Chapter 42

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Tak-San and I continued our commentary until it was half-time, where I excused myself when I felt pain start to gather in my lower back. John must have noticed because he had immediately handed me my purse, and nodded, because he was immediately behind me, not to close but not to far away, until I was in the bathroom.  Oh, good. I haven't started yet. I thought, glad to know that my period hadn't come early. A few minutes later, John and I were out in the hallway drinking some tea he had bought from the vending machine. 

"You going to be okay, throughout the rest?" he asked and I nodded. 

"I should be fine. I've got plenty of what I might need, and chocolate isn't to far away." I said causing him to chuckle. 

"True. Just let mw know if you need anything." 

"I will.I still can't thank you enough for you being my bodyguard, for my stay here." I said. 

"It's a pleasure. Besides, you're the easiest one to please. The others like to think of me as their personal carry mule." He said and I wrinkled my nose. 

"You know how I am with shopping. I wear it until it's to small or it has to many holes before it gets donated. I'm also not one of those famous people who think they have to buy a new dress for every event out there. If I buy a dress, I'm going to get the most out of." I said.

"That's another reason why I don't hesitate to answer the phone when you call. You're also pretty easy to talk to, that I forget you're actually this world famous model, who plays streetball like no other." he said and I snorted. 

"That's kinda the point. I want to be treated normally like everyone else. Just because I'm famous doesn't mean I have to be treated like royalty. Speaking of royalty, I could never be a princess. There's to many rules, plus when you marry you aren't allowed to hold hands with your significant other. It's quite unpleasant." I said causing John to laugh. 

"You do like to show off your relationship." He said. 

"I should be allowed to, if I so wish to. As long as it's nothing over the board, it should be fine, but no. You hug your significant other for to long, and you instantly get told to stop or severally judged." I said with a frown. 

"You've done a lot to change people's mind. Maybe that could be one of them." John said and I smiled. 

"What would I do without you?" I asked him. 

"Hospitalized by rabid fans, and I'd be halfway to the earth's core because of your boss, my boss, and your boyfriend." He said before we both let out soft laughs until he walked me back to the table. 

"Oh. Imayoshi-San, is on Kuroko-Kun." I said.

"Is that a problem?" 

"Maybe? Who knows? But from the looks of it. There's something planned. Or at least being planned." I said before we lapsed into more comments. 

"Hm, that animal like instinct. It's quite impressive." I said as I adjusted in my chair. 

"Animal instinct?" 

"It's just a saying. Well, more like term, that we use to tell how a person will play. It's more of a fast played game, where you just use your eyes and trust your body. It's quite thrilling." I said before I launched into another comment about Izuki-San. I was just as shocked as everyone else when Izuki-San managed to score. 

"I see. That was your plan, but what will you do now that everyone has seen that?" I asked softly as they continued to play until the end of the third quarter. 

"Something is different about, Aomine-San." I said as I watched him walk onto the court. 

"What makes you say that?" Tak-San asked me and I pressed my lips together. 

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