Chapter forty seven

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Dipper shot up like a rocket, waking up the rest of his family.
"Dipper," Mabel sighed, "again?"
"It wasn't him," Dipper whispered.
"What do you mean?" Gruncle Ford asked, rubbing his eyes, and putting his glasses on.
Mabel and Gruncle Stan looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders.
"It's Bill," Dipper replied, standing up. "He contacted me in my dream. He said he was being controlled or something. He said he didn't want to kill anyone, and he felt really guilty."
"What else did he say?" Gruncle Ford questioned, also on his feet.
"He said to stay awake from the lake. Maybe it has to do with Axolotl?"
Gruncle Ford walked toward the old computers, and blew off the dust and dirt.
"Dipper, do you think you can fix the wiring?"
Dipper nodded, and opened the lower panels.
"What should we do?" Mabel asked, ready to help.
"You don't do anything," Gruncle Ford. "I'm sorry Mabel, I know you're smart, but I don't want you to aggravate your knee."
Mabel slid down the wall, and back onto the floor, arms crossed.
"Stanley, grab that box over there," Gruncle Ford instructed.
Gruncle Stan nodded, and ran across the room.
In a few minutes, the room illuminated with computer lights.
"Whoa!" Mabel exclaimed.
"Now," Gruncle Ford cracked his knuckles, "let's see what's down by the lake.
He rapidly typed on the computer keys, and ran around the control room, flipping switches, and pressing buttons. Screens changed from the forest, to the Mystery Shack, and finally to the lake.
Mabel got up, and hobbled over to the screens.
"What's going on?" Mabel breathed.
The entire lake was swirling into a immense whirlpool, taking boats from the harbor, and creating a mist surrounding the down, spilling into the forest and town.
"The mist," Dipper stared at it trough the screen.
He ran to the monitors across the room.
"The mist, it's tainted," Dipper's eyes widened, looking at the results.
"Will some get down here?" Gruncle Stan asked his brother.
"Unlikely," Gruncle Ford replied. "Fiddleford and I made this bunker to last a nuclear bomb at ground zero. I think we'll be alright. But to be safe, we shouldn't sleep on the floor. This mist seems to be heavier than the air, and it'll fall to the ground before rising."
Gruncle Stan nodded.
"Do you see Bill, or Axolotl?" Dipper accidentally pushed his Gruncles out of the way to look at the screen.
"My radar isn't picking up anything," Gruncle Ford replied, placing his nephew back on the floor, "but if anything changes, I'll let you know first."
Dipper's face turned red in embarrassment, and looked at the floor, nodding. "So for now, we're stuck down here until a weather front moves in, or something else washes away the mist?"
"I guess we are."

Bill opened a slit of his eye. His neck burned with the chain clamped around it, and his mouth tasted like blood.
Where am I? Bill thought.
"Nowhere special," Axolotl replied, "just in between dimensions.
His voice started Bill, and he looked around.
"Boo!" Axolotl grinned from upside down.
Bill flinched.
"Aw, not amused? I recall seeing you doing this to Little Dipper in one of your memories," Axolotl turned right side up.
"Why are you still human?" Bill asked. "Shouldn't you be in your 'true form' or whatever you want to call it?"
Axolotl shrugged. "This way it's harder for people to step on me."
"How old are you? Five?" Bill rolled his eyes, hoping to aggravate him. "If you really wanted to take over this dimension, why wait? Nothings holding you back."
"And that's where you're wrong. But I won't get into that. Let's go kill some people, just like old times."
"What do you mean 'like old times?' I never wanted to kill anyone here."
"Maybe not here, but what about those miners in your nightmare realm? You didn't have a problem killing those guys for fun, did you?"
Bill stayed silent.
"And what about that dimension, what was it? Maybe dimension AB13/45? You annihilated everyone in that dimension with a quick snap of your fingers. You're the most feared being the the entire multiverse! And then there's me. Of course I'm supposed to be the 'savior!' The one who will save all! You're the Yin and I'm the Yang in this vast multiverse. So let's not disappoint."

Thank you so much for reading another chapter! A little bit of progress was made on the animatic. Again, I'm drawing everything by hand, so it's going to be a while. I'm only 15 seconds in the song. Heheh. Oh well. Have an amazing day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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