Chapter fifty six

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After only an hour of holding each other in their arms, Bill pulled Dipper off of his bed.
"Come on, let's clean you up," Bill smiled. "You haven't taken a shower in forever!"
Dipper laughed, wiping away his tear-stained face. "When we were younger, Mabel always told me to take a shower more often. I'd only take one once every few months."
Bill chuckled. He grabbed Dipper's hand and led him out of his room for the first time in over two months. They stopped at the downstairs bathroom, passing by the living room, where Gruncle Stan and Ford were watching in awe.
"Wait here while I get you some fresh clothes," Bill said, starting to let his hand slip from Dipper's hand.
"Wait," Dipper squeezed Bill hand, not letting him leave his touch. He looked up at Bill's face, his eyes beginning to water again. "Can I come with you? I don't want to leave you."
Bill felt another stab of sadness pierce his heart. He nodded and they went back upstairs.

Stan looked down at his alphabet soup, rearranging the letters to try and find an A
"Not hungry, huh?" Ford asked his brother, looking up from his book.
Stan shook his head, rearranging another letter next to another.
Ford sighed, and got up from the table. He sat on the arm of the chair, looking down at Stan's soup. Shocked, Ford looked at his brother. His eyes were clouded with sorrow. The bags under them were heavy with the lack of sleep he had.
"I miss her so much," Stan said, finally scooping an L after an E.
"We all do," Ford sympathized, "But right now we have to be there for Dipper. Look at him."
The two Gruncles peered down the hallway, where Dipper held Bill's arm hostage close to his chest.
"It's his first time out of his room in months, and he doesn't want to leave Bill's side. If we don't act strong, he'll fall apart, more than he already is. We have to be the best we can for him."
Stan stayed silent, starring down at the presumed dead child's name in his bowl.

"You promise you'll wait for me out here?"  Dipper asked, refusing to let go if Bill's arm.
"Yes, I promise," Bill ran his hand over Dipper's head. "I just want you to take a shower, even if you just shampoo your hair. Don't worry, I'll be right here."
Dipper slightly nodded, and closed the door. Bill sighed and sat on the floor, leaning against the door. He watched as Ford and Stan sat in front of him.
"I- wanted to say thank you," Ford started.
"Thank you?" Bill looked up at him with a darkened expression. Guilt began to pour out of him like a waterfall. "I brought a plague into your dimension, fell in love with your nephew, and then killed his sister. If you wanted all of that, then you're welcome."
Stan clenched his hand until his knuckles turned white.
"You've tried over and over again to help us," Ford argued. "You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save this dimension."
"But I didn't. Mabel-" Bill choked on his words. He covered his mouth, breathing harder. The bathroom shower turned on, covering the silence with a slight pitter-patter of water. "She saved us all, not me. I let her die."
"You ran after her," Ford pressed on. "You tried to do it yourself.
"Yeah, I tried, but it wasn't enough," Bill crossed his arms, hugging them tighter. "I should've stood up again, I should've used my power, but instead I just laid there."
Dipper removed his ear from the door.
It's not his fault, he knows that, right? Dipper thought, taking off his shirt. He looked at his reflection. His ribs were showing through his chest, but that was the least of his concerns. Up and down his body cuts turned to scars. His facial hair was out of control, and his eyes looked soulless. He undressed fully, and began to take a shower, remembering to lightly scrub away the dirt and grim around his wounds. He winced as the soap entered the slash on his cheek. He stayed in the shower for longer than he thought, letting the time pass by him as he felt the warm water droplets fall onto his back. It was almost sympathetic to him. After he changed into clean clothes, he decided to shave his growing beard, and comb his incredibly long hair. He decided to ask Gruncle Ford to cut his hair. When he opened the door, Bill fell backwards, not expecting the sudden shift in his prop.
"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to make you fall," Dipper said, embarrassed.
"I'll be alright," Bill chuckled as Dipper pulled him to his feet. "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to ask Gruncle Ford for a hair cut," Dipper meekly smiled.
"Of course!" Gruncle Ford immediately stood up. "Let me grab some scissors."
"I'll come with you," Stan offered, wanting the boys to be left alone.
As they left the hallway and entered the used-to-be gift shop, Dipper began to collapse.
"I'm so sorry I locked myself in my room for so long," his mouth began to run, and his emotions started to pour out of him once more. "I just thought if I kept myself away, I would be able to deal with,"-he paused-"everything that happened."
"You shouldn't be apologizing, it's my fault everything that happened, happened."
"It's not, and you should know that," Dipper pulled Bill into another hug. He let Bill finally feel the raw power of his emotions he thought he didn't have.
"It was never your fault, and I'm so sorry if you feel like it is," Dipper grabbed Bill's head, and pulled it in front of his face, wiping away his tears. "I don't blame you for a thing. You need to know that, and you need to feel it."
Bill sniffed and nodded.
Ford looked on from across, smiling as they held each other.
"As much as I'd hate to admit it, they really need each other," Ford whispered to his brother.
Stan nodded, as they continued to spy on their vision of a perfect couple.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter. I really feel like I'm just dragging out the story as much as I can. I don't want it to endddddd. There's probably only one more chapter after this one, so I hope you've enjoyed the story up until now. I hope everyone had an amazing Mother's Day, and a fantastic week.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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