Chapter Seven

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*a while after the twins left but before the they came upstairs*
"I thought I told you to leave me alone," Bill said.
You know what's coming, yet you resist.
"I told you it's not going to happen."
You still resist. Why?
Bill didn't answer.
I asked you a QUESTION.
"Augh!" Bill yelled in agony. His head pounded, his eye behind the triangular eyepatch twitched uncontrollably. He fell to his knees. He lost control.
"Stop," Bill whispered, shivering. "Please. Stop."
The twitching stopped, but a headache remained.
For every time this happens, his life force grows weaker. Don't let me drain it all.
"It's gone," Bill could only whisper. "Good."
Footsteps creaked on the old wooden door.
Shoot! It's Pine tree and Shooting star. Bill though.
Even with all his strength, Bill couldn't stand. The footsteps grew closer and closer. Bill mustered up enough strength to crawl to Dipper's bed. He grabbed the quilt and hoisted himself onto the bed. Headache raging, Bill rolled onto his stomach, and pretended like he was sleeping. A few seconds later, the doorknob opened.
"How can you even let Bill stay here?" Mabel asked, more angrily than Dipper has even seen her.
The twins put their plates down on their dresser and closed the door.
"I know I'm sorry Mabel, it's just-"
"It's just what Dipper?" Mabel asked. "Why is Bill the demon who literally tried to destroy the WORLD, who is now HUMAN, is now INSIDE THE MYSTERY SHACK, SLEEPING ON YOUR BED!?"
"I know I know! It's hard to explain!" Dipper quickly exclaimed, trying to calm Mabel down before their Great Uncles take notice to their loud voices. "You have to trust me Mabel! Trust me like you did with Grunkle Stan four years ago."
"How can I even trust you when you brought a demon into the Mystery Shack?"
"He isn't that bad once you get to know him," Dipper muttered.
Mabel sighed.
"So are you two an actual thing or,"
"Wha-" Dipper's face turned incredibly red. "No! Are you crazy? He's human, but he's still a demon."
Bill flinched at his words, but didn't say anything, and lay still afterward.
I hope he didn't hear that. Dipper thought.
"Mabel, please don't tell Grunkle Stan and Ford. We can figure this out."
Dipper held out a fist.
"Mystery twins?"
Mabel looked at Dippers fist. Finally, she balled up her hand, and punched Dipper's knuckles.
"Mystery twins," she repeated. "Although, Bill is still Bill, I can tell he means a lot to you," Mabel sighed. "I know you Dipper. For now, I'll keep your secret."
Dipper blushed but didn't deny anything.
"Awkward sibling hug?" Mabel asked.
"Awkward sibling hug," Dipper agreed, embracing Mabel.
"Pat pat."
They stood in silence.
"I'll sleep on the floor tonight," Dipper said. "Looks like Bill already passed out. He still hasn't eaten anything in the past day."
Bill knew this was his que to get up.
"Bill you're awake!" Dipper exclaimed, surprised. "Did... Did you hear the conversation?"
"What conversation?" Bill lied, making a fake yawn.
"Never mind."
"So Bill," Mabel said smoothly, "what's it like being a human?"
"Eh, it's alright," Bill replied.
"Why do you wear that eye patch?" Mabel asked.
"Well shooting star, when you work with one eye for most of your life, it's weird adapting to two eyes."
"Do you even have any clothes? Those are Dipper's swim trunks."
Bill blushed.
Why does it feel like I stepped into the sun? Bill thought.
"Er- Mabel, let's just eat something," Dipper said quickly, his face also red.
"Fine, but tomorrow, we go to the mall."
"The mall?" Bill asked.
"You'll figure it out tomorrow," Dipper said. "For now just take this and eat it with your mouth." Dipper handed Bill half his plate of food, and pointed to his mouth.
"You should spoon feed him," Mabel whispered to Dipper, snickering.
"Mabel!" Dipper shoved his sister away.
The three teenagers finished eating, and set up for bed.
"Night Dipper," Mabel said.
"Night Mabel," Dipper replied before he closed his eyes, and fell asleep.
A few minutes after Dipper fell asleep, Mabel spoke up.
"Bill, I need you to promise me something," Mabel whispered to Bill.
"Shooting star," Bill started. "If you think I'm going to kill someone while you sleep, you're wrong. I made a deal with Pine tree. As long as I stay in the Mystery Shack, I can't bother you or your family."
Mabel froze in shock.
Dipper already made a deal with Bill? What did he promise him in return?
"Relax Shooting star, Pine tree didn't promise me anything. He "accidentally" shook my hand while he was chasing a gnome for his hat. Long story by the way."
"So why are you human and not, you know, a triangle?"
Bill didn't answer.
"I'm going to sleep. Night Shooting star."
Bill turned around, leaving Mabel to her own thoughts.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! Ok so I think I found a schedule. I'm going to try and write every Wednesday or weekend. It's probably going to be a loose schedule because something evil called school is ruining my life, so I might accidentally skip a day. That's why I said weekend. But enough boring talk.
As always:
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Keep shining!

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