Chapter six

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The Pines family gathered in the living room. The T.V. blaring noises in the background.
"I don't understand, Grunkle Ford," Mabel said. "You think Bill is still alive?"
"I'm afraid so," Grunkle Ford said grimly. "I fear he did something inside Stanley's mind before he got erased from his head. That may be the reason why Stanley gained his memory back in the first place."
Shoot! Dipper thought. Did Bill already get caught?
"You've been really quiet, Dipper," Grunkle Stan said. "You alright squirt?"
"Huh?" Dipper snapped out of his thought. "Yeah yeah, I'm alright. Just surprised, that's all."
"You need to be careful while you kids are here," Grunkle Stan warned.
"Take these," Grunkle Ford handed the twins two odd guns, one for the both of them.
"These are mini versions of my quantum destabilizer," Grunkle Ford explained. "I made them the summer after Weirdmageddon just in case. Use them only when you absolutely have to. Their charge will only last you one shot."
Dipper and Mabel nodded and grabbed the medal guns.
"You kids haven't see anyone with blond hair, and an eyepatch, right?" Grunkle Stan asked.
Dipper started to sweat.
"N-no I haven't," Dipper said.
Dipper looked at Mabel.
Please please please don't blow his cover! Dipper willed her.
"I," Mabel looked at Dipper with a worried face. "I haven't."
"Good," Grunkle Stan sighed. "Just try and stay away from the town for a while. Bill could've possessed someone, or become something to try and manipulate you."
"We will," Mabel said seriously.
"Good. Grab some dinner and head upstairs for now," Grunkle Ford said. "Let me and Stanley talk for a little." The twins nodded and left the room.
The two great uncles sat in silence for a while.
"How's your eye, Stanley?" Grunkle Ford asked.
"I-I'm not sure," Grunkle Stan said. "Why is it happening more often?"
Grunkle Stan gripped his right eye. It took him a massive effort not for him to yell in agony.
"Stanley!" Grunkle Ford exclaimed.
"I'm ok," Grunkle Stan said, gasping for air.
"You aren't! I feel so useless! I lost all of my research a while ago. Maybe I forgot about something in my journal."
Grunkle Ford grabbed a journal from his lab coat pocket. A shiny six fingered hand was glued to the front, with a black four on the palm.
"Come on, there has to be something I wrote down from the Stan-O-War II!"
"Stanford, no matter how many times you look in there, there's nothing in there about Bill. You know that." Grunkle Stan said, blood starting to trickle down his arm.
"But there has to be some kind of connection to him and the creature from the ocean! If I'd been more observant, and known about more I could've figured it out already!"
"It's alright Stanford, we'll figure it out. If anything in sure those kids would figure it out." Grunkle Stan looked at his brother and smiled.
"I hope you're right."
Thanks for reading another chapter! Sorry this ones kinda short. I started school already, and I have a bunch of homework already, so it's been a little bit hard to write. I'll figure out a schedule eventually. But for now,
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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