Chapter forty six

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Dipper wiped tears from his eyes as he ran through the forest.
"Faster, Stanley!" Gruncle Ford shouted at his brother.
Gruncle Stan ran at the back of the crowd, stumbling over rocks and branches.
"I may be an old fart," he huffed, "but I'm not that slow!"
Mabel looked backwards, trying to see what's going on, but she tripped, and scrapped her knee.
"Let's go, Mabel!" Dipper shouted, hauling his sister into his back, and continued to run.
"Through here," Gruncle Ford took a sharp turn, and stopped at a towering oak tree.
He grabbed a nearby rock, and threw it at one of the tallest branches. The tree shuttered, and sunk into the ground, revealing his old bunker.
"Quickly," Gruncle Ford said, already running down the stairs.
Dipper followed close behind, with Gruncle Stan at the rear. The exit closed behind them, leaving the Pines family inside the broken down fallout shelter. Dipper dropped his sister on one of the work benches.
"We should keep moving," Gruncle Ford paced the room.
"What happened?" Gruncle Stan asked. "I mean, Bill does refer to himself as the 'demon of chaos,' and sure he turned the town into a stone chair, but killing that many people? I thought he was past that."
"Are you serious? Stanley, have you even read my journals? Once you pushed me into that portal, I took refuge with a group of miners who have been hiding from Bill for ages. They said their comrades were killed without a second thought. As a traveled through the multiverse, I've heard similar stories. When I mention his name, people cower in fear, reaching for weapons, or assume it was him disguised as me."
Dipper grabbed the emergency kit from behind a weapons cabinet, and began to disinfect Mabel's cut. He was about to reach for a bandage, to find they were all full of mold.
"Here," Mabel took off her sweater and was about to tear off the shooting star.
"Wait, Mabel. That's you're favorite sweater," Dipper looked up. "You worked an entire month on it!"
"It's either this, or getting an infection," Mabel said with sad eyes.
She ripped a bit of her sweater, tearing her shooting star in half, and wrapped it around her knee. She tied what was left of her sweater around her waist.
"Will you be alright, Mabel?" Gruncle Ford asked.
"Yeah, I can still walk and everything," Mabel replied, walking slowly around.
"What should we do?" Dipper asked. "Do you think you can contact your old inter-dimensional crew?"
Gruncle Ford shook his head. "I don't think it's possible, even if I got a hold of a portal gun, there's no way anyone would have as much experience with Bill than I do."
Gruncle Stan nodded slowly.
"We need to keep moving to my lab," Gruncle Ford said, opening a control panel and pushing a few buttons. "I've temporarily bypassed the security system, but only for a short time. Dipper, you remember where to go, right?"
Dipper nodded, knowing it's been a few years sense he's been down in the bunker. He crawled through the dirt hole in the wall, followed by Mabel, Gruncle Stan, then Gruncle Ford.
That night, Dipper didn't get much sleep, still having nightmares about past memories. He shifted, and accidentally knocked his elbow into Mabel's side.
"Dipper?" Mabel whispered. "Are you still awake?"
"Yeah. Sorry about that."
"It's fine," Mabel yawned. "How are you? It must be a crazy weekend."
"It just bothers me. Bill warned me to move once he shot at me. And with everything that happened this summer, I don't think he wanted to kill those agents."
Mabel sat up. "You're right. But what's going on? Do you think it's that same thing Gruncle Ford had to deal with?"
Dipper opened his mouth, but closed it again.
"Just- don't think about it too much ok?" Mabel smiled, using what was left of her sweater as a blanket. "Get some sleep. You can't save Gravity Falls sleepless, right?"
Dipper sighed. "You're right. Goodnight Mabel."
Dipper lied down, and closed his eyes.
Knowing it was a dream, Dipper walked the empty mindscape, hands in his pockets.
"Dipper," a voice whispered.
Dipper took a deep breath, preparing him for the worst. He turned around. Standing three feet in front was no other than the dream demon himself.
"Bill!" Dipper exclaimed, trying to embrace him, but his hands went straight threw his body.
"Pine Tree, listen I don't have a lot of time," Bill said in a rush. "Please understand when I say I didn't want to kill anyone."
"Of course! I know you wouldn't."
Bill sighed. "Good. Now, I want you to stay away from the lake! Do you hear me? Stay away from the lake!"
"I will, but why? And what about you?" Dipper wanted so desperately to know how he was doing.
"Axolotl is controlling my body. He's desperate to capture you and Shooting Star. I don't know why he let you get away, but he definitely has a plan. Please be careful. I'll see you soon."
"Where are you? How can I find you?"
But Bill's body was already beginning to fade away.
"Remember, Pine Tree, I-"

Thank you a lotl for reading another chapter! So sorry it's been almost a month. I got sick again today. Ugh. My immune system sucks. Anyways, I mad some progress on the animatic. It kinda sucks though, because I don't know how to change the mouth. It's really weird XD. Have an amazing day.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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