Chapter thirty one

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Bill slowly walked upstairs, clutching his stomach, and barley able to keep his eyes open. He nearly fell over once he opened the vending machine door.
"Whoa!" Gruncle Stan looked up from his newspaper. He snickered. "Ready, Mabel? Three, two, one!"
"Bag check for Bill's eyes!" They shouted in unison. Dipper popped his head out from the "employee's only" room.
"Bill, you're awake!" Dipper happily walked over to him, and gave him an apple for breakfast. "Are- you alright? It looks like you slept at all.
Bill took a bite from it. "I'm fine, in fine."
Mabel ran from off the couch over to Dipper, and elbowed him.
"Ow! Mabel!"
"Hey Bill! Do you wanna go mini golfing with me and Dipper?"
Bill yawned. "I'm not sure-"
"Oh come on, it'll be fun! Besides," Mabel leaned over to Bill's ear. "You can spend some quality time with Dipper."
Bill's face turned a bright red.
"Shooting Star!" He grumbled and gave her a little nudge.
"Hehehe! Gruncle Stan, can we borrow your car?"
Gruncle Stan threw her the keys without looking up from his magazine.
"Thanks!" She said, running out of the room.
"Let's go," Dipper said, grabbing Bills hand, and forcing him to follow.
Bill blushed, all the way to the car.
Dipper sat in the front seat, and let Mabel drive.
"Remember, Mabel," Dipper instructed. "Don't go swerving around the road again. Remember what happened last time?"
"What happened?" Bill asked.
"Let's just say our parents weren't happy when we came home with half of a car," Mabel trailed off, starting the engine.
They started to drive off. Dipper screamed at Mabel most of the car ride, trying not to get them all killed, while Mabel happily drove, almost hitting everything that was moving, or just standing still. Bill sat in the middle seat, getting carsick, and almost throwing up. They finally made it to the mini golf palace. Bill opened the door and fell out of the car, almost throwing up on the grass.
"That was fun!" Mabel exclaimed, hopping out of the car.
"Mabel we almost died! More than once!" Dipper exclaimed.
"Hey, when there's a squirrel on the road, I have to swerve!"
"It was already dead!"
Bill threw up in the far patch of grass.
Dipper sighed, and ran over to him, followed by Mabel. Dipper patted Bill's back.
"Are you good?" Dipper asked.
Bill wiped his mouth with his arm, and nodded.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," Dipper said, helping him up. "Mabel, do you mind getting some napkins? I'll take Bill to the bathroom."
Mabel nodded, and left to the food court. They found each other at the starting line.
"Are you guys ready to loose?" Mabel asked, grabbing a club.
"As if! I'm getting better and better every year!" Dipper said, triumphant.
"How do I... win?" Bill asked, awkwardly holding a club.
"We'll teach you," Mabel smiled.
The two twins started to play, teaching Bill a few tricks along the way. When they were almost done with the corse, Bill heard a distant explosion.
"Guys! Wait!" Bill stopped them.
Dipper shot, but got distracted by Bill's voice, and missed his shot.
"Ha! That counts as a stroke!" Mabel exclaimed, marking it down on her sheet of paper.
"What!" Dipper exclaimed. "Bill-"
"Guys stop!" Bill exclaimed. "Listen!"
Someone screamed.
"Dipper!" Mabel loudly whispered to her brother.
"On it."
Dipper pulled out his mini quantum destabilizer, while Mabel called their gruncles. Bill started to concentrate, and scrapped up a bit of his power. A mob of people formed, trying to get out of the mini golf park, but no one could escape, the gates were closed. People started to panic, and looted nearby snack bars. Dipper squinted his eyes, looking for the monster. Mabel got off of her phone, and pulled out the same gun as her brother.
"Gruncle Stan and Ford are coming. They have to steal a car," Mabel explained.
"As long as they get here," Dipper replied, on high alert.
"There!" Bill pointed to the top of the hill.
