Chapter 50

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It's been three days. I thought, as I fought the urge to rub my stomach as I watched the team warm up. I was kicking my feet back and forth, when the door opened. I blinked in shock as the sound was heard by everyone making everyone stop and turn, me included. 

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt, but is Yukiko here?" I heard a familiar voice ask making me gasp. 

"Mrs. Kagami, what are you doing here in Japan?" I asked as I stood up, and she turned around. 

"Taiga called me." She said, but I noticed the silent 'said it was important.' in her eyes.

"Sorry, guys. I've got to go." I said making everyone nod before I grabbed my stuff and we both left. 

"Taiga said he wanted to tell me to my face." 

"Oh." I said in a soft voice.

"Ya. I see you've been busy. I didn't know you'd gotten into volleyball." 

"Well, the team gets more bruises and injuries here, then the other sports teams at the school. I've got to stay on my toes around them, well. Mainly Bokuto-San, and occasionally Kuroo-San when they decided to get together. Luckily I have Keiji-San to help me. We're the team moms." I said with a sigh. 

"Every group of friends has the mom friend. I should know, I was that friend." Mrs. Kagami said and I turned my head to look at her. I didn't know that. I thought before she changed the subject until we arrived at the apartment. I unlocked the door, and we both took off our shoes, before I showed her to the guest room. 

"Is it okay, if I take a short nap, before Taiga comes home?" She asked and I nodded before she kissed my forehead and shut the door. I all but slapped a hand over my mouth before heading to Taiga's and I's room, where I shoved my face into a pillow to cry. About an hour later, I was sitting on the couch, watching t.v. when I heard the front door open, causing me to turn the t.v. off and headed over to see Taiga taking off his shoes. 

"Your mom is asleep in the guest bedroom." I said in a soft voice, and he straightened up. 

"Okay." he said before he placed his hand on my cheek. He knew I cried again but didn't make a comment on it, just pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. 

"Can you start on dinner while I take a quick shower?" 

"Sure. Anything in particular?" I asked. 

"No. Just take it easy on the spices. Mom doesn't like a lot of spicy food." 

"Okay." I said in a soft voice before we headed back to the living room. I was chopping up a potato when the t.v. was turned on. I looked up to see Mrs. Kagami turned the t.v. on, before I saw her walking over. 

"Need some help?" She asked. 

"Can you start chopping the carrots into bit sized pieces?" I asked and she nodded before she put on the extra apron. I was already working on some other parts for the curry when Taiga walked out in a pair of grey sweatpants and a long sleeve black shirt. 

"When did you get here, Taiga?"

"Not to long ago. Coach let us out early, because she wants to set up a practice match with another school." Taiga said and I noticed some stiffness in his arm

"Did you hurt your arm?" I asked. 

"Hm, missed catching one of Kuroko's passes, and it hit me in the shoulder." 

"Did you ice it?" 

"Ya, I did earlier. Doesn't hurt to bad." 

"I'm wrapping it later." 

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