Chapter twenty eight

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"Do you seriously think you can hurt my family and just walk away?" Ford asked, grabbing Bill's shirt collar, and throwing him to the ground.
Bill slid against the ground, finally bumping into a wooden shelf, knocking down a couple of vials.
"No one, messes with my family," Ford growled, kicking Bill in the gut.
"Ford, chill out!" Stan exclaimed, trying to get up, but fell back down.
"Stanley, stay out of this."
Stan opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by another coughing fit.
"I- I didn't do it," Bill stammered.
"Do you honestly think I'd believe you after everything you put me through? After what you put my family through? Oh no, you aren't going Scott free."
Ford kicked Bill once more, knocking down more glass tubes.
"Ford, please. Stop!" Stan said, stumbling in between the two.
"Fez?" Bill whispered, clutching his stomach.
"Ford, listen. Didn't you not hear everything the kids said? If this is all real, that means Bill isn't a threat to us anymore. Besides," Stan whispered to his brother, "he's human now. If he steps out of line, we can just shoot him with a regular gun. We don't need your nerdy, sciency, stuff."
Gee, thanks, Bill thought.
"Come on Ford," Stan said, coughing. "Please."
Ford grumbled something under his breath, turned away, and starting writing something in his journal.
"Go upstairs, Bill," Stan instructed. "Leave us for now."
Stan gave out his hand. Bill took it, and both gave each other a slight nod. Bill scrambled upstairs before Ford could do more damage. Stan sighed and looked at his brother.
"Look, I know. It's Bill-"
"I'm not blind," Ford muttered.
"But think about what the kids said. Think of Dipper. He looked so flustered next to Bill. Did you not see his face?"
"Are you telling me, that my great nephew, has FALLEN IN LOVE WITH A DEMON?" Ford shouted, throwing a vial on the ground, shattering it into a million pieces.
Ford took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts.
"Ford just give it a shot."
"Are you seriously just going to let Bill, Bill, stay alive, inside the shack. Stanley, aren't you aware of the damage he's done to the town? What he could've done to the entire universe? What he did to you? I could've lost you!" Ford's eyes started to water.
"But you didn't, Ford. I'm still here. I may not trust him, but I trust the kids. Please, Ford, don't do this for me, or for yourself, do it for the kids. Do it for Dipper."
"I-" Ford sighed. "I'll tolerate him, but he can't stay loose while we aren't aware of him. You go upstairs, I have to build something."
Stan opened his mouth to say something, but closed it.
"Alright," he whispered. 
With a heavy heart, Stan climbed the stairs, leaving his brother to dwell alone in the dark basement, trapped by his thoughts and worries.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter. Ugh I know, it's such a short chapter. It's kinda late, and I procrastinated writing. Haha. My bad. At least I actually drew something.

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There's not much else to say

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There's not much else to say. If you guys are still confused about the cipher, it'll be revealed sometime in the story, not telling when... but it may or may not be soon, depending on which way I decide to go. Thanks again, and have an awesome day/night!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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