Chapter 31

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I felt Taiga put his hand on my cheek, tilting my head some, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck, to deepen the kiss. We only pulled away, when I heard the familiar sound of camera clicks. I turned my head to see someone running away. 

"Damn, paparazzi." I said as I put my face into his chest. 

"It was bound to happen sometime." he said as I felt him run his fingers through my hair.  

"I know, but I wanted to be the one to say it, not people find out through a magazine or the news." I said. 

"Just get the news out faster than they can print, then." 

"I'm going to have to, but will you be able to handle the consequences of rabid fans, and news backlash?" I asked him. 

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I couldn't. We've been best friends for years. Me moving, didn't stop our friendship, and it also didn't weaken my feelings for you. In fact, my move showed me that I couldn't look at other girls because they weren't you." he said in a low voice and I sighed. 

"When you left, I was devastated. Mom and I spent the next three hours eating ice cream and watching movies together, before she had to go to the office. My team and I won, but I couldn't celebrate with you, but I was able to become a model. But not long, after I started working as a model, mom got into a bed wreck, leaving me alone. You weren't there! You weren't there, when I needed you!" I said as I started crying some. 

"I spent weeks moping, before I realized it wouldn't get me anywhere. I worked my ass off, to get to where I am. I worked so I could finally be here, because I was tired of not being able to tell you how I feel." I said and he wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry. I wished I could have been there for you, but I couldn't make the trip back to you, and make it back in time for my junior high exams." he said and I swallowed I sob. 

"On the list of things, I regret, not being there for you, when your mother passed away, is the highest on my list." He said as he continued to wipe away my tears. 

"But, know this. I'm still going to be there for you, no matter the distance." He said and I couldn't help but let out a choked laugh. 

"Have you been watched crappy show dramas?!" I asked him making him grow a tick mark before he sighed. 

"No, and that's not the point I was trying to make. Anyway, would you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I sent him a smile. 

"God, you are in an idiot! But, you're my idiot!" I said as I pressed our lips together once more. 

"So is that a yes?" he asked with a smile. 

"Of course, it was." I said and his smile grew. 

"Oh, and by the way. I saw your baby photos." I said before I ran away laughing. 

"Oi! Snow! Get back here! Snow!" He yelled and I let out some more giggles as I continued to run away from him. Only I didn't get very far before I felt his arm around my waist, and I let out a playful scream as he threw me over his shoulder.

"Oh, this is a lovely view!" I said.

"I will drop you." 

"Rude." I said and I felt him chuckle as he walked in. 

"Kagami-Kun, what are you doing?" I heard Aida-Chan ask and I peaked from over my shoulder. 

"Making sure, I don't embarrass him, about his past." I said with a smile. 

"Snow." he said with a warning tone. 

"Yes?" I asked only to feel his grip loosen, and I slid further down, making me yelp and hold onto the back of his shirt.

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