Chapter nineteen

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*while the Pines family is still on the boat (sry for weird time stuff)*

Stanley looked at himself in the mirror, keeping the paper towel on his eye.
How did things get to this? He asked himself.
He slowly paced around the bathroom, thinking how to stop whatever was happening.
Who am I kidding? He thought. I'm not smart enough to figure this out. I was never smart. I'm a failure. I always was.
Stanley thought.
"Hey, Stanley, you alight?" His brother asked, coming into the bathroom.
"I'm fine, how's the kids?" Stanley asked.
"I'm sure they'll be fine," Stanford replied, looking the way he came from. "They're upstairs driving the boat."
Stanley nodded, and changed his paper towel.
"How's your eye?" Stanford asked with a worried face.
"I'll be fine, Poindexter, it's not as bad as it would be," Stanley reassured. "I'm just worried about the kids. What if they find out?"
Stanford sighed. "I know, but I think we should tell them. They'll find out eventually."
"Are you crazy?" Stanley asked. "You know what lengths they'll go to so they can fix this," Stanley pointed to his eye, wrapped in a paper towel.
"I know, I know, but more the reason to tell them. They can help now that they're older, and you know what potential they both possess."
"Just," Stanley started. "Just give me a few days to think about it, alright? Head upstairs, and make sure those kids don't wreck the boat."
The old twins chuckled, and Stanford left his brother alone.

Back at the Mystery Shack, Bill became claustrophobic, even in Dipper and Mabel's huge room. He decided to walk around. Carefully making sure no one was around, Bill crept downstairs, and explored the Shack. He entered the gift shop, and stood before a large metal box. Bill noticed there were bags of chips stored away inside the strange box. One particular bad of chips was blue, and had "Doritos" in big, bold letters.
Isn't that the thing Pine Tree called me? Bill wondered. What are they?
Bill reached out and tried grabbing one, but was stopped by an invisible structure.
What the?
Bill reached out to grab it again, but was once again stopped.
What is this magic? Bill thought, taking a step back to analyze the situation. He decided to try and bust through. Bill took a few steps back, and threw himself at the clear object, blocking his path from a good snack. He tried a few more times, but to no avail. Bill only then noticed eight buttons to the right of the clear object. He pressed a few of them, and instead of getting access to the human food, the metal box turned into an entrance to the basement.
Does Pine Tree even know about this? Bill wondered, going down the stone stairs.
A few minutes later, Bill reached an elevator. The security had been broken, so Bill stepped into the elevator, and pressed the first number his finger landed on. The elevator took him down three flights of stairs, and to the third floor. The elevator doors opened, revealing a room with millions of buttons and lights.
This is probably where Sixer built the portal, Bill thought, messing around with the buttons. What's he doing now?
Bill was about to investigate, but noticed a monitor, revealing the back of the Shack. A black 4X4 pulled into one of the parking slots.
This can't be good. Bill thought, running back to the elevator, and hoping to catch the government people before they saw the open entrance to the secret lab. Didn't Pine Tree say Lama was going to call the government guys if he and Shooting Star didn't do what she said? Why are they here now?
Bill almost flew up the stairs, and closed the metal box. Letting out a sigh of relief, Bill ran to an open window, looking for the Government people. There was only two of them. One with lift brown hair, and one with black hair, and both looking incredibly strong. They knocked on the door. Bill started to sweat.
What do I do? Bill thought. Pine Tree isn't here, and Question Mark went to Rome for the Summer with his girlfriend!
"Open up!" A rough voice came from the front door. "This is the U.S. government! Open up or we will break down the door!"
Bill opened the door.
"Hello, gentleman," Bill said casually. "What brings you to the formally known house as the Mystery Shack?"
Bill heals out a hand for the government people to shake, but they slapped it away.
"Excuse me young man, my name is agent Powers, and this agent Trigger. We got a call from one of the residents of this town, claiming the Pines family has some conspiracy involving a top secret file. We must investigate them at once."
"I'm so sorry, but the Pines residents no longer owns this property," Bill lied. "They moved out last month."
"I see," Agent Powers said, suspiciously. "Just a quick question."
Bill gulped.
"What's with the eye patch, and the yellow eye?" The Agent asked. "It seems odd for a person to wear an eye patch, let alone have a yellow eye."
"I have a rare birth defect," Bill explained. "I was only born with one eye, that's why I wear an eyepatch. For my yellow eye, it was an incident in chemistry class. My partner mixed the wrong chemicals together, and it exploded in my face. I got chemicals in my eye, and washed it off too late."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Agent Trigger said, but no remorse filled his words.
"If you have any other evidence, please contact us."
The Agent gave Bill a business card.
"Let's roll," Agent Powers said to his partner.
Bill didn't keep his eye off of them until they left the property. Bill closed the door, and ripped the card until it was a bunch of trash. Bill went outside, and gave it to the goat. He heard a car coming back. Bill ran back inside, and into the younger twin's bedroom. He watched from the window as the Pines family get out of the old, red car. Bill noticed Stanley was holding a patter towel over his right eye. Bill took off his own eye patch that covered his right eye. He blinked twice, and realized what happened.
It's back. Bill thought.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! I have to go so Ima make this a bit short.

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(I used reference for the the 2 Gruncles)Let's just all start a petition to make bill leave the room whenever I'm drawing

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(I used reference for the the 2 Gruncles)
Let's just all start a petition to make bill leave the room whenever I'm drawing. He keeps adding stuff and I can't erase them because he wrote it in pen. Go bother Dipper or someone. Anyways. Have a great evening!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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