Chapter fifty

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"Bill," someone whispered, "Bill, I'm sorry."
Bill rubbed his eyes, groaning as he sat up.
"What? What are you talking about?" He asked.
Bill got up and looked around. He was sitting on the dirt road in front of the Mystery Shack, the sky completely clear.
He looked at the person that woke him up.
"Pine Tree!" Bill grabbed him by his hoodie, and pulled him into a kiss.
Dipper shrugged away from him, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
"Gross," Dipper muttered. "Bill, we need to talk."
Concerned, Bill crossed his arms.
"I'm not gay, and... I never want to be."
"What? Pine Tree- I-" Bill stepped forward.
"Get away from me!" Dipper shoved him to the ground.
Bill could feel tears welding in his eyes.
"I don't feel the same way."
Dipper slowly walked towards the Mystery Shack where Pacifica was waiting for him on the porch. He gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, and started to hold her.
Bill scrambled to his feet, trying to walk towards them, but his feet felt heavy with rejection and grief. Dipper pulled Pacifica into the Mystery Shack, where Mabel was lightly laughing, pointing at the heartbroken demon.
He fell to his knees, defeated. The trees seemed to loom more and more over him, until he was swallowed into a dark shadow.

Mabel pushed through tree branches and thorns, looking for either one of the boys. She finally reached a dark clearing in the middle of the forest. Dipper was crouched down on his knees, quietly sobbing.
"Dip!" With all of her energy left, she sprinted towards her brother. "Dip, are you alright? Where's Axolotl?"
Dipper's sobs slowly turned into sick laughter.
Dipper wiped his head to look at his sister. His eyes were yellow, and his pupils turned into thin lines. Mabel scrambled backwards, but Dipper already was standing. He balled his fists, and punched Mabel in the stomach. The force of the punch sent her flying across the clearing and into a tree trunk. Dazed, Mabel wasn't able to move until Dipper grabbed her by the throat.
"Do you really think Axolotl was able to do this by himself?" Dipper laughed. "It's all my fault he's here."
Mable tried saying something, but she couldn't breath.
"I'm the reason your brother fell in love with a monster. After I'm done with you, I'll throw this stupid body off of the water tower, just like I planed."
Mabel's vision became slowly bleak.

"Bill! Bill you lazy demon get up! Mabel, you too!"
Bill shook his head, trying to regain his thoughts. He was in a black abyss, sitting next to Mabel. Her breathing was shallow, but determined.
"Where am I now?" Bill wondered out loud as he stood up.
Mabel violently gasped for air. Bill offered her a hand up, and she reluctantly took it.
"It's great to see you two again." Is
"Who is this?" Mabel shouted.
"It's Maddy."
Her voice rang in both of the teens' ears like a phone call.
"Look, I don't have a lot of time. It took me ages to find you two. Axolotl has some kind of alternate dimension swirling around you three."
"Where's Pine Tree?" Bill asked.
"I didn't have enough time to look for him, so shut up and let me talk! Axolotl is planning to use you three to from some sort of mass weapon to destroy this, along with countless other dimensions. I was able to pull you two in between his alternate dimension and your dimension, but an outside force has to disrupt Axolotl's concentration. Luckily, Stan and Ford are on their way. Try not to think, or talk about anything."
"Will you be able to fight with us?" Mabel asked.
"I'm trying the best I can," Maddy grimaced, "but Axolotl's pushing me back."
A loud boom was herd in the distance. The floor shook like a trampoline.
"He's here. I'll try to hold him off. Good luck guys!"
Maddy's voice left, leaving Bill and Mabel in the dark.
Mabel opened her mouth to say something, but Bill put his pointer finger on his lips, silently telling her not to talk. Another loud boom rang throughout the Limbo-like space, shaking the floor. Bill and Mabel sat back to back, ready for the cue to leave.

"There," Stanley pointed from the bushes.
"How are we going to get there?" Stanford asked.
"I might have an idea."
The two twins slowly turned around. Crouched down behind them was their old friend McGucket.

Hey peoples, Hero here, and thank you so much for reading another chapter! IM NOT DEAD!!! How long as it been?? A month? I feel terrible. I'm so sorry, so much has happened so fast, and the last thing on my mind was writing. I won't get into detail, but I'm fine. I think. I just stress too much. ANYWAYS:

She looks so cool!!! And tall

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She looks so cool!!! And tall... darn. I wish I was actually tall. Anyways!!! Have an amazing day! You deserve it!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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