Chapter four

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Dipper slowly woke up.
That dream was so weird last night he though.
Dipper looked over at Bill. He was still asleep in the bed next to him.
It's already 9:00, how is he still asleep? Dipper thought. Wait it's 9:00? I have to meet Pacifica at the docks in an hour!
Dipper grabbed his swimming trunks and ran to the bathroom to change. He quickly ran downstairs, and grabbed an apple for breakfast.
"Hey Kido," Grunkle Stan said sitting next to Grunkle Ford. "You going somewhere?"
"Yeah, I have to meet Pacifica at the docks soon."
"You know Dipper," Grunkle Ford said. "You don't have to do this. I'm sure there's another way to get the Northwests off our backs."
"Trust me Grunkle Ford, there's no way. We can't afford for those agents to come back." Dipper sighed.
*flash back last summer*
"That's why the gravity anomalies happened," Dipper finished explaining.
Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica became very close the summer after  Weirdmageddon occurred.
Pacifica slowly started to laugh.
"What's so funny Pacifica?" Mabel asked.
"Thank you so much for telling me guys," Pacifica said. "Now I can sell you out if you don't do what I say."
"What? Pacifica are you serious?" Dipper asked.
"Pacifica we trusted you!" Mable exclaimed, ready to lunge at Pacifica.
"Ah ah ah," Pacifica said waiving her finger. "Unless you want those agents to come back."
Dipper and Mabel looked at each other, thinking the same thing.
What have we done.
*flashback over*
"We tried Grunkle Ford, but there's no reasoning with the Northwests," Dipper said sadly. "It's my fault she knows, so I have to do this."
Dipper looked at the clock.
"Oh shoot! Gotta go! I'll see you tonight!" Dipper yelled running out the door.
"Don't be late!" Grunkle Stan shouted after him.
After the door closed, Grunkle Ford sighed.
"Dipper shouldn't go through this," Grunkle Ford said. "Especially sense-"
"I know you keep thinking about what happened. But we can't tell the kids what happened during this year's boat trip," Grunkle Stan said. "They're just kids. We can't put that weight on their shoulders."
"I know, I know," Grunkle Ford said. "I just-"
Grunkle Stan put his hand on his twin's shoulder.
"We'll find the right time. Just not yet."
Grunkle Ford nodded.
*a few hours later*
Bill finally woke up with a huge headache. Bill looked over at Mabel's bed. It was empty. Bill scrambled up, and looked around.
Right, he went to the docks with lama, Bill thought shivering. I'll go down there to.
Bill rated Dipper's drawer for swim trunks, changed, and ran downstairs, completely unaware that the Grunkle Stan was right in his path. They collided.
"Ow! I- hey kid are you alright?" Grunkle Stan asked Bill. "Why are you here? The Mystery Shack is closed on Saturdays. And... do you need a shirt?"
"Uh," Bill thought.
"Stanley let me handle this," Grunkle Ford said as he got up from his chair.
Oh shoot! Bill thought. Pine tree's going to kill me!
"Have we met before?" Grunkle Ford asked Bill.
"No sir," Bill said, not meeting his eye, "I, uh, just got lost. I'm new in town, and I got lost while I was looking for the docks.
"Oh, the one south of here?"
Bill nodded.
"Just follow the road until you pass the barbershop, then take a right," Grunkle Ford said. "I can give you a lift if you want one."
"Er- no thanks. I'll find it," Bill said running out the door. "Thank you!"
After he left, Grunkle Stan spoke
"That kid was weird. He had an eye pat-" then it hit Grunkle Stan. "Stanford, you don't think-"
"I'm not sure," Grunkle Ford said. "But we have to keep an eye on Dipper and Mabel."
"Agreed. We'll tell them after Dipper comes back from the lake."
*to Bill*
Bill ran as fast as he could, past the dozens of people, and took a right after the barbershop. He finally made it to the lake. Bill away from the crowd of people and jumped into a patch of reeds far away from the docks.
"Come on Pine tree, where are you?" Bill muttered to himself. "Ahah!"
Bill spotted Dipper with Pacifica on a small wooden boat in the middle of the lake. Dipper was teaching Pacifica to fish.
"Take one more step closer to my human-" Bill started.
Then Pacifica put her arms around Dipper's neck.
"That's it!" Bill shouted slapping the water.
How do I get his attention? Bill thought.
Bill grabbed his hat.
Bill placed his hat on the water and gently pushed it toward the small wooden boat. Once it reached the boat, Bill took a deep breath, and ducked his head under the water, to make it he drowned.
