Chapter forty five

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The summer sun burned Bill like a hot pan. It painfully reminded him of freshly made stancakes, steaming in the early morning.
If I don't change back soon, I'll die, Bill thought.
Looking around, the woods seemed quiet. No birds chirped, and there was no sound of annoying bugs' buzzing.
Maybe I should change back. No one's around.
Closing his eyes, Bill used the last of his energy citing his ancient incantation. Within a few minutes, his body began to glow, breaking his feet from the ground. He felt his body change, and shape himself back into a triangle.
"Now to get back to those idiots and tell them what's going on," Bill said, tightening his bow tie.
As he began to fly away, he hit another barrier. A few seconds later, bolts of lightening sprouted from the ground, and hit him. Dragging him down, and draining his energy.
Seriously? Bill thought. I underestimated that salamander. I'm impressed.
Bill easily broke free of the bolts, and shot the circle with his finger. The ground exploded, creating large clouds of dust and dirt. As the dust cleared, Bill squinted to see the ground. The letters and numbers were still there, written on the dirt. More lightening bolts emerged from the forest floor. Bill tried shooting them, but they were deflected back at him. One of his shots hit his eye, and blinded him while the bolts grabbed his limbs, draining the power in his shots, and his knowledge on ancient codes and secrets. He tried to struggle free, but with his only eye blinded, it was hopeless.
"I didn't expect you to change so fast," the pink salamander laughed, walking out from a near by puddle.
"You don't sound like Ford. Where is he?" Bill demanded.
"Teh, that old man was a fighter for sure. I can assure you he's fine, for now anyways. I saw a couple of helicopters flying to their house. Probably nothing to worry about," He pulled Bill down to the ground. "You know, you're a real threat to me, Bill Cipher. I've drained the only thing I needed."
Axolotl thought for a moment. "Why don't we have a little fun? Besides, I liked you better as a disgusting meat bags."
Bill felt himself gaining back flesh, and bones.
He's changing me back into a human, Bill thought.
But this time, he didn't have his eyepatch. Once Bill changed back into a human, Axolotl itself changed into a tall, slender man with spiky pink hair.
Reading Bill's mind, Axolotl began to speak, "Yeah I know it would've been easier to be a human with the whole 'possession' thing but where's the fun in that? Besides, that old man had some really juicy secrets."
The circle on the floor began to glow, shooting beams of light into the darkening sky.
"Shall we?"
Axolotl forced Bill to walk. Slowly, they made their way to the Mystery Shack.

Dipper began to pace around the basement floor.
"What do we do?" Dipper exclaimed. "The agents changed their plans so erratically! I thought they were planing to move days from now!"
Sounds of breaking door, and shattering glass pounded in everyone's ears.
"FBI! Show yourselves!" A man shouted from upstairs.
Gruncle Ford began deleting everything on his computers, while Gruncle Stan watched the cameras.
"They're heading towards the vending machine," Gruncle Stan warned.
Mabel watched helplessly as the agents uncovered the secret basement. Dipper armed his gun.
"Dipper we can't kill them!" Mabel exclaimed, horrified.
"What else can we do, Pumpkin? It's either us or them," Gruncle Stan grimly stated, grabbing his baseball bat.
Once the last of the files were deleted, Gruncle Ford smashed the computers, and shoved the journals into a small compartment beneath a small rug. Agents began to swarm into the room, guns pointed at their heads, not afraid to kill.

Bill and Axolotl watched as the agents dragged the Pines family out of the Mystery Shack.
"Show time," Axolotl whispered.
Bill felt himself move forward, unable to stop.
"Thank you, Pacifica, for helping us," Agent Powers said in a monotoned voice. "The United States will be in debt."
"Yeah, whatever," Pacifica rolled her eyes. "I-"
Pacifica turned around to find Bill slowly walk towards her.
"It's him! It's that yellow eye freak I was talking about!"
"Freeze!" Agent Powers drew his guns. "You're under arrest for obstruction of justice!"
"You," Bill angrily whispered. "You were the ones who called the agents. Do you even realize what you've done?"
Axolotl began to get ready to kill.
"So what?" Pacifica twirled her hair.
Bill took another step. The rest of the agents armed their guns and aimed.
"I said freeze!" Agent Powers shouted again.
Bill was about to use his power to swipe away the agents' guns, but instead he heard a crack, and Agent Powers fell to the ground.
"Oh my God! You killed him!" Pacifica screamed.
"I didn't mean to! I-"
Axolotl laughed hysterically from the bushes. "Time to have some real fun."
Bill began rapidly shooting the agents.
"Open fire!" Agent Trigger shouted.
Bullets flew through the air, but Bill deflected them back at the agents.
"Bill!" Dipper froze.
"Duck!" Gruncle Ford shouted.
Dipper felt the grip of the agent behind him loosen. He turned around to find he was shot in the head. The rest of the Pines family used the shock factor to their advantage, and fought out of their captives' grip.
"Retreat!" Agent Trigger shouted.
The minuscule about of agents left, along with Pacifica, filed out into their vehicles, and tried to flee.
"Escaping are we?" Axolotl asked. "I don't think so."
With one flick of Bill's hand, the vehicles exploded. Helicopters rained from the sky.
"No survivors!" Axolotl yelled.
Pacifica crawled out of a flipped car, coughing, and ran into the woods, letting the fire be her shield.
"Bill, stop!" Dipper shouted.
"Ah! What's this?" Axolotl asked, suddenly intrigued.
Bill whipped around, tears streaming from his face. Dipper was taken aback by his hurting eyes.
"Buh bye!" Axolotl face sprouted a wicked grinned.
"Run!" Bill gritted through his teeth.
Bill shot at Dipper. Dipper was knocked to the ground with Mabel was on top of him.
"Dipper snap out of it!" Mabel shouted. "There isn't time to worry about your boyfriend!"
"Move!" Bill screamed in agony, and took another shot.
Dipper and Mabel scrambled to their feet, and followed their Gruncles into the other side of the forest.
"Hmf. Fine, we can play later," Axolotl came from out of the bushes. "But don't worry, I'll make time."

Is this thing working? It is? Cool. Helloooooooo flesh sticks! Sorry, Maddy isn't here today. She's. . . Out of commotion for the time being. For now, you're stuck with me, Axolotl! Everything has a beginning and ending, but I'm beginning to think this is stupid. Seriously, why does Maddy even do these?

 Seriously, why does Maddy even do these?

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Until next time!

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Until next time!

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