.

"Why should it? You are a natural born, street player. You ever think about taking those skills to the gym?" I asked her making her snort.

"Like the girls at school would be able to keep up, and I already have a busy schedule. Lord knows, what the other schools would think when they realized a model was playing." She said.

"True." I said.

"Anyway, that's not what I called to talk about. I called to wish you good luck on your first day of high school. Are you planning on joining the basketball club?" She asked.

"Ya. I'm not sure how well they'll be since it's still a new school." I said.

"I'm sure, they'll be better than you expect." She said.

"Maybe. I just hope I'll be able to have fun in the process." I said.

"When you smile as you play, you can never not have fun or learn to hate the game." she said.

"Let's hope your old man was right about that saying, then." I said making her laugh.

"It's been right for me so far, so I don't see why it shouldn't be right for you." She said.

"I suppose you're right." I said.

"Yep. Anyway, since I know you so well, get your tall ass up out of bed, shower, change, eat and go to school. Send me a text about your soon to be teammates, and coach. Maybe, I'll be able to see you play a game or two. Anyway, I hope you don't scare people to bad with how angry you probably look all the time." She said.

"Oi!" I yelled with an annoyed look and I heard her giggling making me smile softly.

"You know I'm just joking around with you. Anyway, it's getting pretty late here, and I've got a test to study for, before getting some sleep." She said and I heard her yawn softly.

"Alright. Don't over do it with the studying. I'll talk to you soon. I miss you." I said.

"I miss you, too. Have a good day, Taiga." She said softly before she yawned and I heard her hang up. I moved my phone away from my ear.

"Damn it. I'm such a fucking coward, for still not telling her." I said out loud before I got up and got ready to go to school, like she told me to.

Once, I got to school I found some people passing out flyers to the basketball club so I walked over to one.

"Basketball! Basketball club!" He said.

"Are you guys in the basketball club?" I asked and he stopped to look up at me, in what looked to be shocked fear.

"H-hai." He said and I nodded before I picked him up by his gakuran, before I started walking with his scared guidance to the sign up table. Where a guy and a girl was sitting.

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