Chapter 18 Kagami

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He did that on purpose! I thought with a glare, as I looked at Tsugawa who was still on the court faking, after I recived my fourth foul. He then looked up at me with a weird smile, pissing me off. 

Kise POV

"That idiot! What is he doing?" 

"He'll have to back down. With only one foul left, he'll be too scared to make any plays." Senpai said and I let out a sigh. 

Kagami POV

"Excuse me. I'd like to make a substitution." I heard Coach say making me react some, before I faced my Senpais. 

"I'll be fine! I just have to make sure I don't get any more fouls, right? I can do it!" I said as I pushed some of my hair back, only to hear Captain sigh. 

"Well, it works out. We were planning on subbing you and Kuroko out anyway." Captain said and I titled my head some in shock. 

"Me, too?" Kuroko asked. 

"We decided before the game started you'd only be playing in the first half." Captain said. 

"But why? Why would you do that?" I asked. 

"For one reason. In order to beat Midorima, we need you two. Even id we win this game, we'll need a strategy to beat Midorima in out next game against Shutoku. As we predicted, Shutoku is already conserving Midorima's strength. We can't win if you two are spent." Captain said. 

"But if we lose this game, we won't even have the chance-" I started to say only to be cut off. 

"We know it's a gamble. But if we can conserve the two of you, we'll have a slim chance of beating Shutoku, and going to the championship league." 

"We'll beat Midorima even if we're tired, so let us-" I started to say only to be cut off, again. 

"Kagami-Kun, let's do as they say." Kuroko said. 

"What?" I asked him. 

"I trust our senpai's." he said. 

"Well, don't worry. We'll beat Seiho." Captain said before the whistle blew. 

"Seirin, member change." 

"I haven't played in forever." 

"Let's show them what we can do, Tsucchi." 

"If things start to go badly, I'll play!" I said. 

"What are you talking about? You've got four foul." Koganei-Senpai said as he raised his hand. He slapped out hands together as we walked past each other. 

"Leave this to us." He said and I pulled my shirt on and sat down. I watched as the senpai's played, and I was a bit shocked. 

"He can dunk?" I asked after we all saw Mitobe-senpai scored. I watched the Senpai's played only to feel a fist to my cheek, thanks to Coach. 

"Why do you look so serious? They're not that bad, so don't worry." Coach said as she twisted her fist. 

Kise POV

"They're going at it harder than I expected." I said in awe. 

"This seems to be working a lot better. They formed a team around Kuroko and Kagami this spring. In other words, it's still developing. Hyuga's outside shots and Mitobe's hook shots. The offensive team revolving around those two they're playing right now is the other set up Seirin spent a year creating. They must have been practicing hard to win since last year's defeat. One other thing I noticed is this team's key player is the guy I matched up against the other day." Senpai said and I looked at him weirdly as I slight raised an eyebrow.

"It's not their captain?" I asked him. 

"Hyuga is their mental core. He leaves making plays to the point guard. He most likely has another eye." 

"An eye?" I asked him. 

Kagami POV

"Izuki-Kun can see it." Coach said and I looked at her weirdly. 

"He's got an eagle eye." She said. 

"Eagle eye?" I asked her. 

"He's not particularly athletic, but he can change his point of view instantaneously inside his head. Because he sees everything from all angles, he always sees the entire court." 

"Seriously?" I asked with a weird look. 

"Hyuga-Kun and the others aren't good at everything, but they each have one special skill. They've been polishing them for a whole year." 

"They really are amazing!" 

"Do Koganei-Senpai and Tsuchida-Senpai have special skills, too?" 

"Huh? Uh, yeah." She said with some hesitation. 

"Koganei-Kun can shoot from all ranges! But his accuracy's only so-so!" 

"Doesn't that make him pretty normal?" I asked her. 

"And Tsuchida-Kun is good at rebounding!" 

"HOw did you miss two free shots?" 

During the fourth quarter the ball was getting ready to go out of bounds but Koganei-Senpai managed to hit it back into the court, before he toppled over the bench, in between Kuroko and I. We all stood up. 

"Koganei-Kun, are you okay?! Or not!" 

"His eyes are spinning!" 

"Koganei-Kun?! Koganei-Kun?!" 

"Senpai, are you okay?" I asked. 

"I think it's a light concussion. We might have to sub him out." Coach said. 

"Let me play! Please!" I said. 

"What are you talking about? You can't play. Have you forgotten why we're conserving your energy? We'll settle this. You just wait!" Captain said. 

"I can't just sit still! I want to help-" I started to say only to be cut off by Kuroko slapping his hand onto my face. 

"I agree, so the guy with four fouls should stay on the bench." Kuroko said and I grabbed his head. 

"What's you say, Kuroko?" I growled out as I squeezed his head some.

"If you foul Tsugawa-Kun again, you'll just be thrown off the court." Kuroko said making me react, making me let him go. 

"I won't!I've got to pay Tsugawa back for what he did!" I said. 

"Fine. I will beat Tsugawa-Kun for you." Kuroko said. 

"What? What good will that do? There's no point if you beat him!" I said as I grabbed his head once more. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked him once again. 

"Fine. As another first-year, take down Tsugawa, Kuroko." Captain said. 

"What?" I asked only to be forced back onto the bench while Kuroko went onto the court. 

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