Chapter 35 Kagami

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The team and I were eating a couple days later, when the broccoli I was trying to eat slipped off my chopsticks. 

"Damn it!" i said. 

"Kagami, shut up already!" Captain said. 

"Uh, sorry about that." i said. 

"Broccoli is so slippery." 

"Is that the problem?"

"What is he doing?' 

"He's practicing." 


"He's practicing using his left hand." 

"Damn you, Nigou! Give that back!" I yelled at the dog only for him to duck back into Kuroko's bag. 

"Kagami!" Captain said making me stiff but sit back down reluctantly. 

"By the way, what do you want to do tomorrow?" 

"We finally have the day off." 

"Well, I'll probably sleep mostly." 

"H-Hey! Why don't we do this?"Furihata asked as he held up a poster. I blinked but read it. 

"Oh, streetball." 

"Hey, first-years. Don't you know what a holiday is? Rest. You have to rest." Coach said as I continued to read it, only to let out a slight puff of air when I saw the bottom. Sponsored by Ataru Yukiko. 

"We know. We know, but...Kagami and Kuroko always get to play in games, but, well, we'd like to play sometimes."Furihata said. 

"Good! Good for you! That's the spirit, first-years! Right, Hyuga?" 


"Hey, Riko. Out of respect for that spirit, let's send them off right." 

"Hey, wait. I..."

"The first-years really want to go. Let them do it." 

"W-Well, just the first-years, then." 

"Alright! I got her approval. Do your best, guys." 


"OKay, let's go!" I said. 

"Ano, Kagami-Kun. Where's your girlfriend?" Coach asked and I looked at her. 

"Snow? She was still asleep when I left. She was up late, talking to one of her co-workers about something." I said. 

"Wait! She's staying at your place?" Coach asked. 

"H-Hai. It her decision, though." I said making her sigh. 

"As long as you didn't force her then." Coach said before we all left shortly after that. 

"So, what are you doing here?!" I asked Kiyoshi the next day as we stood in a group waiting to go sign up. 

"What, I can't be here?" 

"No, but...Where's Kawahara?" 

He's got a cold." 


"Let's have some fun." 

"Okay..." I said before we started walking. This isn't any different from America. I thought as I played with my ring. Then again, I've noticed this does have her touch all over this. I thought with a small smile before we made it to the registration table. 

"You idiot, you wrote it wrong, Tsugawa!" 



"Seiho?!" We all said before we finished registering and found a spot to eat at. 

"What a coincidence. Anyway, what are you doing here? What about practice?" 

"We have a day off." I heard before i decided to tone pretty much everything else as I ate. 

"The first game, is about to begin. Team Seiho, please make your way to the court." We all heard the intercom say before I hid a laugh as everyone turned to look at me. 

"Was that?" 

"Hai. She's here. Probably as the announcer. She is sponsoring this, after all." I said as I pointed to the sign. 

"Why didn't you tell us this before?!" 

"You never asked!" I yelled before I stuffed my face with more food. We soon got to court, only to receive a shock. 

"No way. They beat Seiho so easily." I heardFurihata say.

"What...What are you doing here? Himuro Tatsuya!" I said as he finally turned around. 

"Well, well, Taiga. What a surprise to find you here." He said in english. 

"You don't look surprised at all, keeping the usual poker face?" I asked him back in english. 

"I ain't keeping a poker face. It's my nature." He said back. 

"Keep telling yourself that, Tatsu." I heard Snow say making us both turn to look at her. 



"To think. It's all three of us on the same court once more. The last time this happened was, before you all left." She said and I flitched. 

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