Chapter fifty one

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"F-Fiddleford," Ford stammered, "I- uh-"
"Saved it," Stanley said coldly.
"Please, allow me to help," his eyes were unnaturally twinkling with a tint of blue.
Stanley leaped onto Fiddleford, pinning to the ground by grabbing his neck. He gave a blood curdling laugh.
"So, too familiar with my presence huh?" Axolotl grinned.
"Leave him alone!" Ford screamed, kneeling down next to his possessed old lab partner.
Axolotl cackled. "What a shame. His brain is filled with knowledgeable stuff. Just look!"
The real Fiddleford screamed as a memory was ripped out of his brain.
Ford's vision was filled with clear skies and warm beaches, scattered across the ground.
"What is this?" Ford's subconscious began to haywire.
Axolotl's voice materialized into his brain, "Hmhmhm, you'll see."
He hugged his arms as a warm summer breeze swept over the beach.
Fiddleford watched from the foot of the dock as his son jumped into the sea from an outstretched dock.
"Come on, the water's really nice!" Tate laughed, splashing water at his father.
"Alright, I'm coming," Fiddleford replied, setting down his backpack. "I'm glad you were able to come with me. I needed a partner to do this experiment."
Ford walked close to the docks, and watched Tate slip under the waves.
"No," Ford whispered, "no, no, no, this isn't how it happened!"
"Just wait and see," Axolotl continued to whisper in his ear.
Ford felt his knees fumble under him as he stumbled closer to Fiddleford.
"Tate?" Fiddleford looked over the old, wooden dock. "Tate come out here."
Ford looked into the deep blue water. He saw Tate struggling with some kind of pink lizard. A few last air bubbles popped through to the surface until Tate was dragged away.
"Tate this isn't funny!" Fiddleford began to panic, now searching through the calm waves.
"Fiddleford he's being pulled away! He's drowning!" Ford yelled.
"He can't hear you. This is just one of my favorite memories he has," Ford could feel Axolotl's cold breath on his ear.
"You," Ford's voice was filled with rage. "You were here, weren't you? You were the one that killed Tate!"
"So why didn't Fiddleford tell you the truth? Think about it."
The painful memory dissolved into a new one. One where Fiddleford was drawing the same scriptures as the ones the Pines twins found while they were on their annual sailing trip.
"He's been gone for a while, Stanford Pines." Memories swirled around him like a hurricane. "How long have you known him?"
Ford fell to his knees, shoveling his six-fingered hand into his hair.
"Stanford! Stanford get up!" Ford sharply gasped as he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Stanford it's just me," Stanley stepped into Fiddleford's swirling subconscious. "Come on man, get up."
His brother offered his hand, and as Ford took it, the memories exploded, dissipating into the surrounding area.
"Come on, we need to keep moving. I'm not sure how long we've stalled him." Stanley urged his brother, tugging his hand forward.
"What happened to Fiddleford?" Ford asked, still shaken.
Stanley's face darkened, "I did what I had to do. Axolotl possessed him, and I didn't want to make him hurt more than he already is."
Ford slapped his hand over his quivering mouth and began to shake.
"We don't have time to grief," Stan looked back at his brother, "We need to save the kids."
Ford shook his mind clear, and nodded. "Let's go save the world again."

Axolotl grunted, feeling what Fiddleford felt in his final moments. He sighed, rolling his neck, and shaking off the pain.
"No matter, I don't need him or those stupid old men."
He closed his eyes. Water was whipped around Axolotl's feet as he tried to regained his concentration.
"Hey! Amphibious freak!"
Axolotl groaned as he reopened his eyes. "What now?"
Axolotl spotted a few small and odd snowballs being thrown at him. He used the murky water in the lake to flick the snowballs back from where they came with a flick of his wrist. They blew up as they came in contact with the wave. A wild battlecry came from behind him as Maddy jumped from her portal, gripping a large purple sword, almost as tall as she was. She thrusted her sword forward, going straight for the neck. Axolotl spun around and caught the sword.
"Ugh. You again," he rolled his eyes. "Didn't I tell you the terms of our contract?"
He easily threw the sword, along with its wielder, into the old fishing house. Maddy coughed as she got back up, brushing off the dirt and dust from her outfit before grabbing her sword. Once she readied her stance, she took a huge leap into the air, but this time, she was met with another golden sword.
"Cool, isn't it?" Axolotl asked, as he blocked another one of Maddy's sword swings. "With these three, I can create anything I can imagine!"
Maddy slid onto the sand, still trying to hold her ground. She was immediately greeted with another slash from Axolotl.
"Honestly Maddy, I expected more from you."
Maddy swung again. Their blades crashed, sending a wave of wind throughout Gravity Falls. The two different medals created an ear piercing screech, sending a few sparks to the damp sand. Maddy gritted her teeth and her blade was slowly overpowered. At the last second, she spun around and stabbed at Axolotl's lower torsos.
"Haha!" Maddy's face lit up with success.
"Hm, look at that," Axolotl calmly stepped backwards, taking the sword out of his body. A few seconds later his skin and organs grew back, "you ruined my tuxedo."
"Of course," Maddy sighed lowering her stance, pulling her sword closer to her body, "axolotls are masters of regeneration."
"But that's the fun part," Axolotl grinned as he regained his dueling position. "Where I'm from, I regenerate slowly."
There's more of him? Maddy thought.
"I hope I'm not catching you sleeping, am I?" Axolotl came at Maddy with immense speed. She was barley able to deflect his shot. He parried another one of Maddy's thrusts. Still a bit distraught of the fact there could be more of his kind on the way, Maddy's attacks began to get sloppy. Axolotl saw an opening, and slashed her left arm. She quickly switched grips, but she was way too slow, and he swiftly slashed her other shoulder. Her sword dropped, leaving her almost defenseless. Maddy got in close and kicked Axolotl's knee as hard as she could.
"Crap!" Axolotl screamed.
Maddy didn't stop. She kicked the other knee, sending Axolotl to the ground.
"Enough of this!"
Maddy felt a surge of energy pass through her, sending her flying to the other side of the beach. The waves slowly lapped around her feet as she lairs there, unable to get up.
I can't- move. Maddy's mind started to search for a quick solution. Axolotl regenerated only seconds later, picking up his sword. Maddy tried looking for her own, knowing there was no way she could get up. Axolotl rested the tip of his blade on her throat.
"Did you honestly think you could've beaten me?" Axolotl asked, not even breathing heavily.
"No," Maddy said before coughing up blood.
Axolotl slightly tilted his head, not fully understanding.
"I was just the distraction."

Hey peoplez, Hero here and thank you so much for reading another chapter! Sorry this chapter is coming out so late. I started to write on Wednesday (because I had I snow day. Crazy right!?) but it was SO BAD I restarted and began to write yesterday. I finished an essay early and let my English teacher read this chapter and give me feedback BUT ANYWAYSSSSS.

Idk I wanted to try wavy hair today

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Idk I wanted to try wavy hair today. I hope everyone will have or had had an amazing spring break. I'm not going on vacation or anything so I'll try writing a bit. Anyways! Have an amazing rest of the week!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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