Chapter twenty four

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Dipper's vision was blurry at the start. He only could comprehend the sounds around him. Screams of terror. Crackling fires. A sick, twisted laugh. Dipper squinted his eyes and tried to see what was going on. There was a small girl, trapped under mounds of rubble. She screamed for her parents. Dipper tried calling out for help, but his voice stayed silent. He tried to scream, thinking something would happen, but his throat was trapped by a rope, tightly restraining him. He tried to fight the rope, he tried to save the little girl, but every time Dipper tried moving closer to her, the rope began to get tighter, and tighter, so tight, it began to get hard to breath. The last bit of the building gave way, crushed the small child. Dipper's vision became hazy with tears and suddenly-
Beep. Beep. Beep.
A heart monitor softly rang out. Dipper opened his eyes, and was greeted with a splitting headache. Trying to remember what happened, he sat up, looking around him. He was sitting in the Gravity Falls hospital, not as a visitor, but as a patient. Dipper slid off the hospital bed, trying to stand, but stumbled, and fell into two, almost identical people.
"Whoa there kiddo!" Gruncle Stan exclaimed. "You alright? You've been sleeping like sleeping beauty."
Gruncle Stan picked his great nephew up, and placed him back on his hospital bed.
"What- what happened?" Dipper asked, running both of his hands through his hair.
"I was hopping you could tell me," Gruncle Ford replied. "Mabel told us you were on a walk to gather your thoughts about the whole agent's ordeal, but you never came back. We came looking for you after around ten. We decided to split up, so we could cover more ground. The next thing I know Wendy gives my a call, saying the went to the hospital."
Dipper slowly nodded.
"How do you feel?" Gruncle Ford asked.
"I think I'll be fine, I just have a huge headache."
"Let's get Mabel and Wendy," Gruncle Stan suggested. "I'm sure they'll want to see you."
Gruncle Stan left the room, leaving the two researchers alone.
"What do you remember?" Gruncle Ford asked.
"I'm not really sure. It's all fuzzy. The last thing I remember is walking through the forest. I was knocked down, but I'm now sure how. It felt like some sort of a strong gust, but it want wind. It felt like something else."
Gruncle Ford slowly nodded, clearly deep in his thoughts.
"Why is my head wrapped?" Dipper asked.
"Wendy said they found you with your forehead bleeding."
That's odd, I don't remember bumping my head. Dipper thought.
"How long was I out?"
"It's only been a few days. It's around three o'clock right now."
Dipper looked at the patterned wall paper. There were so many shapes scattered around the blue background. Dipper looked at all of them. He came across a yellow triangle
BILL! I forgot about him! He's probably starving out there if he isn't already dead!
"I have to go!" Dipper exclaimed, getting out of his bed.
"Whoa there, slow down. What's going on?"
"I forgot something in the woods," Dipper rapidly explained.
"If you forgot something, Mabel and I'll go look for it later. For not, rest."
"But I-"
"Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed bursting through the door. She ran to Dipper, and embraced him.
"I'm so sorry," she whispered, obviously crying. "It's all my fault. I should've trusted you."
Dipper gave his sister a hug.
"It's ok, I shouldn't have overreacted," he whispered back. "We can talk later."
Mabel nodded, and let go of him.
"Dipper!" Wendy came into the room next. "What happened? We thought you were dead or something!" Wendy gave him another hug. "Don't do that again man, you scared us.
"I won't," Dipper promised.
"Alright, alright, give him some space people," Gruncle Stan came back into the room.
Mabel wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Let's get a nurse to check on Dipper, so we can get him signed out, and we can head back to the Mystery Shack," Gruncle Ford suggested.
Everyone except for Dipper and Mabel exited the room.
"You coming, Pumpkin?" Gruncle Stan asked.
"Yeah, one second," Mabel replied.
Gruncle Stan nodded, and closed the door behind him.
"Mabel, I need you to do me a favor."
"What is it?"
"You haven't seen Bill in the past few days, right?"
Mabel nodded.
"Can you go look for him? Please? I don't have a good feeling about anything right now."
"Ok, I will, but did something happen while you were in the forest?" Mabel asked, worried. "You aren't acting normal."
"Something's not right. I felt this 'presence' or whatever. It talked to me in my subconscious. It asked to 'make a trade' or whatever."
"Do you think it's related to Bill? It did say make a trade instead of make a deal, but it's basically the same thing."
"I'm still not sure. We can ask him about it once we find him. Just whenever you can, please help me find him. He's probably starving, or dehydrated if he isn't already dead."
Mabel nodded, and left the room, leaving Dipper to wait for the nurse.

"Bill!" Mabel shouted from far away. "Bill get out here! Dipper's looking for you!"
Mabel? Bill thought. Mabel it is you!
Bill tried to stand and get her attention, but was struck down.
Don't make a sound. The being whispered in bill's subconscious.
But I-
DON'T! Unless you know what you want bargaining for, don't make a sound.
Bill covered his mouth, tears running from his eyes. He wanted to yell. He wanted to scream, but he had to stay silent.
I'm sorry.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter. I'm writing from school so I don't have time to write an authors note or post any inktober stuff. SORRY HAVE TO GO!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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