Chapter 6

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"Yukiko, wake up." I heard Alex say.

"No, I don't wanna! It's a teacher work day, I don't have to work today and I don't have anything scheduled!" I groaned out.

"You have a box from Tatsuya."

"The box will still be here, in a couple more hours. I went to bed late."

"Ya, talking on the phone."

"For ten minutes, before I finished my half of the project. Good night." I said before I yawned and went back to sleep. A couple hours later, I woke up to see that Alex had left the box on my desk. I grabbed it and sat back down on my bed, before cutting it open. I blinked for a moment in shock, before I let out a giggle. I pulled out the plushies and gave them a hug. A tiger, and a dragon. I sat them down, before digging further into the box. I found pictures of him, either doing stupid stuff or just being himself, making me laugh at them, before I sat them to the side, so I could add them to my collection later.

"Aw! He sent me, candy! I got to call him." I said before I reached over for my phone. After a few moments, he picked up.

"I see you got the box." He said as soon as he answered.

"Yes, I did. It was very thoughtful of you, so thank you." I said.

"Your welcome. So I see you've been busy." he said and I heard what sounded like pages turning.

"Ya. Though, I'm not working with that misogynistic pig, ever again. He got handsy."

"And knowing you, you've done something. What is it?" He asked.

"It should be appearing on the celebrity news, soon actually." I said.

"On a scale of, bodily harm, to death how bad?"

"Possibility of loosing his job and forever be labeled as a pervert."

"Oh, that's pretty high."

"He grabbed my boobs. I wasn't just going to let him, get away with it."

"That was information, I didn't want to know."

"Eh, your welcome."

"No, Atsushi you can have this later." I heard Tatsuya say.

"Atsushi?" I asked him.

"Oh, he's a freshman player on my team. He's our center."

"Oh! Speaking of basketball. How's it going this year?" I asked him.

"It's great. We've got some strong members, and Atsushi is an amazing center." he said.

"That's great. I'm still trying to find a new member for my team. Gabriel shot me down after Charlie tore his ACL." I said.

"Why don't you try my my old neighbor's son?" he asked.

"Wasn't his name, Kevin or something?"


"Hm, alright. I'll go ask him, later. Today is just going to be a me day. I don't have work, it's a teacher work day, and I made sure to tell them, not to bug me with anything for the day. I actually, just might go surfing, if the waves are right." I mussed.

"Try and not have to many wipe outs." he said.

"Shut up!" I said and he laughed some.

"Holy shit! He's laughing!" I heard someone yell, while Tatsuya sighed, before a bunch more yelling.

"How'd you get him to laugh?" A different voice asked me, in Japanese.

"Uh. He's my childhood friend." I responded back, in Japanese.

"Holy shit! It's a girl!" someone yelled and I sighed some.

"I'm on speaker, aren't I?" I asked.

"Yes!" I heard about three people yell.

"Well, text me later, Tatsuya. I'm going to get ready so I can go to the beach. Don't kill the people, whom I'm assuming are your teammates. Thank you, again for my box. Miss you." I said before I hung up.

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