Chapter forty

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"Fiddleford, what did you do?" Stanley asked, barely able to stand.
"I'm sorry," Fiddleford's face was washed with tears. "I needed him. It was my fault he died, and I needed to fix it."
Tate let out another scream.
"What's happening to him?" Ford asked.
"Axolotl said he could resurrect him. It's excruciatingly painful, but I didn't care. I acted so blind, and I-"
"What's done is done," Stanford coughed.
"Oh no, this is far from done." Stanley grabbed Fiddleford by his shirt collar. "Do you not understand what you just did? You put my family in danger. You put the kids in danger! They're only sixteen, almost seventeen! Do you know how many colleges they both got accepted into? They're basically dead now!" Stanley shoved Fiddleford to the ground.
"Stanley," Stanford started, "I-"
"I don't even know why we asked for your help," Stanley spat at him. "Always running from your fears, trying to fix them at any expense. I'm done with you."
Stanley stormed out of the room, and out into the thunderstorm raging outside.
(I know this is supposed to be serious, but STORMED? GET IT? HAHA!)
"Did you trade with him?" Stanford asked.
Fiddleford nodded.
"We really didn't learn anything, did we?" Stanford asked.
He followed his brother out into the car, and drove back to the Mystery Shack.
* * *
Bill ran outside in the rain with his trunks.
"Come on, Pine Tree!" Bill exclaimed.
"I'm going to catch a cold!" Dipper laughed.
"Come on, Dip!" Mabel giggled, wearing her pink two piece bathing suit, with her signature star on her chest. She grabbed his hand, and pulled him out into the rain.
The three of them laughed, dancing in the pouring rain. Huge puddles formed around the parking lot.
"I bet you can't jump this one," Mabel called to the boys.
"Psh, come on Mabel," Dipper smiled, "easy!"
Dipper took a few steps back, and jumped across the large puddle.
"Come on, slow poke!" Mabel called from the other side.
"Run as fast as lightning!" Dipper laughed.
"But don't steal his thunder!" Mabel playfully shoved her brother.
"I'm coming," Bill laughed, and started to run towards the puddle. He jumped, and tried to jump across, but something held him back. He fell into the puddle, but instead of landing on the dirt, he kept falling into an abyss of water. A blue light pierced through the dark water.
Bill Cipher, it said.
Bill frantically cleared his mind.
Aw, nothing to say? It asked.
Bill shook his head.
You can breath you know. I'm not that cruel.
"Get out of here!" Bill shouted at it. "Leave us alone."
What do you mean- oh. OH! it laughed. You've been busy I see! And with him none the less? Where is he, and his sister? Where are the children of the stars.
"I don't know what your talking about!"
You said it yourself, a deal is a deal. You'll need to pay up soon. I need my part of the trade.
Bill shifted in the water.
Maybe not now, but soon. Very, very soon.
Axolotl laughed, swirling the water, creating a whirlpool. Bill could no longer breath. As his vision narrowed, he saw Axolotl in it's salamander skin, exposing who it really was.
Bill coughed himself awake.
"Bill! Dipper exclaimed, relieved.
"Bill, what happened?" Mabel asked. "You were there, but you didn't make it across. You fell into the water, and you didn't wake up. I thought you got a concussion, but there's no bump on your head.
"I'm ok, I-" Bill was interrupted by another coughing fit. "What's happening to me? I feel so tired I can't move! And I'm hot and cold at the same time."
"You caught a cold," Dipper explained, "although I've never seen someone catch one this fast before. Probably because your immune system is so weak."
"My what?"
"Just rest," Dipper said, kissing Bill's forehead.
I should get sick more often, Bill thought.
"I'll go make you some chicken noodle soup," Dipper said. "That'll make you feel better."
"I'll help," Mabel followed her sister out of the room.
"Dip that was so cute!"
Bill let out a soft laugh. He rolled over, grabbing Dipper's pillow, and smelling it, reminding him of his little Pine Tree. He let out a tear, reminding himself it can't last forever.
"Pine Tree, Shooting Star," Bill whispered. "I'll keep you safe, even if it kills me."

Thank you so much for reading another chapter! That was so sweet!!! But the Gruncles really need to learn from their mistakes. Anyways. Alex finally released the official Mabel sweater!!! I would've gotten it! But it didn't come out in time for Halloween, so I got mine from a fan-based web sight. And I don't really want to waste money buying the official one if I already have one. I'm broke XI. I mean if someone wants to get one for me... I wouldn't say no... But anyways again, I'm actually drawing people from my school as gravity falls characters. The drawing last chapter was of me. And yes, I got them muscles. So expect some new drawing soon! Have an Axolent day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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