Chapter nine

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*while everyone's at the mall*
A huge mess of wires hung from the ceiling, attached to Stan's body.
"Alright, second go," Ford said.
Ford pushed a few buttons, and finally, a lever. The monitors blared to life, blasting information.
"Are you alright Stanley?" Ford asked.
"I think so."
Ford looked at the monitors. The words flashed onscreen before quickly disappearing, and onto a hard drive.
"I think it's working!" Ford exclaimed.
Ford grabbed his journal and began to record his research, but a few seconds later, the monitors blacked out.
"What?" Ford quickly ran over to the control panel. Everything was completely fried, including the hard drive. Ford looked over at Stan, who was slumped over in his chair.
"Stanley!" Ford exclaimed as he ran over to help his twin. "Stanley! Oh my gosh what have I done?"
Stan opened one eye.
"I'm alright poindexter. I'm alright," Stan said coughing.
"You aren't!" Ford exclaimed.
Ford detached the tangled wires and suction cups attached to his brother, and caught him when he fell over.
I have to be more careful Ford thought. If this keeps up, I could kill him!
"I can't put you through this," Ford said, worried.
"I told you, poindexter, I,"  Stan was interrupted again by another coughing fit, and fell unconscious.
"Stanley!" Ford grabbed his brother and tried to shake him awake. "Stanley wake up!"
But Stan's eyes stayed closed. Ford checked his pulse.
It's normal, he thought. Stanford, what have you done now?
Ford grabbed his brother's arm, swung his arm around his shoulder, and carried him back upstairs to his room.
I can't keep doing experiments. I have to think of another way to figure out what's going on. Ford concluded, watching Stan sleep.
Ford sat down on Stanley's bed, protecting from whatever gets thrown at him.

"We're home!" Dipper shouted.
No one responded.
"Where's Grunkle Stan and Gunkle Ford?" Mabel asked.
"I'm not sure, but they'll turn up eventually."
I wonder if Bill made it upstairs. Dipper thought. Wait what am I thinking. Why are you thinking about him now?
"Dipper?" Mabel asked.
"I asked if you think they're behind the vending machine."
"Oh, Maybe."
Dipper and Mabel walked over to the vending machine and input the code, but nothing happened.
"What?" Dipper tried to input the code again, but to no avail.
"Let's try and push it open. Maybe it's stuck," Mabel suggested.
Mabel and Dipper grabbed the edge of the metal box, and tried pulling it open, but still nothing.
"Why would Grunkle Stan change the code to the lab?" Mabel asked.
"I'm telling you Mabel, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford are hiding something from us," Dipper said exasperated. "Something happened while they were sailing, but what?"
Could it have been related to that stone Bill found? Dipper wondered. But that would mean whatever anomalies that happened in the ocean, are connected to Gravity Falls, and that would be a huge leap of logic.
"Dipper, whatever happened, they obviously don't want us knowing about it." Mabel gave an excited squealed. "It's our first Mystery sense Weirdmageddon!"
"Mabel, this isn't something to be excited about. This is serious. Sense when had our Grunkles ever hid something past Weirdmageddon?"
Mabel stayed silent.
Dipper looked at the clock. It was past six, yet their Grunkles never came looking for them.
"Something might have happened to them while we were gone!" Mabel exclaimed. "Come on Dipper, we have to go find them!"
"Find who?" Grunkle Ford asked, coming into the gift shop from the hallway.
"There you are!" Dipper exclaimed.
"We were worried something happened to you while we were away. You never came looking for us," Mabel muttered.
"I'm sorry Mabel, I was so wrapped up in my research. I had no idea what time it was," Grunkle Ford lied smoothly.
"Where's Grunkle Stan?" Mabel questioned.
"He's taking a nap."
"Grunkle Ford," Dipper started. "I've been wanting to ask you something. What happened during your sailing trip with Grunkle Stan? You're both acting more secretive. Well, more secretive than usual. What's going on?"
Grunkle Ford sighed.
"Dipper, Mabel, we didn't sail that long this year. Your great uncle over here got sea sick, so we had to cut the trip short. Honestly, you two shouldn't be so worried all the time."
"No buts," Ford finished. "The only butts I want to see are yours going upstairs, and clean up the clothes you bought from the mall. I can wake up Stanley and we can all eat dinner once you two come back down here, alright?"
"Yes Grunkle Ford," the younger twins said in unison, grabbed Bill's clothes, and went upstairs.
"I'm sorry kids," Ford sighed after they left. "You can't learn what your true purpose is. It's way too dangerous."
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! Sorry not sorry, some more fluff. It's kinda ironic how I said I don't have a lot of time to write, then I throw out a double update, and probably one tomorrow as well. I wasn't sure what to write for this chapter, so it took me forever to write, but I have an idear what's going to happen next (I already made a plot thing, I just need fluff to get there). So yea.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Keep shining!

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