Chapter one

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This summer trip counted the fourth year sense Weirdmageddon. Mable was fast asleep on Dipper's shoulder like she always was on long trips. As they grew nearer and nearer to their destination, Dipper couldn't help but let his mind wonder.
Is it possible that Bill can comeback? He thought starring into the woods. Grunkle Stan beat you, but what if in his memories, he stay lurking. Once Stan got his memories back, what if he remembered Bill, and accidental resurrected him?
Mabel's snores got louder and louder.
"Mabel wake up, we're almost there," Dipper said.
Mabel opened one eye, then two, and sat up, rubbing her eyes.
"Where are we going again?" She asked.
"Gravity Falls, remember? Full of mystery and wonder? We're going to see Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford soon."
Mabel immediately woke up, and started to get ready to depart the bus. Although they were the only ones on the bus, Dipper and Mabel always sat next to each other.
"Hey Dip, you ready to see your girlfriend?" Mabel teased.
"She isn't my girlfriend Mabel," Dipper retorted. "Pacifica just acts like it. I never wanted to be with her. I just can't say no because I'm afraid what her parents are going to do to us, or the Mystery Shack."
A few minutes later the bus stopped completely.
"Gravity Falls," the driver said in his raspy voice.
The twins grabbed their suitcases and ran off the bus, where they were greeted by a set of old twins.
Mabel ran to hug Stan while Dipper ran to hug Ford.
"Kids, it's so great to see you again,"  Grunkle Stan said.
"Yes, greetings," Grunkle Ford agreed.
"We both waited all year to see our favorite Grunkles," Mabel exclaimed.
"Did you find anything new while you were sailing?" Dipper asked.
The two Grunkles looked at each other.
*flash back*
"I can't believe what we're finding here Stanley," Ford said. "Look at these codes! With some research  we can finally find-"
Stanley was standing at the bow of the boat, clutching onto the rail. He looked up at the incredibly clear sky.
"Stanley, are you alright?" Ford asked.
"Huh? Yea yea I'm fine poindexter, there's just something in my eye," Stan replied not turning around.
Ford walked up to him.
"It's just something in your eye, it can't be that bad," Ford said rolling his eyes.
"Let me see."
Stanley turned around, with his hand still covering his eye. Blood trickled down his arm.
"See, it's not so bad."
I told you Fordsie. A voice said to Ford. We'll meet again some sunny day.
*end of flashback*
"Nothing new really, just some monsters and whatnot," Grunkle Ford explained.
"Er- yea yea," Grunkle Stan agreed. "Now come on kids, let's head back to the Mystery Shack."
Although Soos is the manager of the mystery snack, he still allows the Pines family to stay there. After all, it was Grunkle Ford's house.
After a short drive to the Mystery Shack, Dipper and Mabel got settled in back in the attic. Dipper didn't want to take Grunkle Ford's room, so Ever sense Dipper and Mabel first shared a room four years ago, they kept it like that.
"It's so great to be back!" Mabel exclaimed. "I wonder what we'll find this summer!"
Mabel hasn't changed at all, same quirky personality, same goofy face, same incredibly huge sweater collection. She even knit a pair of matching sweaters for Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford.
"Hey dip, Candy and Grenda are coming over soon. I hope you don't mind but we haven't seen-"
"I got it, I got it," Dipper replied.
Once Mabel's friends came over, Dipper decided to take a walk in the forest. He wanted to give the girls some space, and it would be his first opportunity to take a look around Gravity Falls for the first time in a year. Maybe he'll run into the pack of gnomes. Dipper started to walked on a familiar path. The summer sun beat down through the huge leaves of the trees. Everything seemed like all the other summers, except the absence of clouds. Even on a beautiful day, Gravity Falls would normally have at least a few clouds floating in the sky, but they've suddenly disappeared. What Dipper also noticed disappeared was his pine tree hat. He frantically looked around to find a rouge nome chewing the cap on a rotting log.
"Hey!" Dipper said in surprise.
The gnome looked at him for a brief moment before running off the trail.
Dipper chased after it.
"Give it back!" Dipper shouted after the gnome. After a few minutes of running through the forest, the gnome ran into a clearing.
"Come on man, give me my cap back!" Dipper exclaimed.
The gnome ran up a strange looking rock. Not much taller than Dipper. The gnome ran along the outstretched part of the rock. Dipper lunged for the gnome, but only caught thin air.
"Ugh," Dipper sighed in frustration.
He spat out the grass in his mouth, and used the end of the outstretched part of the rock to get back up. Strangely the rock was smoother than he expected.
It's probably been here a while. Dipper thought to himself. But it couldn't help bother him.
Finally, the gnome left the cap sitting at the top of the strange rock. Dipper grabbed it and brushed off the twigs and dirt.
"Stupid gnome," he muttered.
After Dipper replaced the cap on his head, he took a step back to examine the strange looking rock.
That's strange, Dipper thought to himself. It kinda looks like...
Dipper took a step backward.
"It can't. There's no way!" Dipper said in fear.
But there was no mistake. It was the triangle demon, bow tie and all. And Dipper just used his hand to help him up.
Thanks for shaking my hand pine tree.

So yay! I actually wrote something! I know it's a little bit different from my other stories, but I've been obsessing over gravity falls all summer, so hey, why not a little switch up? I'm most excited to write this story, (because I'm a weirdo and I totally ship dipper and bill) because I actually have a motive to do it. Honestly I think my other stories are supper conclusive, and don't really make sense that much, but it's going to change in this story. (If you're new you have no idea what I'm talking about. It might be a good thing.). So I do hope to start writing off other stories, but I probably will update this one the most. So yea. Thanks for reading!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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