Chapter 32

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I got back to the inn, when it was dark out. I was heading to the baths, while Aida-Chan was heading back to her room when the door next to us opened. I turned my head only to see a shirtless, and extremely sweaty Taiga, with an annoyed looked on his face. Holy shit. I thought as my face started to turn red. I felt my phone go off, causing me to lift it up to see that it was a text from Shelby. I unlocked it, and acted like I was reading it, but in reality I was taking a picture of Taiga

"I just finished shopping." 

"What? Just now?" 

"No one was in the gym when I got back. I'm sure these weren't meant for drinking, but here." 

"Did you buy drinks for Shutoku as well as us? How many laps did you run?" 

"I'm so tired. Time for a bath." Taiga said as he walked away and I couldn't help but watch him walk away before I put my hands on Aida-Chan forcing her to face me. 

"Thank you, for forcing him to do whatever it was." I said in a low voice. 

"Ah, your welcome, I guess." She said with a sweat drop before she lightly flicked my forehead. 

"You look ready to drop. Bathe, eat and get some sleep." She said and I giggled some. 

"Yes, ma'am." I said before I walked away. 

The next day, I stood next to Aida-Chan and watched Seirin and Shutoku play practice games. They're strong. I thought as everyone walked off court, to get some water, before I looked at the other coach. 

"And to top it all off, they are getting advice from her. I've seen footage of her training regime, it's leagues above a high school students." The coach said and I sent him a smile. 

"I give advice to everyone. I'm not just putting it down to one team. This is a training camp, your schools may be enemies, but that doesn't mean, you can't help one another in some way shape or form. If you want to ask me questions, then I will be glad to help each and everyone of you, and this isn't limited to Seirin." I said. 

"Wouldn't that mean, you'd lose your title of being undefeated?" 

"That's the whole point. If I lose, I lose. It means, whoever I faced, was stronger and that they wanted to prove they could defeat me. Yes, I'll be upset, but I would also be happy to see that there are people out there, stronger than me. That's why, I give out advice. Use it, and make yourself stronger." I said and everyone shared a look with one another. 

"Then, it would seem that fate has it planned out for you." Midorima said and I put on a fake smile. 

"I don't believe in fate. I believe in facts, and what you bring to the court. There's only so much that fate, can do." I said with a pointed look at him before I was handed a basketball from Kiyoshi-San. I sent him a kind smile before I held it a moment longer, as I breathed in and out slowly before I jumped and let it sail through the air. Everyone watched as it said in cleanly without moving the netting much. 

"Why don't you try shifting your hips just a little to the left as you jump. You'd be surprised, what you can do, Midorima-San." I said and he glared at me. 

"Now, if you don't have any questions, I do believe I will go for a run." I said. 

"No funny business!" Aida-Chan yelled and I blushed as I looked at her. 

"Of course not. I don't need a black mark on my reputation." I said before I walked out the gym. I walked slipped off my shoes, and put them by Taiga's before heading to the beach. Once there, I stretched and Taiga came up panting. 

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