Chapter thirty five

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Dipper watched Bill take an aggressIve bite of his stancakes.
Alright, Bill reviewed his plan in his head, after breakfast, I'll pack my stuff and get ready to leave. I hope I'll be fast.
"So..." Dipper awkwardly tried to start a conversation.
Bill looked up at him, syrup dripping from his lips. Dipper couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. He grabbed his napkin, and wiped Bill's lips.
"Hurry up you guys!" Mabel exclaimed walking into the living room. "You don't want to be late to go to the sTore! We're picking up fireworks for the show tonight!"
"Fireworks?" Bill asked.
"That's right, you wouldn't know about this," Dipper remembered. "It's the Fourth of July, a holiday we celebrate. We eat cheeseburgers and popsicles, and set off a bunch of illegal fireworks down at the docks. It's basically a day where I can stray from my diet."
"What diet?" Mabel rolled her eyes.
"Anyways, We're going to the store soon, so you two get ready to leave."
Hm, maybe I can stay a bit longer, Bill thought.
"Sure, we'll be ready in a few minutes."
The two boys finished their breakfast, and got ready to leave. The Pines family, along with Bill, drovE to the Summerween store, now turned into a fireworks shop. Bill examined the colorful boxes.
"So what do they do?" He asked.
"Just wait and see," Gruncle Stan said, smiling. "Heh, I can't wait and see the look on your face!"
"Hmph," Gruncle Ford looked from afar.
"GruNcle Ford?" Mabel asked.
"Sorry, Mabel," Gruncle Ford shook his head. "Let's keep looking around."
A bit shaken by his behavior, Mabel followed her great uncle, looking for more fireworks.
As they 'payed' for their fireworks, and other items, Gruncle Ford noticed a pair of suspicious men, watching from afar. They both wore sunglasses, and most of their faces were covered by cloth. In fact, They were covered in layers of clothing.
"What's up?" Dipper asked, looking in the direction of his eyes.
"Quickly, we must leave," Gruncle Ford hastily said, shoving both his niece and nephew out of the store, while Gruncle Stan tried shoplifting the rest of his items. Confused, Bill followed them, looking behind him, and noticing the two men. They made eye contact, and They didn't look away, until they drove off.
"Gruncle FOrd whO were they?" Dipper asked.
"It's the government guys," Bill replied.
"You noticed them two?" Gruncle Ford said, shocked.
Bill nodded. "They we're looking at us the entire time we were there. I think they recognized me."
"From when?"
"While you were fishing. They knocked on the door, asking for you guys. I told them I lived there, and you all moved out months ago."
"Ford, what should we do?" Gruncle Stan asked.
Ford stayed quiet, thinking of a plan. "We shouldn't make any big moves," he said. "Doing this would aggravate them, and cause them to react. For now, let's lay low. We can still go to the docks tonight, because it's a densely populated area, but other than that, we shouldn't go out too much. At least, not without a disguise.
"I'm on it!" Mabel exclaimed. "Trust me, I can make you guys look like a completely difFerent person."
Dipper shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
"Hey," Bill whispered to him, while everyone was discussing their ideas, "it's all good to work out."
He placed his hand on Dipper's knee. Dipper smiled, and placed his hand on Bill's.
"As long as you're here," Dipper whispered back.
"Heh, yeah... I'll be here..."
Hours after arriving at the Mystery Shack, Bill took out journal four from Dipper's hiding spot, flipping to the pages on Axolotl. He found An incantation on one of the pages, and looked at the information.
This code and map makes me believe there's more than one stronghold like this one, it said. It might give more information on this creature. Therefore, I'm heading out to one of these locations tomorrow, looking for more answers.
Bill flipped the page, to find the next one was ripped out.
Fantastic, Bill thought.
He flipped the page back over, and looked at the map. A small dot was located off of the ocean, Right in Oregon.
The docks, Bill thought.
"Bill!" Gruncle Ford barged into the room.
Bill fell out of his chair in surprise, hitting his bad ankle on the ground.
"Ow!" He shouted in pain.
Thanks for breaking my ankle again! He thought, clutching his foot. My power was waisted for nothing!
Gruncle Ford laughed. "Wow, you really are human!"
"What do you want, Sixer?" Bill asked, quickly shoving the journal under the desk.
"I... just wanted to apologize trying to kill you yesterday," Gruncle Ford explained, helping Bill up.
"Whoa, an apology from you? You couldn't even do that to you own twin brother!" Bill laughed.
"You haven't changed, have you?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Look six fingers, I'm trying to help."
"So causing the end of the world is helping?"
"That was what? Four years ago? I can see why you had a grudge on Stanley for so long. Do you still want to throw him out of your house for the third time? Or are you so tired of him you want to throw him in a portal? Just like he did to you!"
Gruncle Ford took a step backward.
"I didn't-" Bill started.
"Do you even know how it felt? To loose your dreams, and your only friend, and brother, in one day?" Gruncle Ford shouted, tears in his eyes.
"I don't even know what Dipper sees in you."
Gruncle Ford stormed out, and slammed the door behind him, so hard, it shook the entire house. Bill sighed, and picked up the journal, studying the map once more.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter. I spent hours brainstorming yesterday, which is kinda sad, but hey, welcome to my life. I may have over done it though, cuz I got a headache and couldn't write. Oh, and... we did it everyone! We made it past 10,000 reads! Wow! I'd never think I'd get this far! Thank you so much for reading, and have an amazing day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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