Chapter forty three

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That night, Axoford silently walked into the attic. He found Bill on the left of the room. As Axoford began to pick him up, he noticed the young boy's hand was interlocked with Dipper's. He carefully worked Bill's hand out of Dipper's, and slung Bill's body over his shoulder, quickly carrying him out of the room before the other kids woke up. He quickly ran downstairs, and outside, into the woods. He dropped Bill leaning against a maple tree trunk.
"Sheesh, you're heavy!" Axoford exclaimed, stretching out. "Hmm. You should be out for another good five hours. Lets get to work, shall we?"
Axoford brushes away most of the leaves in the surrounding area. He broke a large branch off of the maple tree, and began drawing on the floor. He groaned.
"This body is so crippled. I should've kept that other body. What was her name? Maybe I should've gotten the gnomes to help me again."
He continued to write ancient scriptures and ciphers in a circle onto the cool, rich soil. Hours later, Bill woke up, lying in the middle of the circle.
"What? Where am I?"
He slowly sat up.
"Where's Pine Tree?"
Bill scrambled to his feet, and tried running, but his feet were planted to the ground. Bill grabbed his foot, trying to move it, but nothing happened.
"Strange, isn't it?" Axoford asked, walking out from behind the maple tree.
"Axolotl! What did you do to Sixer?"
Axoford shrugged. "I'm not the one that did anything. Maybe you should ask him. Oh wait-" he laughed. "Maybe you should be careful when you sign your next contract."
"What did you do to me?"
"It's just a temporary scripture. Just so you don't run off."
"Let me go! I don't have time for-" Bill was interrupted by another coughing fit.
I need to get back to Pine Tree, Bill thought. I need to keep him safe.
"Oh so that's your problem now, isn't it?" Axoford stepped closer to Bill. "What happened to you, dream demon? You use to be so classy, so evil. You literally killed your friends, family, and everyone from your dimension to get here," Axoford came up to Bill's face, "and now look at you. All flesh and blood, by choice nonetheless. You've grown soft, Bill Cipher, and for what? That boy you were so graciously holding hands with? He'll be dead soon, you know that, and you know you will be too. You signed your name. Don't forget it."
The sun began to rise over the treetops.
"I'll be back later," Axoford said, shoving Bill's face away.
Bill watched helplessly as Axoford walks back into the forest.

Pacifica snuck up to the open window of the gift shop. She reviewed the plan in her head.
Wire myself to get verbal proof, use the close to get other evidence, and annihilate the Pines family, along with that other blonde haired creep.
Dipper took another bite of his stancakes.
"Dipper, Bill's fine. He's probably just in the basement, sleeping in," Mabel said trying to make her words sound confident.
"But Gruncle Ford said he could stay upstairs with us while he's sick. He wouldn't run off while he's sick, would it?"
Axoford walked into the gift shop, unaware of the kids.
"Gruncle Ford! There you are," Mabel exclaimed.
"Where's Bill?" Dipper asked. "He wasn't there when I woke up."
"Oh, Children! I wasn't expecting you here. Erm. Bill... went to the doctors! Yeah that's it."
Dipper creased his eyebrows.
"He got really sick when I saw him. He woke up in the middle of the night! So I took him to the doctors to see if there's something they can do."
"Is he alright? Which doctors? I can be there for him." Dipper got up, and began to grab Gruncle Stan's car keys.
Pacifica was about to run back into forest until Axoford began to speak.
"Wait! The doctors said... to leave him alone while the test for the illnesses. It's best if we don't disturb them."
Dipper was about to protest, but closed his mouth.
"Besides, we have more pressing matters. Like, I don't know, the fact that the agents are going to arrest us all!" Mabel shouted.
"Look, Dipper, I know you like him, but chill out man. He'll be fine. What can you two do together if you're in jail?"
Dipper sighed and then nodded.
"So what did you plan so far?" Mabel asked.
Dipper began explaining his plan, with Pacifica on the other side of the wall, recording every. single. detail.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter! Whoa what a great way for me to get back into writing. So I hope everyone have a great holiday, or if you're still celebrating, that's awesome! Yeah I said this a million times, but that's ok. I finally drew too!

Ok maybe not finally, but that's ok

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Ok maybe not finally, but that's ok. Look at those you gay guys. So cute <3
But anyways, I'm going to get carsick if I continue writing, so ima just give you the clue upfront. I know, lame, but it's a long car drive.
A cut that bleeds from somewhere deep inside you.
A past regret you can not heal.
Credits go to their respective artist. Have a great day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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