Chapter twenty seven

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Gruncle Ford pushed Dipper aside, grabbed Bill's shirt collar, and set the gun to his head.
"What did you do?" He screamed. "What did you do to my brother you demon!"
"Gruncle Ford!" Dipper exclaimed.
"Out of all the people Fordsy, you think I did it?" Bill asked.
"Bill! Not helping!" Dipper scolded him.
"Gruncle Ford! Please! Gruncle Stan doesn't look good at all! He collapsed, and he's barley breathing," Mabel shouted, tears in her eyes. "He isn't worth it right now!"
Gruncle Ford's hands started to shake. He shoved Bill to the ground, and ran back to the clearing.
"Stanley!" Ford screamed, seeing his brother on the ground, shaking.
He grabbed him, and tried hauling him onto his back.
"Come on!" Ford said, struggling to get his brother up.
"Let me help," Bill offered.
"Fat chance!" Gruncle Ford spat at him.
He managed to get his brother on his back, but took slow, heavy steps before collapsing under his weight.
"Dipper, let's help," Mabel said, running over to their Gruncles.
Dipper nodded, and followed his sister.
Bill ran over as well, but not getting too close. He used his hand, and willed Stan's body to rise.
"Let's hurry!" Dipper exclaimed, carrying his Gruncle's left side, while Mabel carried his right. Everyone started to run back to the shack. Bill followed behind them, but became weak, after using his power, and collapsed. Gruncle Stan became heavy again, and it slowed down Dipper and Mabel.
"Come on, come on," Dipper heaved.
Heavily breathing, Bill got back up, and started to use his power again, running after the Pines family. A few minutes later, they got to the shack.
"Quick, let's get him into the car," Mabel said.
"Wait. Let's get him into the basement," Gruncle Ford said, opening the door to the gift shop.
Not saying anything, Gruncle Ford led his family into the gift shop, and put in the new passcode to the basement.
"Wait, what? I thought the door was broken or something," Dipper stammered.
"No time to explain," Gruncle Ford said, going down the stairs. "Be careful, the stairs are slippery."
Bill closed the door behind him, and the Pines family, along with Bill, slowly made their way downstairs.
"Set him on the table," Gruncle Ford instructed, shoving everything off of it, breaking a few glass objects.
With their last bit of strength, Dipper and Mabel heaved their Gruncle onto the table, and fell with exhaustion. Bill collapsed next to them, all of them heavily breathing. Gruncle Ford pulled out his fourth journal, and flipped through the pages.
"Is that-" Mabel started.
"The fourth journal!" Dipper breathed.
"Dipper, hand me that jar behind you," Gruncle Ford said, not looking up from his journal.
Still dazed with shock, Dipper stood up, and reached behind him, grabbed a jar from the shelf, and handed it to his Gruncle.
"Mabel, can you find me this?" Gruncle Ford asked, showing Mabel a sketch in his journal. "It's small, and a bit purple."
Mabel nodded, and started to search.
"Can I help?" Bill asked.
"Do you seriously thing I'm going to even let you near Stan?" Gruncle Ford asked angrily. "This is all your fault!"
"It isn't, I-" Dipper started.
"Not a word from you either, young man!" Gruncle Ford exclaimed, mixing a few herbs together. "Grab some seaweed, it's in a jar over there."
Dipper sighed, and did as he was told. Once Gruncle Ford was finished with whatever he was making, he tilted his brother's head upward, and smeared it in his eye, and forehead.
"Gruncle Ford?" Mabel said, cautiously.
He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his monitors, and started to place suction cups along Gruncle Stan's head.
He took out his journal again, and started to take notes.
"Gruncle Ford!" Mabel shouted.
Still not saying a word, he continued to take notes, and press a few buttons. A few minutes later, Gruncle Stan started to cough.
"Gruncle Stan!" Dipper and Mabel shouted, and ran over to hug him.
Bill shifted in the corner of the room, uncomfortably.
"Kids?" Gruncle Stan hoarsely said. "Ford? What's- where?"
"Save your strength, Stanley," Gruncle Ford sighed.
"Did it... happen?"
Gruncle Ford nodded.
"Ugh," Gruncle Stan sighed, and slapped his hand over his forehead, smearing the solution on his hand.
"Hey, be careful! It takes a while to absorb into your skin."
"Ok, no more secrets," Mabel said. "What's going on?"
"And why didn't you tell us about the fourth journal?" Dipper asked.
"Well- I-" Gruncle Ford started to sweat. He looked at his brother for advice. Stan just nodded in return.
"After the summer you two turned fifteen, and we went sailing again, we were confronted by a strange creature. It look like what Dipper caught while we were fishing. I was trying to communicate with it, but it talked in some cryptic message. A few days later, something happened to Stan's eye, and someone came to my subconscious. We had to dock at some foreign country. They confiscated our boat, and sense I'm banned on flights, and with Stan being 'dead', I took us a while to get back home, but by then, the whole eye thing got worse. I don't know how to stop it. But sense Bill's here, we can finally figure out what's going on."
"Gruncle Ford, Bill didn't cause this," Dipper tried to rationalize. "He was stuck in a statue for four years!"
"Wait, you knew? What else are you hiding from us?" Gruncle Ford asked, pointing his gun at Dipper.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Gruncle Ford, wait!" Mabel stepped in front of Dipper.
"Mabel, you knew to? Is everyone against us now?"
"Ford, stop," Gruncle Stan, coughed.
"But I-"
Gruncle Ford sighed. "Dipper, can you please explain to me why you were sleeping next to a human version of the dream demon that tried to kill us four years ago?"
Dipper explained everything. Mabel jumped in a few times as well to save Dipper from his awkwardness. What seemed like forever, Dipper and Mabel finally finished their story.
"I see..." Gruncle Ford nodded.
"Please don't blame Bill," Dipper finished, "it's not his fault."
"I... don't know how to take this," Gruncle Stan said, shocked.
"Let's just all calm down, and get some time to gather our thoughts," Gruncle Ford decided. "Go upstairs for now kids, we can talk more later. For now, let me take care of Stan."
Dipper and Mabel nodded, and went upstairs. Bill was about to follow them, when something held him back.
"Not you. You're staying right here."
Hey peoplez, Hero here, and thank you so much for reading another chapter! Like I said, I got really sick, and I mean like REALLY sick, so I wasn't able to draw or write anything for a few days. But hey, at least I feel better now! Lucky for me, I don't have to go to school. Hahaha! But anyways. Have a great day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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