Chapter forty eight

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"I don't like this," Bill replied to Dipper.
"Even if I'm still contacting you in your dreams, I'm afraid Axolotl will know what we're planning."
"It's been weeks, Bill," Dipper tried to convince his boyfriend. "Axolotl already took half of the world. No one knows what to do, and can't react because of how fast that mist travels. If we just get rid of it, we might have a chance."
"But how?"
"It seems like Axolotl only has a certain amount of mist he can use before it reverts back into air. I'm not sure if Axolotl is running out of energy, or if it's the law of this dimension. If this is going to work, I need you to somehow join the fight. We need to make a plan to get you out of there."
Bill shook his head. "Even if I'm still being held hostage, you can't exactly rescue me without being either caught, or killed."
"What do you mean?"
"Even if you manage to draw Axolotl out, your physical form can't handle the pressure staying in between dimensions. I may be able to, but I'm using a massive amount of energy and magic to do so."
Dipper shedded a tear. "I could've done something more!"
"Hey, Hey, no you couldn't have. It's not your fault," Bill reached for Dipper, but retreated, knowing he couldn't touch him. "Let's just focus on getting rid of Axolotl."
"I know, and we're trying," Dipper said wiping the tear from his cheek, and held himself, "but I can't do anything without you."
They stood solemnly together, unable to tell each other everything would work out.
"Ask Ford again about the portal collapsing device."
"Bill, we can't!" Dipper argued. "If we drop that thing into the whirlpool, if it malfunctions, it could collapse this entire dimension."
"Just-" Bill sighed, "think about it, alright? I have to go."
Bill turned away, fading as he walked away.
Dipper slowly woke up, surrounded by his family.
"Well?" Gruncle Ford asked.
Dipper shook his head. "He still wants to try to collapse the portal."
Everyone stayed silent.
"Is this seriously the only option we have?" Gruncle Stan wondered.
"Let's try it," Gruncle Ford said, not directly looking at Dipper.
Mabel pulled her Gruncle down to her level. "I thought you didn't trust Bill," she whispered, uncomfortably shifting in her chair.
"What other choice do we have?" Gruncle Ford replied.
Mabel sighed, and propped her head on her elbow.
"Stanley, I need you to run to my supplies cabinet and grab a few wires. Dipper, try and find scraps of metal. I don't care if it's from old cans, or ripped from the broken monitors. We need lots of it. I'll try to find a reactor."
"What should I do?" Mabel asked, standing up again.
"Oh no, not this time," Gruncle Ford replied, making Mabel sit back in her chair. "After you tore open your knee again think we should make sure it fully heals before you start moving it around too much."
"How does me 'moving it around' start to damage it?
"You snagged your scab on the chair, and your knee started to bleed again. There's barley any antibiotics left, Mabel," Dipper shouted from the other room. "We can't let you cut yourself again."
"At least let me triple check your equations," Mabel pleaded. "I can't sit here and do nothing!"
Gruncle Stan and Ford looked at each other.
"Of corse."

Bill opened his eyes to find Axolotl pacing on air. He stopped pacing once he noticed Bill was awake, his eyes leering at him.
"You sick-"
Bill didn't hear the rest as his face was jerked to the left, being harshly punched.
Axolotl sighed, shoveling his hands through his hair.
"Heh, when I first met you, I thought this was going to be easy. Just a quick contract, and everything was set in stone, right under my belt. Ah, but I guess plans change, don't they?"
He grabbed Bill by the chin.
"What can I do to destroy you?"
He looked him straight in the eyes.
"Hm, not yet, I still need him for my own plans."
Bill could feel his existence slowly shake. And suddenly, it stopped.
"Oh. Heh. Hah. Hahahahahaha!! No way. No way! They're all here? And so close."
"What are you talking about?" Bill asked, barley able to see.
"I'll be right back with your two favorite twins. Don't worry, I'll try not to bring down the entire forest."
A flush of mist retreated back into the dimension below them.
"Crap!" Bill cursed, as Axolotl left the whirlpool. "Pine Tree!"

Hey peoples, Hero here, and thank you so much for reading another chapter. Oh my goodness that took way longer than I thought it would. Welp. Better late than never? Anyways. I finished the trailer for the animation! In a little discouraging, because I kinda rushed, and the drawings look really bad. Like. Really bad (Dipper looks fat and a certain someone's arm looks dislocated). But anyways. Here's the link:
Have a great time of day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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