Chapter 1

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Okay so I realize that the first few chapters go by pretty quick, but please just bear through it because it gets so much better. This was my first fan fiction so my writing kind of sucked through the beginning parts, but once you get into it, my writing is a lot stronger I promise!! But anyways, please enjoy :)

Stephanie's POV

Today's the day. The day where me and my best friend Alexis can finally leave for Florida. We've been waiting all school year for this moment to happen and now in 10 minutes we will be boarding are flight from New York to Orlando, Florida.

"Are you sure you have everything you need sweetie?" My mom asks, seeming worried.

"Yes mom, I'm going to be fine, you can stop worrying now!" I laugh while reaching in to give her a hug. After I hug my mom, I walk over to go hug my dad goodbye.

"Make sure you give us a call once in awhile, okay?" He tells me. My dad doesn't seem as nervous as my mom, he's actually glad that I'm getting out of the house for once. He always complains that I spend too much time in my room. But my mom on the other hand, she's worried that I'm actually gonna be on my own for once. It's a good thing I have Alexis with me, my best friend since 3rd grade. 

"Sure thing dad." I smile and hug him.

My mom reaches into her purse, grabbing out a bunch of paperwork. She seems like she's in a rush to get them out and I just laugh. "So, your flight will get there at about 2 P.M. and the hotel is already booked for a week." My mom says to me and Alexis.

"I wish we could stay longer." Alexis pouts.

"You're lucky that your parents even let you come with me." I turn to her and chuckle. Her parents are more strict than mine, which is kind of surprising because mine can be strict as well. 

"If you girls need anything or if something goes wrong, just give me a call please." My mom says, worry clear in her eyes. 

"Alright, alright, just let them go and enjoy their summer!" My dad says, making me and Alexis smile. 

My mom sighs loudly, but then finally smiles, "Have a good time and stay out of trouble!" She points her finger at both of us and we just laugh. I'm pretty sure neither of us are going to get into any trouble, we're too smart not to do anything bad. 

"Thank you so much!" Alexis smiles.

"Love you guys!" I tell my parents as we turn around and board the plane.

The flight was a few hours, so it wasn't that bad. We got all of our luggage and went outside to get a taxi to take us to the hotel. The weather here was much warmer than it was back home. That's one of my favorite things about Florida, it's always sunny and rarely has bad weather. Even though it can get way too hot, it still never fails to make me smile.

When we get to the hotel it's actually really nice and fancy. When we check in at the front desk, the lady seems a bit grumpy. She rolls her eyes as she hands us our room key. It must've been a long day for her. I notice that there are a lot of teenage girls hanging around the lobby, more than usual. Since it's the beginning of summer, they must have had the same idea as me and Alexis. They all have their phones out taking pictures and laughing. It's strange and I have no idea why.

Our room is 713, which means that we're on the 7th floor. I think there's 11 floors total.

"I can't believe that we're actually in Florida!" Alexis says while we step on the elevator.

"I know, it's so exciting!" I reply jumping up and down.

The elevator door opens and we walk to our room. The second we get into our room we throw all of our bags on the floor and run to the beds to jump on them. Alexis was jumping on one bed while I was jumping on the other.

"What should we do first?" Alexis yells in between breaths of jumping up and down.

I think about all the activities we could do. We haven't really made an itinerary for this trip, we just decided that we could do whatever we felt like doing. But since it's already the afternoon, I figure we could just stay in the hotel for the night.

"We could go swimming?" I say back to her, but it's more of a question to see if she agrees. 

"Okay!" She gets excited. We continue jumping on the beds and it literally feels like we're little kids again. That's what I love about Alexis. Everytime we hang out together it reminds me of the times when we were younger and had so much fun. Now that we're older, we have even more fun and still have plenty of time to make new memories. That's why we planned this trip over a year ago. To make new memories together.

"Guess what!" Alexis yells, breaking me from my thoughts.

I stop jumping and look over at her, "What?"

She stops jumping also, "I heard that the Magcon boys are here in Orlando for their magcon tour!" She looks at me with the biggest smile on her face. I look at her with confusion, then shake my head. 

"Oh my god Alexis, you're obsessed." I laugh as I step off the bed and walk over to my suitcase to get my bathing suit out.

Alexis was always obsessed with the Magcon boys, she would watch their vines over and over and laugh so hard. I, on the other hand knew about them but never paid much attention to them. I mean, they are really cute but I didn't care for them. Alexis was different though. When she became dedicated to something, she would not stop talking about it. All I've heard over the past few weeks were the Magcon Boys. I'm pretty sure she even screamed when 'Nash Grier' followed her on Twitter. 

"Can we pleasseee go to Magcon Stephanie?" She kneels down and grabs my arm. I roll my eyes. I thought this trip to Florida was just going to be us and spending time with each other. Now I'm starting to think that the only reason she wanted to come here was because Magcon was gonna be here at the same time. 

"C'mon! I have to meet my future husband!" She says and pouts. She's obsessed with Cameron Dallas. The fact that she's literally on her knees begging to go to this stupid event makes me laugh. Turns out she's way more dedicated than I thought.

"Ugh fine." I finally say and stand up, "When is it?" I ask.

She lets out a little squeal and I can tell that she's trying so hard to keep her emotions in. She stands up also, with the biggest smile on her face. "Tomorrow." She says, then walks over to her suitcase to grab her bikini. 


Hey guys! So this is my first fan fic and I hope you guys will like it because I have some really good ideas coming :) & in case you guys were wondering, the boys will be in next chapter. SO KEEP READING AND LET ME KNOW HOW IT IS! :)

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