Dipper picked up the hat.
Isn't this-
Dipper looked in the direction the hat came from. He could barely make out the backside of bill's back.
Oh no! He must have followed me and fell into the lake!
"We have to get to shore!" Dipper exclaimed.
"What? Dip dip what's going on?" Pacifica asked.
"I, uh, have to go to the bathroom!" Dipper started the motor.
"Just go in the lake, I won't look," Pacifica said.
But Dipper was already heading to shore.
He can't be dead, he can't be dead.
Bill gasped for air.
Did it work? Bill thought.
Bill looked for the boat, but it wasn't there.
Dipper scrambled through the shore.
You aren't dead, you aren't dead. Dipper thought as he looked at the hat. He reached the patch of reeds, where he found bill, face down, floating in the water.
"Bill!" Dipper shouted, tears in his eyes.
Dipper ran into the water.
"Bill what did you do!?" Dipper asked him.
Dipper grabbed Bill, flipped him over. His eye was closed.
Oh Bill, Dipper thought. Wait. This is shallow water.
Bill opened his eye.
"I do a really good impression of dying don't I?" Bill asked.
Dipper pushed Bill back under water.
After Bill came back up Dipper started to explode. His face turning red.
"I can't believe you Bill! I thought you were dead!"
"Don't you want me dead?" Bill asked.
Dipper looked away, and didn't answer.
Bill went up to him and put his arm around his shoulder.
"Aw come on Pine tree, don't give me that," Bill said.
"Then how about this?"
Dipper grabbed Bill's head, and took them both down, wrestling style. They both came up laughing.
"Hey what's that?" Bill asked, pointing at something in the water.
Dipper looked down. As he did, Bill splashed him with water. Dipper splashed him back, and didn't stop.
"Hey! Quit it!" Bill said laughing.
"You started it!" Dipper laughed.
They spent hours in the water. Finally,
"Then what about this!"
Bill tackled Dipper to the ground. Their faces a few inches apart. Their faces both blushed.
"Hey Pine tree?" Bill asked.
"Can you move for a second? You're sitting on something."
"Oh!" Dipper said, and moved.
Bill grabbed the flat rock that Dipper was sitting on and tried to pull it to the surface. Dipper went on the other side, and they both hoisted it up the surface of the lake.
"Let's movie it to shore," Dipper suggested.
Bill nodded, and the both dragged it to the sand. It was a fairly small rock, but it was incredibly heavy.
"There's something on it," Bill said, pointing to engravings in the rock.
"It looks like some kind of code," Dipper said. "I wonder what is says."
"I figured it out." Bill said.
"Already? It's been like five seconds!"
"Cipher is my last name," Bill said.
"What does is say?" Dipper asked.
"I'm not saying," Bill said smiling.
Dipper rolled his eyes.
"Come on Pine tree, it's not that hard," Bill said.
"I'll get it, I'll get it," Dipper said.
Dipper thought for a while more. Bill sighed.
"What?" Dipper said.
"Honestly Pine tree, I thought you had more potential."
"Fine! I won't movie from this spot until I get it."
An hour past.
"Still nothing Pine tree?" Bill asked.
"Hmm," Dipper said.
"You've been saying that for an hour already!" Bill complained. "Besides, my stomach's making weird sloshing noises, and it hurts."
Dipper sighed.
"You're just hungry," Dipper replied.
The sun blared down the two boys.
"Come on Pine tree," Bill said. "If you get me food, I'll help you."
"Fine," Dipper said getting up. "What time is it? It's been a while."
Bill shrugged.
"Wait. Is that my swimming trunks?"
Dipper asked.
"Um, race you to the Mystery Shack?"
"Bill! Get back here!"
"Have to catch me first Pine tree!" Bill shouted as he ran laughing.
"Bill!" Dipper exclaimed running after him.
Bill ran straight past the docks, with Dipper close behind. Dipper was so focused on catching Bill, he ran straight past Pacifica, who was waiting for him on the docks.
"Dipper!" Pacifica shouted after him. But he didn't hear her.
Pacifica huffed. "Maybe he's forgetting if he slips up one more time," Pacifica pulled out the agent's card, "the Mystery Shack and his little family will be locked up forever."
No joke, it took me more than 2 hours to write this. I'm a somewhat slow writer. Anyways. The cipher is an actual code that will be a part of the story. If you want, try to crack the code. It actually isn't that hard really. But give it a shot. So yea. Thanks for reading.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Keep shining!

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