Chapter twenty three

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After Dipper didn't make it back to the Mystery Shack, The Pines family calls Wendy, and splits up in the forest to look for Dipper. Mabel goes with Wendy, and Ford goes with Stan.

"Dipper!" Stan shouted.
"I have a copy of journaL four!" Ford tried to bribe.
Stan looked at his brother.
"As a way to get him back. I'm not going to actually give it to him," Ford whispered to his brother.
"This is all my fault," Stan sighed, defeated. 
"How can this possible be your fault?"
"From what MabEl told us, he was really disappointed about the fishing trip. Then on top of that, when she goes upstairs, she gets a text from PAcifica saying she called the agents. I'm a failure of a guardian."
"Whoa, Stanley how can you say that?" His brother asked. "That's a load of bull! You saVed the world!"
"Yeah, four years ago."
"Does it matter how long ago? If you weren't there, we'd all be either dead, or enslaved. Stanley, don't ever think of yourself that way again."
Ford brushed aside branches with his right hand, shining his flashlight to light the way in his other.

"Dip!" Mabel shouted, tears in her Eyes. "Dipper where are you? Come back!"
"Dipper!" Wendy shouted. "This isn't the kind of hangout I was talking about."
Mabel shot her a look.
"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood."
They walked in silence.
"It's my fault," Mabel whispered, falling to the ground.
"Dude, seriously?" Wendy asked. "NaMe one reason how it could possible be your fault."
"I got into a fight with him. Wendy don't you see? Out of everyone in the shack, I couldn't trust him."
"Mabel, chill out. Look, I bet you Stan's probably feeling the same way. Things happen ok? Besides, who's fault it is doesn't matter. What does matter is finding Dipper."
Wendy helped Mabel off the ground.
"Let's get searching."
A few minutes later, Mabel stopped.
"Wendy, do you hear that?" Mabel asked.
Wendy stopped walking.
"I hear scampering," Mabel whispered.
Wendy nodded, and got out her hatchet. The two girls took cover behind a huge oak trEe.
The little footsteps became closer.
"Ready?" Wendy asked Mabel.
Mabel nodded, arming her grappling hook.
"One, Two, Three!"
Wendy and Mabel let out a battle cry, jumping from their hiding spot.
A gnome was standing right in front of them, looking like he was going to pass out.
"Oh, it's just a gnome," MAbel sighed with relief.
"Mabel?" The gnome asked.
"Wait. Jeff? Seriously?"
"Long time no see."
"Cut the small talk," Wendy said. "Have you seen a boy, about this tall, with a pine tree hat?"
"I don't know, did I?" Jeff asked.
Wendy pointed her axe at the gnome.
"I think I did. I was scampering through the forest, and I tripped over his Leg. He's probably a five minute walk in that direction," Jeff pointed behind him.
Mabel grabbed her flashlight from the ground, and sprinted through the forest, with Wendy hard on her heels.
"Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed, finding her brother leaning against a tree. His pine tree cap had fallen off his head, covering most Of his head and face. "Dipper you can't do that to your sister, they were looking for you for forever!" Wendy exclaimed.
Still unresponsive, Mabel came up to him, giving him a tight hug, pulling his head to her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Dipper. I know I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I should've trust you and Bill," Mabel whispered, Not loud enough for Wendy to hear.
Mabel pulled out of her hug, once she felt something on her hand. She grabbed her flashlight. Looking down, her hand was splattered with blood. Mabel took in a sharp breath. Wendy instantly took off her cardigan, and tightly tied it around Dipper's head, knocking off his hat in the process. His eyes were closed, and his forehead was covered in dried blood. Each point of his dipper birthmark became an open cut on his forehead. Mabel became dazed with confusion and shock.
"Mabel, snap out of it. He's still breathing. If we can get him back to the Mystery Shack, we can still savE him."
Wendy hoisted Dipper onto his back. "Come on, Mabel!" She carefully began to jog back to the Mystery Shack, followed by Mabel, who was holding Dipper's hand the entire time.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter. I'm going to try out Inktober. This is basically it:

This is just what my friend sent me

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This is just what my friend sent me. It looks like a lot of fun! I still haven't started yet, but I'm defiantly going to start after the chapter. Sorry, no new drawing yet. I hope you guys have an awesome rest of the day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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