A huge hybrid of a squid and a giant person, ran over the hill. It was about nine feet tall, blue and turquoise, and incredible muscular.
"Cthulhu," Bill whispered.
"Get ready guys," Mabel said, arming her gun. Her brother did the same.
"Let's go!" Dipper shouted, running at the monster.
Bill followed, and Mabel stayed behind to snipe the monster.
"Bill, turn it around, and keep it still," Dipper instructed, "I'll shoot at it."
Bill nodded, and ran faster.
"Hey, Cthulhu!" Bill shouted. The monster looked over at him. "Come at me you deformed squid!"
The monster whipped around, and angrily roared, running to Bill. Bill waiting for it to get closer.
"Bill what are you doing?" Dipper shouted.
"Bill!" Mabel shouted.
Bill used what he had left of his power, and created a force field around himself, protecting him from the monster's attempts to smash him.
"Now, Pine Tree!" Bill shouted.
Dipper took aim at the monster, and fired. The shot flew across the courses, almost hitting the monster. Almost. The monster took an irrational move, and dodged the shot.
"No!" Dipper exclaimed.
The monster broke Bill's shield, and raised an arm again. Bill scrambled to him feet, and dove out of the way.
"Bill!" Dipper shouted.
Bill kept running around the monster, trying to dodge his attacks. The monster was finally able to hit Bill. It took one swat, and tripped Bill, twisting his ankle.
"Mabel, take the shot!" Dipper exclaimed.
"I can't!" Mabel shouted back. "I don't have a clear view. I could kill them both!"
The monster raised an arm.
"Bill move!" Mabel screamed.
Bill closed his eye, braced for impact, but nothing hit him. He opened his eye again, to see the monster taken down by a car.
"Fez!" Bill exclaimed. "You saved me!"
"Yeah, yeah, let's move!" Gruncle Stan picked up Bill, and carried him out of the way. The monster tried to follow, but Gruncle Ford got out his gun, and shot it, killing it without a second thought.
"Gruncle Ford!" Dipper exclaimed, "you did it!"
Gruncle Ford didn't reply.
"Gruncle Ford?" Mabel asked, running over to everyone else.
Gruncle Stan set down Bill, and walked back over to his family.
"Hey, Poindexter, you alright?" he asked.
Without saying anything, Gruncle Ford armed his gun again, and shot past his brother. Bill was barley able to dodge the shot. It grazed his arm, and the blast knocked him over, and sent him flying down the hill.
"Gruncle Ford!" Dipper exclaimed. "What was that?"
Gruncle Ford still didn't reply, arming his gun for the third time, and ready to shot again.
Mabel tackled him to the ground, diverting the shot into the sky.
"Star, get off of me!" Gruncle Ford exclaimed, trying to push his great niece off.
Dipper jumped on top of him, grabbed the gun from his hands, and threw it across the course.
"Gruncle Ford what are you doing?" Dipper exclaimed, struggling to keep him down.
"Little Dipper, get out of the way!" Gruncle Ford struggled, but failed to move under both of their weights.
"Gruncle Stan what's going on?" Mabel asked.
Gruncle Stan said nothing, only walking over to his brother.
"Gruncle Stan?" Dipper asked.
Gruncle Stan pushed the two twins off of his brother, and grabbed him by the shoulders, flipping him over. With one strike, Gruncle Stan karate-chopped his neck, knocking him out.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter! So I started to realize it's already 31 chapters in, and the plot hasn't gone anywhere. Sure there's a bunch of hints sprinkled around here and there, but the plot itself hasn't really started in a sense, kinda like Weirdmageddon. So! I'm actually going to start the plot plot. Yay! No spoilers or anything, but something about a cipher and such are starting to appear. So have fun trying to figure out that huge message back in like chapter fourteen. Hehehe. So many secrets. I forgot to draw AGAIN so for another punishment (Hehe PUNishment. HILARIOUS), here's another hint.
Did I already do that? I'm not sure. Haha. But anyways. Have a great day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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