Chapter fifteen

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Dipper ran back to the dance floor, where Pacifica was impatiently waiting.
"Where were you?" Pacifica asked. "It's been like twenty minutes."
"Sorry, it was, um, never mind," Dipper said. "What matters is I'm here. Do you want to dance?"
"Duh," Pacifica grabbed Dipper's hand, and dragged him the the middle of the dance floor.
Like Bill instructed, Dipper placed his hands around Pacifica's waist, and she put his arms around his neck. Bill watched from afar.
Stupid Lama, he thought. Always getting in the way.
Bill looked around. There were a few girls in need of a partner.
Hm, maybe it's time to fight fire with fire.
Bill walked up to a girl standing in the corner.
"Mind if we dance?" Bill asked.
"I don't know, I'm not that good at dancing," the girl said shakily.
Bill ignored her, and took her out on the dance floor. A few seconds later, the music stopped, and an announcement was made to change partners.
"Thanks for your time," Bill said, and twirled away.
"Ok... weirdo."
"It's time to switch partners," Dipper reminded Pacifica, letting go of her.
"Eh, I'm not so sure if I want to. I have a great partner."
The music started again, and people started to dance.
"Excuse me," someone said to Pacifica.
"Huh?" Pacifica whirled around.
The teen came up to Pacifica, and hip-bumped her out of the way. The teen then grabbed Dipper, and started to dance.
"Hey! That was my partner!" Pacifica exclaimed. But someone else already grabbed Pacifica as their own partner.
"That was awesome, Bill," Dipper whispered.
Bill smiled. "I did what I needed."
They danced for a while, letting them hold each other.
"Partner switch!" The band shouted, stopping their music once more.
"I'll see you around, Pine Tree," Bill whispered, his face an inch away from Dipper's.
Dipper stood shaking on the dance floor.
Keep your head screwed on, Dipper, Dipper scolded himself. Don't forget what he did. To Grunkle Stan, to Grunkle Ford, to everyone.
But Dipper couldn't stop to think about that.
Pacifica stormed over to Dipper, her arms crossed.
"What was that jerk's problem?" She asked.
Dipper just shrugged.
"At least he's gone," Pacifica huffed.
"Let's go get something to eat," Dipper said, trying not to screw up. "It'll make you feel better.
Meanwhile at the Mystery shack, the original Pines twins were back downstairs.
"I don't know if I can do it Stanford," Stanley said. "The kids should know. What'll they say if they see me again with my eye patch still on?"
"I know it'll be difficult. It's just temporary until another one of your, uh, events happens. That way the scanner in your eye patch will figure out what's going on," Stanford explained.
Still unsure, Stanley nodded.
"At least those kids'll be gone for a while. It gives us more time to work."
Stanford got back to his research, but his brother still wasn't convinced about the entire "project".
"Hey, Stanford," Stanley asked.
His brother turned around.
"The kids are going off the college in a year. Don't you think we should spend more time with them? It's been a few weeks, and we still haven't spent a day with them. We aren't going to last that long after they leave either."
"Stanley, don't say that about yourself. Look, it's just for a few more days. Afterwards, we can go fishing with the kids."
"I just hope "afterwards" comes sooner rather than later."
The party continued. Dipper and Pacifica spent most of their time together, but had a few moments where Bill would step in. As the party wound to a close, Dipper began to relax more.
The party's gone well so far, Dipper thought. And Pacifica seems happy. Thank goodness.
The party soon ended. Dipper waved good bye to Pacifica, and walked out the the car, where Bill was already in the car, watching over Mabel, who was asleep in the driver's seat.
"Mabel, I'm back," Dipper said climbing into the back seat.
Mabel still didn't wake up.
"Mabel!" Dipper shouted in her ear.
Mabel's eyes flew open.
"Left hook!" She screamed, and her fist flew into Dipper's face.
"Ow! Mabel what the heck?" Dipper shouted, rubbing his face.
"Oh, sorry. I thought you were Gideon. I have the weirdest dreams," Mabel apologized, and started the car.
Dipper shot a glance at Bill. Bill just shrugged his shoulders.
As the Pines twins, plus Bill, left the Northwest mansion, Bill couldn't help but feel a little uncertain. He couldn't figure out the strange cipher.
Why isn't it one I know of? Bill asked himself. I know every other cipher except. Then it hit him. Could it have been from him? If that's so, I do know what to do. It's coming and I can't even help them. What'll happen if it happens? Bill shook his head. I have to try and stop it.
The car arrived at the Mystery Shack half past Midnight.
"Thank you for riding the Mabel express," Mabel yawned.
Everyone got out of the car, and came in through the backdoor. They snuck upstairs to their room. Mabel plopped on her bed, and fell asleep instantly.
Bill and Dipper took turns changing in the bathroom, and sat down on their blankets.
"Night," Dipper and Bill said in unison.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter! So yeah, I admit, this isn't the greatest chapter, but oh well. I have a bunch of tests to study for so Ima make this short. I started to draw the characters of gravity falls for binder covers, and just for whatever. If you want to see my sketches let me know. I'll just say I'm not the greatest artist, but if you want to see them anyways, let me know. (I used a reference for like. All of them.) and yeah. Have an awesome day! Or night, whatever time it is.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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