Chapter twenty six

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Dipper shoved another water bottle in his backpack.
"All packed?" Gruncle Ford asked.
"Yeah, I thInk so," Dipper yawned.
"Are you sure you still want to go Mystery hunting? It's only your second day out of the hospital after a huge concussion. Plus MAbel tells me you didn't get that much sleep either."
"I'll be fine, Gruncle Ford," Dipper replied, hanging his backpack on his shoulder. "Is everyone else ready to go?"
"Yup!" Mabel exclaimed, running Downstairs, Gruncle Stan close behind.
"Alright, let's get going."
The Pines family left the Mystery Shack, and startEd walking into the forest.
"So what exactly are we looking for?" Dipper asked, clutching his own journal in his right hand, and a pen in his left.
"You tell me, Dipper. There's a whole world of strange things, hiding in this forest. It just depends on what you want to find, and you'll find answers," Gruncle Ford replied, ducking under a fallen tree.
Mesmerized by his Great Uncle's words of advice, Dipper forgot to duck, and bumped his head on the log, reopening one of the cuts in his forehead.
"You ok, Dipper?" Gruncle StAn asked.
"I'm fine," Dipper said, wiping off the blood trickling from his forehead
"Are you sure? You're bleeding again."
Dipper stayed silent, and continued to follow Gruncle Ford.
The Pines family continued to walk, until they reached a clearing.
"Ah, here's a good place for a base," Gruncle Ford said taking something out of his backpack. He took out a small, metal box.
"What's that?" Mabel asked.
"Stand back," Gruncle Ford warned.
Everyone took a few steps back. The metal box twisted a few times to the left, and a few times to the right. The box opened itself up, and released blue holograms.
"Whoa!" Dipper and Mabel breathed. Gruncle Ford and his brother walked over to it, and shuffled around the floating objects.
"Come over here, kids," Gruncle Ford invited.
Dipper and Mabel ran over to their Great Uncles.
"This is incredible!" Dipper exclaiMed.
"How is this even possible?" Mabel asked.
"It's nothing much. I made this last year while I was sAiling," Gruncle Ford smiled. "I thought it would be easier to find anomalies this way. The red dots are the anomalies people have spotted and reported. The blue dots represent the anomalies I've set a tracker on. And finally, the yellow dots are the, ahem, the Bill related anomalies."
"What's the green ones?" Mabel pointed to a non moving, green Dot, far away from Gravity Falls, and in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
"It's- um-"
"It's just some treasure me and your Gruncle found while we were sailing," Gruncle Stan quickly stEpped in.
Mabel looked at Dipper, unconvinced.
"What are we waiting for?" Gruncle Ford asked. "There's A red dot, not far from here, why don't we check it out?"
Gruncle Ford closed the metal box, and put it back into his backpack.
"Come along, children," Gruncle Ford said, walking back into the forest.
The Pines family went searching for mysteries and anomalies for a few hours before deciding to take a break.
Dipper used his backpack as a pillow, and looked up at the sky. Gruncle Ford and Gruncle Stan fell asleep together, each using their twin's backside for support. Mabel was under a rouge tree, sleeping soundly under it's cool shade. Dipper sighed and sat up. He looked around, and saw a few tree branches sway. Dipper scraMbled towards It, getting his journal out, and tried to take notes on whatever it was.
"Hey! Come back!" Dipper exclaimed.
Dipper closed is journal, and ran after it. Not watching his Step, Dipper tripped over what he Thought was a root. He fell, cutting his hand on A fallen branch.
"Ow!" Dipper exclaimed.
"Wait. Pine Tree?" Bill asked, looming over Dipper.
"Bill?" Dipper looKed at the former dream demon, and knocked him over with a hug. "Bill is really is you!"
"I see someone's happy to see me," Bill teased.
"Shut up you stupid Dorito," Dipper smiled, tears running down his cheeks.
"You're bleeding," Bill said, grabbing Dipper's hand.
"So are you!" Dipper exclaimEd, rubbing off the dried skin from Bill's cheek. "What happened to you?"
"It's nothing, Pine Tree," Bill grabbed Dipper hand, and pulled it from his face. They both looked at each other, tears both streamed down their face like rivers. They stayed that way, both holding each other in their arms, and fell asleep under the cloudless sky.
"Dipper!" a voice harshly whispered.
Dipper slowly opened his eyes. He saw Gruncle Ford, with his mini quantum destabilizer pointed right at him.
"Dipper, I want you to move back slowly," Gruncle Ford continued.
Confused as to why his Gruncle had his gun out, Dipper obeyed him, and moved backward. The gun charged, and Gruncle Ford pulled the trigger. Suddenly aware of what his great uncle was shooting at, Dipper grabbed Bill, and quickly pulled him aside. The gun shot right where Bill's head was resting, disintegrating the tree behind them.
"Whoa!" Bill exclaimed.
"Dipper moved!" Gruncle Ford shouted, pulling out his backup gun.
"Gruncle Ford wait!" Dipper shouted, moving in front of Bill. "Let me explain!"
"Explain what?" Gruncle Ford shouted. "This is a demon, Dipper! Move out of the way!"
"Gruncle Ford!" Mabel shouted, running from the clearing. "There's something wrong with Gruncle Stan!"
Hey peoplez, Hero here, and thank you so much for reading another chapter! Things got intense FAST didn't it? But anyways, sorry it took me so long to get back. Bill trapped me in the Mindscape, so he took my phone and wrote the authors note instead of me. He didn't spoil anything... or give you guys any hints... right? That Dorito... anyways. Sorry, I didn't draw anything else. But I'm working on it! So yeah. Have an awesome evening!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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