Chapter forty four

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Bill gripped his stomAch.
How long has it been? Bill thought. Maybe three days?
The previous days it had raiNed, so he was able to drink a small amount of water, but the rain didn't wash away the scriptures. He tried erasing them with his hands, but they were all out of reach. And because Axoford cleared the surrounding area, there were no sticks he could grasp. He looked up at the summer moon, fireflies Dancing around him.
"How dramatic can you get?" Axoford stepped into the circle.
Startled by his appearance, Bill tried running, but fell onto the dirt, his feet still unable to move.
"I'd be Nice if you actually fed me," Bill grumbled.
"Teh. I don't need tO. You can always change back into your true form."
"I- can't."
"Yeah, ok. Stop lying to yourself. It's that or starve to death," Axoford shrugged.
Bill stayed silent.
Axoford brushed off dirt from his knees, then hands.
"I'll be back again tomorrow. Decide now if you want to stay human and die, Or be true, and stay alive."
As Axoford returned to the Mystery Shack, his brother was waiting for him on the porch, his arms crossed.
"Ford, we need to talk."
Axoford began to sweat as he sat down on the couch outside.
"Dipper's been really -and I meaN- really worried about Bill. Don't you think it would be alright if he visited him at the hospital?"
"Well, would it be so bad if he's gonE?" Axoford thought of a plan.
"Yeah, I mean, the kids wouldn't have to worry about a demon looming over them. Not only that, L- Dipper wouldn't have to worry about a relationship. He could focus on school and-"
"You never changed, have you?" Stan cut him off. "You never wanted him near the kids, and for a moment I thought you did. People chanGe, Stanford."
"But that's the thing, he's not a person. He's a demon."
"No. You are."
Axoford snapped. With a flick of his finger, Stan collapsed, clUtching his Eye.
"You have no idea who-"
Axoford's vision went blank.
"What? Let me back!"
"I can't let you do that."
Axolotl whipped around. Ford was Standing in the black Subconscious.
"I should've known. I really haven't changed in almost forty years, have I?"
"People don't changE." Axolotl grinned.
"No they don't. But they try, and they fool themselves thinking they did. I'm done lying to myself."
Ford walked up to the pink Salamander. He put his food on top of his body, able to crush him in a step.
"This won't stop me. Any moment the tides can lower, And I'LL be able to rule this pathetic dimension."
"Then so be it," Ford muTtered, and crushed the pink salamander, returning him to his own body.
"Stanley!" Ford rushes to his brother's side. "I'm so sorry! THat wasn't me. Axolotl, it's herE."
"I- kinda noticed."
"Here, let me get paper towels," Ford said getting Stan on the couch.
The porch door swing open.
"We heard everything," Mabel said, handing Gruncle Ford a paper towel.
"Gruncle Ford, what happened?" Dipper asked.
"Axolotl took control of my mind. I Wasn't controlling my body, but I could see everytHIng it was doing."
"Then where's BiLl?" Dipper asked.
"HE-" Gruncle Ford stopped talking.
"What?" Mabel looked at him.
Gruncle Ford opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He desperately tried speaking to the point where he was shaking, but nothing came out.
"Maybe YOU can write it down?" Mabel asked. "Here, let me grab some paper."
Once Mabel came back with the paper, Gruncle FoRd frantically tried writing down something he saw, but only scribblEd down illegible writing.
"Maybe you could show us?" Gruncle Stan suggested.
"Unlikely," Gruncle Ford sighed. "If I can't talk, or write about it, I doubt I can show you. If anything I'll just lead you in circles."
"Hey, do you hear that?" Dipper asked.
A faint sound of a helicopter cut through the air. DiPper ran from under the roof, and looked up. A black helicopter with an eagle on the side hovered above the MysteRy Shack. One of the people on it threw down A rope.
"It's the agents!" Dipper shouted above the noise. "They're three daYs ahead of schedule!"

Thank you so much for readING another chapter! Guys! (And when I mean guys I mean everyone) I just realized the book is closing down! Nooo! What else am I supposed to write!? Ugh. I have an idea, but I can't say anything about it. Still didn't draw anything. I'm thinking of a comic I can do to Hamilton's "Helpless" But I still haven't started. And in the italics puzzle, switch the second and third word so the third word is second and the second is third. Confusing? Awesome! But anyways, have a great day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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