Chapter 43

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Several hours later, both teams stopped for lunch. I sat down at a table with Keiji-San, reading over the information I had, when my phone rang. I pulled out my phone, to see that it was Ally. I blinked but answered her call. 

"Hi, Ally!" I said with a soft smile. 

"Hi, Yukiko! Ne, guess what?!" 

"Hm, besides you being engaged? I could think of one thing." I said. 

"I'm not pregnant!" She yelled, forcing me to hold my phone away from my ear in shock. 

"Okay. I'm sorry, I assumed. There's no need for you to kill my ear." I said. 

"Ah, sorry. Anyway, guess who just got accepted into UCLA?!" She said and I gasped. 

"You got it?!" I asked her. 

"I did!" 

"Ally, you got in! Oh man, I wish I was there so we could go celebrate." I said. 

"Hey, it's fine! Besides, I only need two years at UCLA before I got my full degree." She said and I nodded, despite knowing she couldn't see it. 

"True. You've been studying for your degree in fashion marketing for a while now." I said. 

"It's also helpful to be a model." She said and I smirked. 

"That's obvious. I hope you didn't influence the school in anyway." I said earning a fake gasp from her. 

"I would never!" She said and I snorted. 

"Ya, and I suck at basketball." I said with sarcasm making us both laugh. 

"No, to be fair. I really didn't influence the school. I sent my application in, like everyone else and even had Shelby send in a letter begging them to not accept me because of what I am. I wanted to get in because of who I am. Just because I'm a model, doesn't mean I have to be an idiot." Ally said. 

"Right. After high-school, I should only need four more years of college, before I get my PHd." I said as I moved my plate out of Bokuto-San's reached, without ever looking at him. 

"True, you are aiming for that." 

"Hm. I call you later. Don't forget you still have a wedding to plan for." I said. 

"How can I forget when I can't stop playing with my ring out of happiness." She said.

"I still haven't seen your ring." I said. 

"Oh shoot! I'll send you a picture! Don't kill the boyfriend, and have fun! Love you!" 

"Love you too Ally." I said before she hung up. I went back to eating, and moving my plate. 

"How are you doing this?! You're not even looking!" Bokuto-San said and I smiled at him. 

"You're shadow gives you away. Plus, you have a repeating pattern. It's easy for me to find since I don't keep a normal pace for basketball." I said . 

"Oh." Keiji-San said and I nodded. After lunch, everyone went back to practicing, and I continued listening to Shirofuku-Chan until I had to leave. 

"You sure, you don't one of us to walk with you?" Bokuto-San asked me and I nodded. 

"Hai, I'll be fine." I said as the door opened, to reveal John. 

"And besides. My bodyguard just showed up." I said.

"Good afternoon, Ataru-San. Are you ready to go?" He asked. 

"Just a moment!" I said making him nod. I then gave out my findings on how to help before waving as I headed to the door. John got me to the apartment quickly, while he waited outside. I started humming slightly as I changed before I redid my makeup on my face and neck. I nodded, grabbed my phone, purse, and jacket before leaving. On the third day of the Winter Cup, I was talking to Alex as we walked when she stopped. 

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