Chapter thirty

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"Are you going to be ok sleeping in the basement?" Dipper asked, handing Bill a blanket and pillow.
"I'll be fine, Pine Tree," Bill rolled his eyes. "It's just sixer. I'll see you tomorrow morning for breakfast."
Bill kissed Dipper on the forehead before heading behind the vending machine, and downstairs.
"Goodnight!" Bill called behind him.
Dipper blushed for the countless times he's been with Bill.
"Night," Dipper whispered.
Dipper sighed, and walked back upstairs to his room. Mabel was waiting for him, sitting on her bed, eager for his return. She gave her brother a smug look
"What?" Dipper asked.
"Oh nothing," Mabel giggled.
"Mhm," Dipper rolled his eyes.
"You up for a little game of mini golf before bed?" Mabel asked. "I already set up the course."
Dipper and Mabel grabbed their golf clubs, and started to play.

Meanwhile in the basement, Bill clutched the blanket and pillow Dipper gave to him.
Where's a good place to sleep? Bill thought to himself.
"Ah, Bill you're here," Gruncle Ford came out of the shadows.
"Uh, hey sixer. You look... old," Bill examined him. He noticed Dipper's great uncle looked a bit different from when he saw him earlier. "You all good?"
"That's none of your concern," Gruncle Ford quickly said. "Now let me show you to your room."
Gruncle Ford led Bill to a metal, box, almost cage like. Three of the four sides were thick glass, and was coated with glass marker with a cipher pattern. It was bordered with steel. Gruncle Ford invited him inside. Bill stepped inside. There was nothing in the box, just a chair, a desk, and a rug. Bill turned around, and was about to step out, until he was stopped by an invisible border. The combination of letters written on the outside of the glass glowed yellow.
"What the-" Bill started, trying to push himself out of the barrier.
"Just in case you decide to escape," Gruncle Ford said, crossing his arms.
"I'll see you in the morning, Bill."
"You- you aren't staying down here?"
"Why? Does someone need to be babied?" Gruncle Ford teased.
"What? No!" Bill said, embarrassed.
"Suit yourself," Gruncle Ford turned around, and left to go upstairs, turning off all of the lights.
Bill grabbed the rug, and dragged it to the corner of the box. He sat down, and pulled the blanket over his head, trying not to worry about the sounds in the dark. Bill slowly slipped into a dream. It was just as horrifying as before. Four graves, one family. There was chaos, and a hint of death, sprinkled around the town. The pink creature jumped from the shadows. It wrapped Bill in chains, suffocating him. When he finally couldn't breathe, Bill woke up, screaming. He frantically looked around, trying to find Dipper, but remembered he was still stuck in the basement. Bill shivered, and pressed himself closer to the back of the wall, staying awake for the rest of the night.

"Morning, Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed, jumping on top of Dipper's bed.
Dipper yawned, and got up. Gruncle Stan walked into the room.
"Hey kids, who's up for a little bowling after breakfast?"
"Sure!" Dipper and Mabel said in unison.
"Alright, I'll see you two downstairs then."
The Pines family ate breakfast together, and drove to the bowling ally, leaving Bill in the basement.
* * *
"You try, Gruncle Ford," Mabel said, giving her Gruncle a bowling ball.
Gruncle Ford awkwardly picked up the bowling ball, and walked over to bowl.
"Hey Mabel," Dipper whispered, looking at Gruncle Ford. "There's something weird about Gruncle Ford."
"What do you mean?" Mabel asked.
"Well first off, he said he's never bowled before, which isn't true at all. Then when we explained the rules, he was still confused about the game. Sense when has Gruncle Ford ever not understand a rule game?"
Mabel nodded. "Something about his steps looks odd too. They're all over the place, and his posture isn't as straight as it normally is."
Meanwhile, Gruncle Ford tried bowling, but it landed straight into the gutter.
"Whatcha talking about?" Gruncle Stan asked, popping a can of Pitt Cola.
"We're worried about Gruncle Ford," Dipper explained. "He seems a bit... off."
"What do you mean?"
"Like I said to Mabel, he didn't understand a game with rules. He's the smartest guy in the world, how can he not understand a game of bowling?"
"I know what bowling is," Gruncle Ford interject. "It my favorite thing in the world! Other than anomalies and such."
"What do you mean? You said when we got here you forgot how to play," Mabel said, full of confusion.
"No, I-" Gruncle Ford placed his six-fingered hand on top of his forehead, trying to remember.
Dipper and Mabel looked at each other.
"Let's just go home," Gruncle Stan suggested. "I'll get the car and pick you guys up at the front."
"Sure, Stanley,"Gruncle Ford hung his head.
"Are you alright?" Dipper asked.
"Yeah, yeah," Gruncle Ford seemed distant."I'm fine."
The Pines family left the bowling ally, and drove back to the Mystery Shack.
They went inside. Gruncle Ford still looked distraught.
"Where's Bill?" Dipper asked. "He should be up by now."
"I'll go check on him," Gruncle Ford quickly opened the vending machine door, and ran downstairs.
"Bill! Oh my gosh I so sorry I left you here!" Gruncle Ford exclaimed, erasing a part of the cipher, opening a spot in the force field. Bill was still in the corner of the room, curled into a ball, trying not to make his hunger worse.
"Bill?" Gruncle Ford asked, lending out a hand for him to get up.
Bill looked at it, and swatted it away, getting up himself. Without a word, he left to go upstairs, leaving Gruncle Ford in the basement.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter! I know, I missed Wednesday, and Friday, but I actually have a just reason this time. I did a wrestling orientation! Surprise! It was my first time wrestling, and I really liked it. I was the only girl, but honestly I didn't really care. It was awesome. And yesterday, my cousin came over to spend the weekend with us, so I'm probably not going to be able to write this weekend. I'm still not sure. And yes, I forgot to draw again. For punishment for me, and a good thing for you, I'll give you another hint to the cipher.
Have an awesome day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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