Chapter 17 Kagami

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The whistle blew letting us know that we had two minutes to come up with a game plan. I sat on the bench and took a swallow of water. 

"Seiho uses old martial arts techniques." Coach said. 

"Old martial arts? You mean this kind of thing?" I asked as I moved my arms some only for her to give me a look that kept telling me I was completely stupid. 

"That's not old martial arts. One of the techniques they use is called 'namba running.' Usually your arms and legs move in opposite directions when you run, but when namba running your arms and legs move together. In addition to namba running, they use all sorts of martial arts techniques for effortless strength, moving quickly without missing a beat, and other basic movements. That's how Seiho moves." Coach said and I thought back on how we've already played until now. Old martial arts moves. That must be what I was feeling. I thought. 

"But it's not like they can fly or disappear. They're high schoolers, just like you. They'll fall for fakes, and they'll lose their balance if you catch them off guard. They're playing the same basketball you are. If you play like you always do, it'll work. This isn't over yet." Coach said and a moment later the whistle blew and we walked onto the court. I walked up to Izuki-Senpai, who was stretching his arm some. 



"Could you pass me the ball?" I asked him. 


"Let me go against Tsugawa again." I said and he sent me a small smile. 

"Do you have a plan?" He asked me. 

"No, but he's only human, too, right? I just have to be faster than him." I said before I started walking away and rotating my shoulder some. Once we started playing, I jumped and caught the ball, and was soon facing Tsugawa again. 

"One-on-one? Bring it on!" 

"I don't care about your martial arts or whatever. Basketball is basketball!" I said before I moved to the right, making him follow me before I quickly went to the left breaking past him, and running to the court, thinking about what Kuroko said. 

"I think this game is important for our seniors to get over the past. So..." 

I've never hated basketball, so I couldn't understand everything you said, but I definitely understood that last part! I thought as I felt a smile form on my face. 

"So now that I think about it, I really want to win this game." 

I jumped and slammed the ball into the hoop, giving us our first points of the game, as I left Seiho shocked. I landed back on the ground to see that Kuroko had caught the ball. 

"Did that really just happen?" I heard someone ask and I looked at Kuroko. 

"We will win this game." I said before we both look to our senpai's to see them having small smiles on their faces. 

Kise POV

"They're benching him after only five minutes? Those guys seem to be taking it easy." I said as I eyed Midorimacchi as he went to the bench. 

"Of course they are. Their opponent is just a middle tier school. There should be no surprises. If there are going to be any, it'll be over here." Senpai said.

Kagami POV

Their passing is ridiculous! They're so quick to pass the ball again after they get it! I thought in annoyance. 

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