Chapter fifty four

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The three teenagers slowly made their way down the mountain.
"Do you need to rest?" Mabel asked, reaching the bottom of the rock wall. "We have a long way to go, and we all know his will end in a fight.
"I'm fine," Maddy relied. She turned away and looked at her hand.
Crap. My time's up.
Bill tried looking over her shoulder. "Are you sure?"
Maddy quickly his her hand in her sleeve, "Yeah I'm fine! Let's just keep moving."
Bill and Mabel gave each other confused looks before follow her. As they reached the beach, Maddy collapsed on the sand.
"Maddy!" Mabel fell next to her and helped her sit up.
Maddy uncovered her hand, which was slowly disappearing. Bill took a step back in surprise.
"I broke my contract," Maddy looked at the sand.
"Stop it! Stop fading!" Mabel violently shook Maddy's wrist. "You can't die!"
"It's not dying!" Maddy snapped. "If I wasn't so rudely interrupted, I would've explained. My contract allowed me to travel between your dimension and mine. Now that I broke my contract, I have to go back."
Her arm began to fade more quickly.
"Sorry, I tried so hard to stay, but I don't think I have enough energy."
Maddy used her other hand to reach into her pocket. She pulled out a small, metal device, that had a green, glowing reactor.
"It's the portal collapser!" Mabel exclaimed.
"Ford gave it to me, knowing he would be caught saving you two. It's my fault they're all hostages. Sorry guys," half of Maddy's face was fully faded.
Mabel gave her a hug. Bill hesitated, but did the same thing. They felt her body slowly fade and slip away. All that was left was the portal collapser. The two teens starred at the object.
"There's no way he's going to fall into our trap," Mabel whispered.
Bill shook his head. "I have an idea."
Mabel looked up at him. His face had a completely different look. He had a crazed, yet determined expression. Tears clouded his eye, but he kept them from falling.
"You save your family, and get as far away as possible." Bill shook with fear.
What's happening to him? Mabel thought. "What are you going to do?"
Bill's words shook. "I'll get Axolotl to fall into the portal, then I'll set off the collapser."
"What? Bill that's insane! You can't-"
"Shooting star, I was the one who first signed a contract with him. I can't let him take ahold of your dimension."
"What what about Dipper? You can't just leave-"
Mabel immediately shut her mouth. She watched as tears flowed down Bill's face.
"Please, take care of him." Bill choked on his words.
"I-I will! But this can't be how it ends!"
Bill didn't reply. He lit his hand on fire, holding it out for her to shake.
"Please, make a deal with me. If I leave, you have to promise you will put your life on the line to save Pine Tree."
Mabel looked at his fiery hand for a brief moment, then took it.
* * *
Bill and Mabel walked onto the shaking dock, looking out onto the lake. Axolotl stood at the edge of the whirlpool, patiently waiting for their arrival.
Bill gripped the device behind his back.
"Clear your mind," Bill instructed, "or cloud it with one thing. Block out any doubt or feeling.
Mabel nodded to him, giving him a shaky smile. "Let's do this."
They reached the end of the boardwalk a bit faster than they wanted.
"Finally. For a second I thought I'd have to throw the kid into the portal," Axolotl gestured to Dipper. He used his power to raise the Pines boys higher into the air.
"You couldn't have thrown him away if you wanted to. Don't you need him for the 'prophecy of the stars?'" Bill tried to stall.
Axolotl laughed. "I'm surprised how misinformed you are about the prophecy. Although it's true, I would much rather have all three of you in my possession, two is more than enough to suffice my needs."
Mabel clenched her fists, forgetting to retie her falling sweater.
Axolotl summoned a feathered pen and contract a little ways in front of him.
"I just need one of you to sign on the line, then I'll let them go."
Bill began to slowly walk forwards, his knees buckling with each step. Mabel's mind began to swirl. Tears began to fall down her cheeks.
"Bill!" Dipper's voice cut through Mabel's thoughts. She looked at her brother. His face was crunched with fear and sorrow. "Bill stop!" he cried.
Bill looked up at the three floating people. Stan's right eye was severely bleeding, with grains of sand only making it worse with every movement of his eye. Ford struggled to wriggle free of Axolotl's grip, but it was an impossible task. Finally, he looked over at Dipper. Just his face alone stopped his breathing. He covered his free hand over his mouth, more tears created rivers on his cheeks.
"I can't," Mabel whispered.
Axolotl wildly smiled, looking at Mabel.
Mabel began slowly walking, then broke into a sprint towards Bill. She reached forward, grabbing the portal collapser, and continued to run towards the contract.
"Change of heart, huh?" Axolotl asked, further pushing the contract towards them.
"Shooting Star what are you doing?!" Bill yelled.
"Mabel no!" Both Ford and Stan screamed.
Bill ran after her. He was slowly gaining ground, but not fast enough. As a last ditch effort, Bill dove to tackle Mabel to the ground, but he was just short. He was only able to grab what was left of her tattered sweater. Looking up from the ground in horror, Bill watched Mabel run out towards her impending death.
"Mabel!" Dipper's voice once again filled Mabel's mind.
Sorry, Dips, Mabel swatted aside the feathered pen and contract.
Axolotl tried forming a weapon, but the lack of power from Dipper made it form slower. Mabel summoned the last of her strength to throw Axolotl, along with herself, into the portal.
But you two need each other.
Mabel pressed the activator, setting off the device, closing the portal behind them, and sending a shockwave that could've been felt from miles away.

Hey peoples! Hero here, and thank you so much for reading another chapter! Oh my goodness! Wow! Uh, that happened. I don't really know what to say you guys. Um... I hope you guys have a better day than them. A lot better than them.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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