Chapter twenty two

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Dipper grabbed his sweatshirt and pulled it over his head. He grabbed his notebook and pen from his desk, and shoved it in his backpack. Mabel walked into the room.
"Dip?" Mabel said, but Dipper ignored her.
"Dipper, stop," Mabel grabbed his shoulder. "Slow down."
Dipper sighed, and stopped grabbing his supplies.
"Dipper what are you doing?" Mabel asked.
"I'm going out," Dipper replied, walking away from Mabel's grasp, and continued to pack.
"Dipper, stop and think for a second!" Mabel exclaimed.
"I did, and I made up my mind."
"Dipper! Are you blind or something? This is a demon you're toying with! He tried to take over the world! He turned Gruncle Ford into gold! He made Stan erase his mind! How can you still believe in him?"
"Did you even ask if he was the one that called the agents?" Dipper asked.
"I-" Mabel sighed. "He's a demon Dipper. Do you seriously think he'd change? He probably has you under his spell! What deal did you make with him?"
"I didn't make a deal with him Mabel, and I'm not under his spell," Dipper firmly said, slinging his backpack over his shoulders. "It's been four years, Mabel."
"It still doesn't matter!" Mabel blocked the door. "Dipper are you blind? This is Bill! The flying triangle that touchers people for fun. How can you even let him near you?"
"You never gave him a chance!" Dipper shouted. "You didn't let him explain himself. You don't even know if it was him that called the agents! You never cared, and you never will. But you know who cares? I do. Demon or not, a person is out there somewhere, not knowing what to do, and probably starving to death."
Dipper pushed past his sister, and ran downstairs, and out of the Mystery Shack.
"Dipper come back!" Mabel ran after him, but lost him in the forest.
He'll come back when he's ready, Mabel thought. Was he right? Did Bill really change? Mabel shook her head. I can't think about that right now. I have to go tell the Gruncles.
Mabel jogged back to the Mystery Shack, and informed the Gruncles.
"Seems like a rough time for him," Gruncle Stan said, thinking.
"If he's not back by nine, we can go look for him. For now, let's leave him alone, and figure out how to get rid of the agents. How did you find out they're here?"
"I..." Mabel hesitated. "I got a text from Pacifica."
Gruncle Ford and Stan nodded in unison.

Bill shivered as another gust of wind blew at him. Dried blood crusted over his skin. He couldn't remember the last time he had something to drink or eat. The stars blazed to life in the night sky.
I'm sorry Pine Tree, Bill started to sob again. I'm so sorry.
Bill felt the presents of the being comeback.
No. Not now.
You're safe for now, Cipher, but how long do you think it's going to last? Stop running from the inevitable. Come with me, and for-fill your end of the deal.
Bill took a shaky breath.
"I won't," he replied.
Bill's head started to pound. A searing headache, followed by another eye-spasm.
You're so difficult to work with. It said. You must do what you are told. We made a deal, Cipher.
"And until that day comes, you cannot force me to do your bidding. That was never the deal."
Very well, but you know when and where. You cannot break a deal that had already been made. I'll see you soon.
The being left, leaving Bill alone in the forest on a cool summer's night.

"Bill!" Dipper shouted, pushing a branch out of his way. "Bill I'm sorry. Please come back!"
Hour after hour, Dipper began to walk slower and slower. His once determined footsteps began to lag back, dragging broken twigs, and fallen leaves against the forest floor. A gust of wind past through Dipper, stronger than any he's experienced. It knocked him into a tree. Hitting his head on a branch, Dipper fell to the ground, unconscious.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter. Wow I had a busy day! I'm glad I still had time to write though. My thoughts are kinda everywhere, but for now, this is what I have. Still no new gravity falls drawings, but

 Still no new gravity falls drawings, but

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This is something I have. So yeah. I can't really think of anything else. Have an awesome rest of the weekend!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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