Chapter 30

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"Wait, seriously?" I asked Shelby and she nodded. 

"Ya. The area you were going to stay at is under quarantine, so the only people allowed in are rescue workers and doctors. You're going to Japan earlier than expected." She said and I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face. 

"Make sure to confess to that boy of yours." she said and I blushed. 

"I will." I said. 

"Alright. The jet will be here in a couple hours so take a nap, or something. I'll come back when it's here." She said and I nodded before she was gone. Taiga, I get to see you sooner than expected! I thought as I couldn't help but do a little dance of happiness with small excited screams before I finally calmed down, and sat down on the bed. I was watching t.v. when my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see that it was a text from Tatsu. 

"I hope you are having an amazing trip. See you soon." he said and I typed back a reply before putting my phone down, with a yawn. I'll get in a quick nap. I thought as I turned off the t.v. and curled up onto the bed. I woke up about an hour later, to Shelby gently shaking me awake. 

"The jet is here." she said and I nodded before getting out of the bed. I quickly changed into some comfortable clothes before grabbing my stuff and walked out. Shelby helped me check out, before we were driven to the airport, and got through security. 

"I've got your hotel room, checked in for you, for your visit with your brother figure, but I don't have any accommodation for the other half of your stay." She said. 

"It's fine. I know I'll be staying with Taiga." I said. 

"No funny business." she said causing my face to erupt in a bright red making her snicker. 

"At least, if you do be careful. Use protection and try and hide any hickies." she said and I felt my face turn even more red, causing me to shove my face into the pillow, while she laughed at me. Once she was done laughing, she told me everything else, before I nodded and put some music on. The flight from China to Japan wasn't very long, and I was soon on the ground and heading to my hotel, in Akita. Once settled, I took a shower, and put on a nice skirt, blouse, and slipped my feet into flats before throwing some work out clothes and my basketball shoes, into my bag. I put my phone on my pocket, and threw my purse into my bag before making sure I had my room key, before leaving my hotel room. I soon found myself heading to Yōsen High. I took a deep breath and soon followed my gut, and found the basketball gym in no time. I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face when I saw Tatsuya playing with his teammates before I silently opened the door. I had just silently closed it, and looked up only to see a ball coming my way. I caught it. 

"I see this is the welcoming party, I get. Am I right, Tatsu?" I asked and I saw him nearly fall in shock before he almost broke his neck with everyone else to turn and look at me. I saw everyone's eyes light up in recognition before Tatsu smiled. 

"You're here early!" He said as he started jogging to me. 

"The place I was going to stay at was underquarantine, so I'm here early and I can stay a bit longer." I said before I was enveloped in a bone crushing hug. 

"God you stink!" I said as I made a face only for him to chuckle before he let me go. 

"Himuro, explain." Said a women with an authority filled voice. 

"Coach, this is one of my childhood friends. Everyone, this is Ataru Yukiko." Tatsu said and I smiled and waved. 

"Thank you all for taking care of Tatu." I said in Japanese, as I also gave a bow. 

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